Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sunday Funday - September 20, 2020

 Sunday Funday - September 19, 2020

Hey Folks!!!  It is Sunday Funday!!  Where are we going to go today?  Let’s see …


Next week Autumn begins (September 22nd).  

What is the name of this day in calendar terms?  

What is the name of the similar day that marks the end of winter and the start of spring?  

What is the name for the longest day of the year (in terms of sunlight - all days really have the same length)?

What is the name for the shortest day of the year (in terms of sunlight)?



I have been intrigued by my digital clocks.  I have one by my bed (in case I need an alarm clock); one in my living room, and (of course), the digital clock on my microwave.

Let’s see - there are seven line segments to a digital number.  All seven of those line segments are used to make an “8”.  

So, (try this without looking at a digital clock)

Which numeral takes the fewest segments?  And how many segments does it take?

What is the second easiest (one more segment that the question above

Three numerals take the same number of line segments as their value.  What are those three numerals?

Some are switched images - like the numeral “2” and the numeral “5” are switched left-to-right.  What other pair is switched (or rotated)?

Three of the numerals take six line segments - what are these numbers?

Three of the numerals take five line segments - what are these numbers?

On a standard 12 hour digital clock - which time would have the smallest number of line segments?  (some time like 3:45 - but definitely not that number).

On a standard 12 hour digital clock- which time would have the most number of line segments?



I love elevators, but my friend loves escalators.  I think it was because we were “raised” differently


Q: Do you know what my favorite dance is?  

A: The elevator dance - there are no steps


(Aside, I’m old enough to remember elevator operators.  In particular, Killians Department Store in Cedar Rapids had elevator operators. Not quite related, but when I worked in a school supply warehouse in the summers, I had to operate our freight elevator - and it took some finesse to get the elevator even with the floor.  We had skid lifters (that slid under wooden skids) that worked a lot better when the floors were even!!!)


A woman suddenly in labor shouts, “shouldn’t! wouldn’t! couldn’t! didn’t! can’t! “

The doctor says "don't worry.  Those are just contractions.”


I’m cleaning my guns with tree sap.  Some say that doesn’t work, but I’m sticking to my guns!!


Would you like to buy my broken barometer?

No pressure!!!


Tom:  Gee, the temperature just dropped significantly

Tim: I didn’t know that.

Tom:  Yes, I dropped the thermometer six feet to the ground (and it broke)



(Answers at the bottom)

Logic Problem #1:

There are 15 chocolates in a basket. Supposedly you have 15 friends, who each desire one chocolate. You give each of your friends one chocolate. After a few minutes, each of your friends has one chocolate each, yet there is a chocolate remaining in the basket. How?


Logic Problem #2

An explorer has a fox, a hen, and a bag of corn.  He comes to a river, but the canoe he has to take can only take the explorer and one other thing at a time.  If he takes the corn across, the fox would eat the chicken; if he takes the fox across, the chicken would eat the corn.  But, the fox will NOT eat the corn!! So, how can he get everything to the opposite shore? (Assuming the animals will not run away!!)



Sunday, September 20th is Wife Appreciation Day

The day says, “National Wife Appreciation Day, celebrated on the third Sunday of September (September 20), gives those of us (men, women, trans, fluid, etc.) who are lucky enough to have wives an extra chance to show them how much they mean to us. Our wives keep us grounded and centered. They inspire us to work hard, play hard, and to always have something to bring to the table to show that we’re improving ourselves.

Monday, September 21st is Batman Day

Okay, most of us can remember Batman on TV.  It premiered on January 12, 1966.  I was a college freshman, and the dorm TV room (yes, only one per building) was crammed full - watching Batman and Robin take on the various sinister villains!!!  I liked Batman since he was a mere human - not a super-being from another planets or bitten by a radioactive spider!!!  

Tuesday September 22nd - Autumn / Fall begins.  As we age, our bones get brittle and falls are more frequent and significant for us seniors.  My physicians ask “Have you had any falls?” and I answer - just one - on September 22nd. 

Tuesday, September 22nd is National Elephant Appreciation Day

I think I’m going to take my elephant to the car wash today as a special treat!!!




Next week Autumn begins (September 22nd).  

What is the name of this day in calendar terms?  autumnal or fall equinox

What is the name of the similar day that marks the end of winter and the start of spring?  vernal or spring equinox

What is the name for the longest day of the year (in terms of sunlight - all days really have the same length)?  Summer Solstice

What is the name for the shortest day of the year (in terms of sunlight)? Winter Solstice



Which numeral takes the fewest segments?  And how many segments does it take?

The Numeral “1” - takes two segments

What is the second easiest (one more segment that the question above

The Numeral “7” - just like the “1” but with the one line segment at the top

Two numerals take the same number of line segments as their value.  What are those two numerals?

The numeral “4” has four segments on a digital clock, and the numeral “5” has five segments, and the numeral “6” also takes six segments.

Some are switched images - like the numeral “2” and the numeral “5” are switched left-to-right.  What other pair is switched (or rotated)?

The “6” and the “9”

Three of the numerals take six line segments - what are these numbers?

The numerals “6”, “9” and “0”

Three of the numerals take five line segments - what are these numbers?

The “2” “3”, and “5” 

On a standard 12 hour digital clock - which time would have the smallest number of line segments?  (sometime like 3:45 - but definitely not that number).

How about 1:11?

On a standard 12 hour digital clock- which time would have the most number of line segments?

I got a few answers - “10:28” or “10:38 or “10:58:


Problem #1: There are 15 chocolates in a basket. Supposedly you have 15 friends, who each desire a chocolate. You give each of your friends one chocolate. After a few minutes, each of your friends has one chocolate each, yet there is a chocolate remaining in the basket. How?

Answer:  You gave one chocolate to 14 friends - and to the 15th friend, you gave the basket with one chocolate in it. So, each friend got a chocolate, and there is one chocolate left in the basket!!


Problem #2: An explorer has a fox, a hen, and a bag of corn.  As long as he is with the fox, hen, and corn, they are well behaved.  (Well, the corn is always well behaved)  He comes to a river, but the canoe he has to take can only take the explorer and one other thing at a time.  If he takes the corn across, the fox would eat the chicken; if he takes the fox across, the chicken would eat the corn.  (The fox doesn’t like to eat corn). So, how can he get everything to the opposite shore? 

Step 1 - explorer takes the hen across the river and leaves the hen on the other side; then recrosses alone

Step 2:  He takes the fox across the river and brings the hen back

Step 3: He takes the bag of corn across the river and returns alone (on the far side is now the fox and the corn - and he doesn’t like the corn)

Step 4:  He takes the hen across - and now all are on the other side of the river.


Have a fantastic week!!



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