Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Evolution or Revolution - part IV

 Evolution or Revolution - Part IV 

Do you remember the old story about the blind Indian men and the elephant?  This version is slightly different than the one I remember but close enough.

“The first blind man reached out and touched the side of the huge animal. "An elephant is smooth and solid like a wall!" he declared. "It must be very powerful."

The second blind man put his hand on the elephant's limber trunk. "An elephant is like a giant snake," he announced.

The third blind man felt the elephant's pointed tusk. "I was right," he decided. "This creature is as sharp and deadly as a spear."

The fourth blind man touched one of the elephant's four legs. "What we have here," he said, "is an extremely large cow."

The fifth blind man felt the elephant's giant ear. "I believe an elephant is like a huge fan or maybe a magic carpet that can fly over mountains and treetops," he said.

The sixth blind man gave a tug on the elephant's coarse tail. "Why, this is nothing more than a piece of old rope. Dangerous, indeed," he scoffed.”


The reality of that story is that ALL men were correct in their statements.  An elephant is like a wall, like a giant snake, like a spear, like a cow, like a huge fan, or like an old rope.

Q: So, Karen, why did you put that in your blog today??

A:  Because I like the story <grin> but also because very few of us can see the big picture.  

So, evolution or revolution - back to that in a minute!!!


Yes, black lives matter!!!

Yes, blue lives matter!!!

Yes, rioting, looting is destructive!!!

Yes, the pandemic did hit some groups more than others (the elderly, and the poor - who live from paycheck to paycheck)!!!

Yes, the pandemic did benefit some groups more than others (Amazon, Walmart, and others)!!!

Yes, retail businesses and restaurants were hurt by the pandemic!!!

Yes, nobody really knew in advance what course of action to take!!!

Yes, we still aren’t sure what course of action to take!!!

Yes, politically potshots can be taken from one side to the other!!!

… And, unfortunately, we have allowed greed to grow, individualism to grow, poverty to grow, frustration to grow, and discontentment to grow.  Is there a solution?  

The tongue-in-cheek solution is to wait for Elon Musk to build his spaceships and fly us all to our new colony on Mars!!

Another solution is to get down on our knees and pray (problem - with our global economy and various religions - who are we praying too).

Another solution is to let COVID-19 run its course - the weak and sickly will die off and the strong will continue (aka “the survival of the fittest” / “natural selection”)

And, another solution is to try to work together - talk, listen, have compassion, show mercy, be loving, be happy, compromise, The problem with this solution is that Elon Musk’s colony on Mars would have a better chance of occurring!!!

Following the comments from this week, we can work together and evolve into a more benevolent society - or keep the status quo - until we have the French or Russian Revolutions all over again - where the disenfranchised finally rebel and start chopping off heads!!!


(And, my personal solution?  Hey, I’m 73 - I’m going to die someday - it isn’t my decision, so I’m going to sit this one out!!!)  Okay, I can’t do that.  

People, hatred is flourishing, the rhetoric is escalating, I’m “preaching” LOVE WINS.  

From Matthew 7:12 - the “Golden Rule” - “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.’

And, (again) Love Justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with God!!




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