Sunday, September 27, 2020

Internal Peace - part I


With all the turmoil around us, we need to get away - at least mentally.  

So, today, starting on INNER PEACE

And, a scripture to start: Philippians 4:6-7

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Can you imagine this “deep, perfect, God peace”?  

Let’s look at this article


When I try to do too much, put too much “on my plate”, I get stressed.  Over the years, the hardest thing for me to do is say:” No”.  

It has been too easy when asked “Could you help with this?” - for me to say “Sure”.  With retirement it sometimes has been the other way around, I wish I had more things to do (and instead, I do computer puzzles and games).  The article says,  “If your life is overfilled you may need to set some limits. So stop doing some of the least important things, the things that honestly don’t matter that much.” (implying less Facebook, less Word With Friends, fewer crossword puzzles, less <this and that>.  I have things in my apartment to (really) read, I have crocheting to do (and learn).  I need to determine what my day is.  

Once I read that you need to “Surround your day with prayer as if you are putting a hem on something, that way your day will not unravel!!”



Some people like to unwind with yoga (or stretching and relaxation techniques).  I’m not sure if it is relaxing or changing and charging my brain when I walk with either some favorite music or an audiobook on my iPhone.  

I also try during the day, to turn everything off (no TV - but I don’t have a TV anyway), no phone, no music, no computer.  Some people do meditation - trying to find that inner peace.  Trying to let everything else go,  Some people like to stand in the shower - letting the warm water just wash over them - like letting everything go down the drain.

Relaxation fights stress!!  



The article has two questions for us: Will this matter in five years? In two years?  In a week?  

Does somebody on this planet have it worse than I do?  (I’m sure there are millions who have it worse than I do!!)

What is the worst that can happen to me today?  Yes, I could be in a car accident and die - or be maimed and paralyzed.  I’m like Paul in Philippians chapter 1 - verse 21 “For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.”  Someday I will die - it is what it is!!!

Back in Winter 2017, I let three things go from molehills to mountains - and my blood pressure built to a perilous level (so, my doctor said I was lucky to be alive).  Like last week when I wrote about “Fixation” - I focused on my problems to a dangerous level - which led to major surgery.  

Keep the stress low if you want peace in your life!!!


I used to be a ‘speed walker’ - getting from point A to point B the fastest way possible. A friend was sharing a small thing a while back.  She was using a GPS application - and the estimate was 47 minutes - and she made the trip in 44 minutes!!  She was proud of herself!!

I don’t need to drive at 3 miles over the speed limit on the interstate.  Most sections of the interstate near me are three lanes - so if I am too slow (going maybe 3 miles per hour under the speed limit), pass me!!!  I’m retired, so I can leave five (or even ten)  minutes early to go to church or to coffee with a friend.  Yesterday, I took some back roads to get to coffee - more stoplights, less traffic, and a lower speed limit!!  

The article says “If you slow down while walking, moving your body or talking you can often start to feel less stressed (compared to if you move/talk fast).”

So, too much stress - not enough peace?  Slow down!!!


And, peace is really mostly in our brains!!!  

More on this tomorrow!!!




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