Thursday, June 4, 2020

More Habits of the Rich (Part III)

Success Habits of the Rich - part III


Three days ago, I started a series on the Habits of the Rich.  The first concept was: Live within your Means - then I wrote on “don’t be cheap” (aka “Don’t be like Karen”), then suggestions 2, 3, 4.  So out of 16 habits, I’m done with four!!

Let’s see if we can get farther today!!

-5 Control your emotions!!

I found this interesting:

“Not every thought needs to come out of your mouth. Not every emotion needs to be expressed. When you say whatever is on your mind, you risk hurting others. Loose lips are a habit for 69 percent of those who struggle financially. Conversely, 94 percent of wealthy people filter their emotions. They understand that letting emotions control them can destroy relationships at work and at home. Wait to say what’s on your mind until you’re calm and have had time to look at the situation objectively.”  

I’ve used the concept - “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”!!!  “If you can be anything - Be Nice”!!!

-6 Network and Volunteer regularly

Almost three-quarters of wealthy people network and volunteer a minimum of five hours a month. Among those struggling financially, only one in 10 does this.

Networking and volunteering are standard things for me.  Zig Ziglar, the famous motivational speaker said it this way: “You can have everything in life you want - if you will just help other people get what they want.”  HELP OTHERS!!!

-7 Go above and beyond expectations

Yes, all too frequently we use the expression “That’s above my pay grade” - or “That’s not in my job description”.  Go early and stay late!!!  

-8 Set GOALS - not wishes!!  

I’ve written about SMART goals in the past - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.  “Someday I will be a millionaire” is a wish unless you have plans to make it happen!!!

-9 Avoid procrastination!!

Okay, friends - let’s get it done.

There have been times in this current quarantine/isolation that I have procrastinated - I need to stay on top of things!!

The article suggests:

-a Create “TO DO” lists - (If not, I can miss out on things - like my grocery lists - I can forget things if it isn’t written down)

-b Have a daily five - your top five things to do today!!

-c Set and communicate artificial deadlines.  The article says there is nothing wrong with finishing early!!  (Hey - if you applied that to college students, all papers would be much easier to read and grade!!!)

-d Have accountability partners.  If I say I’m going to do it, then - (ahem) - I AM going to do it.  Commitment is commitment!!

-e And affirm it - “I will do this”, “I will do this”, “I will do this”.  [Okay, Karen - what about that book you are writing … oops - I’m behind on that]

-10 Talk less and listen more.

The article suggested a 5 to 1 ratio - listen for five minutes for every minute you talk!!!

-12 Don’t give up (Yes, I know I skipped #11) - 

Rich people / successful people keep going.  Why was Pete Rose known as “Charlie Hustle” - because he ran out all his ground balls - safe or out - because he kept going!!!

So, I’m closer to the end - tomorrow, point #11; then points 13 through 16!!!  

While this article was written for the rich - it is really for the successful - the go-getters of our society!!!

So, how are you going to put this into play this week?



1 comment:

  1. 11 must be a doozie to spend a day on it.... social media is an outlet for people to impulsively react to things without thinking. Like trump does. I do it too. Decided it’s time to do something different.


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