Sunday, September 20, 2020

 Are We at War (with ourselves)?

I’m not sure I can write on this.  (But, hey, that hasn’t stopped me before).

A few mornings ago, I was with a group of men who were excited that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died - and they were excited that she died now - prior to the election, so a conservative person could take her place on the Supreme Court.  The weekend before, (before RBG’s death), the tone in another group (all women) was she needed to hang on until a new administration would take over - and a liberal could be added to the Supreme Court.  My Facebook feed has been expressing appreciation for RBG and her role in American Society by my liberal friends.

The big issue is (of course), Abortion.  Some other terms: Women’s Rights, Right to Life, Faith, Practicality, Burden, Freedom, Conservative, Liberal.

And, this issue is DIVISIVE.  The yelling, the posters, the picketing, the political fighting.  As if we haven’t been ‘at war with ourselves’ prior to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.  

I am in a religious denomination that insists that abortion be forever banned, and yet I know of other religious denominations that insist that women have the right to make that decision - with or without their partners/spouses.  Even within my religious denomination, I am close friends with those that say there are many issues - of life, of human dignity, of immigrants at the border, of blacks (and others) in dire poverty, and that abortion is just one issue and that one issue cannot drive the discussion.

I recently listened to Melissa Gates’s book “The Moment of Life”.  One of her points was on contraception.  (She explained that she is a Catholic, but insists on contraception. I don’t remember her addressing abortion - maybe I missed that).  

Gates wrote of child brides in other parts of the world that are forced into early marriages and are expected to bear children frequently.  She wrote of young mothers with three, four, five children that are born consequently.  She wrote of young mothers trying to care for sick children when the other children are also demanding attention.  And, she wrote of the husbands who seem blind to their wives and the children (other than demanding their husband right for more children. 

She talks of her (and husband Bill Gates) experience where they spaced their children three-years apart - through contraceptives.  She wrote of a mother in Africa who was able to space out her pregnancies and thus have the ability to run a small business that supplemented her husband's meager earnings as compared to mothers who have eight, ten, twelve children, and by the end of the day are worn out.

But, back to the topic - abortion - the war within our society.  My personal bias is that couples should determine if they want children.  I am friends with many previous students who have recently had their first child - but that this child was wanted and loved.  Miller, Ferris, and Chloe are loved dearly by their parents - yes, white, college-educated parents.

But, when I hear abortion, my mind instantly thinks of an unwed black teenager in a poverty part of Chicago, Memphis, even Austin.  I think of that child growing up in the slums - of that child becoming a George Floyd in Minneapolis, or Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri, or Ahmaud Arbery, in Georgia.  I think of black mothers who are teenagers and in communities of poverty.  

I think of black mothers who are on crack cocaine who are making a living as sex slaves and children will hurt their ability to make money (as sex workers) and their lives (so have abortions). 

My mind tries to say what is fair and just.  Do we scream - black lives matter - but then allow abortion to end a life?  Do we scream “right to life” but allow a baby who will probably grow up in poverty and into a life of crime (where he will be a suspect in a police action)?

I don’t have a solution.  The Bible says “do not kill” - but we do kill.  We engage in wars around the world.  We (aka ‘the United States’) have killed people who have killed us.  On the streets of the United States all kinds of guns are available - not just for hunting pheasants, deer, rabbits, or geese, but for shooting rapid-fire assault weapons at people in Newtown Connecticut, Las Vegas Nevada, and even students at Columbine Colorado, and Lakeline Florida.  

If I had to take a stand (oh no - I think I am about to put my foot into my mouth).  I would encourage free contraception for all - and hope that would solve the issue of unwanted pregnancies.  I would encourage (no, urge) responsible gun ownership - nobody needs assault rifles to hunt pheasants. I would encourage (no, urge) unwanted children would be adopted by loving families - and (oh my I’m having radical thoughts now) unwanted children would be dropped at some of the more vocal churches that are opposed to abortion.  I see the signs that say “Adoption, not abortion”, but don’t see the owners of the bumper signs with adopted children.  Adoption of unwanted children by those that are in favor of stopping abortion almost should be mandated.  If a person pickets an abortion center, they are first in line to get a child that was saved from abortion.  

Let's NOT kill innocent children in their mother's womb - but let's give them a chance at life. Let intercourse continue (as if I could stop it) - but that act pretty much divided - sex for pleasure, sex with a partner - but not intended to bring a child into the world - and thus like we do with a headache or backache that might come on after we work all day in the garden - take a pill in advance. Then let the real purpose of intercourse - for the creation of a human being exist - but will knowledge of both parties - without the pills that will stop the creation of that human being. No abortions - but going into that act knowing the purpose of what I/we are doing - fun (with protection) or procreation (which is also fun).

We are at war - and the war is escalating.  This is the Civil War of our generation.

Ow - that hurt to write.  I know the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but this divided county is going to split even more when we start on replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg - and I suspect the political party that is currently in charge will use all means possible to force a vote before the election.  Maybe you say “there can’t be a compromise on abortion” - and maybe you are right; just like there were compromises on slavery until it couldn’t be solved without bloodshed.  But, the walls are growing higher and the stakes are growing higher - and the rhetoric is becoming very insensitive to others.  

I write “LOVE WINS”.  And, I believe that love does win.  So, God, how can we love each other and solve this extremely divisive issue?



Many times, I have written Micah 6:8 - and what does God require of us - but to love justice, show mercy and walk humbly with God.  What is justice in this case?  Stopping abortion?  If that is true, then where is the mercy?  In adoption?  And, where is the humility?  

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