Saturday, April 23, 2022



APRIL 24, 2022


Spring is really here.  The bluebonnets have really grown (in my opinion) in the last week after what seemed to me to be a weak start.  We are done with Easter, the next big holiday is Memorial Day - then summer!!!

I only had one bag of Easter candy - and I made it last four days!!  

From Car Talk

I’m thinking of the name of a small pick-up truck.  The name is six letters long

If you take off the first letter, I will be upset!

If you take off the last letter (of the original name), I might have buffalos

If you take off the last two letters (of the original name), I might call you

If you take off the last three letters (of the original name), I’ll be on the move!!

What is the Original Name?


April 20, 1999, Two students enter Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and open fire with multiple firearms, killing 13 students and teachers, wounding 25, and eventually shooting themselves.

And, how many school shootings have there been since then?

April 20, 1916

The first National League game was played at Chicago’s Wrigley Field, then known as Weeghman Park. The park was renamed Cubs Park in 1920 and Wrigley Field, for the Chicago Cubs owner, in 1926.

Have you been to Wrigley Field and seen the ivy growing on the outfield wall!!

April 21, 1995

Federal authorities arrest Timothy McVeigh in connection with the Oklahoma City bombing.

April 22, 1976

Barbara Walters becomes the first female nightly news anchor on network television.

April 22, 1955

Congress orders all U.S. coins to bear the motto “In God We Trust.”

April 23, 1969

Sirhan Sirhan is sentenced to death for killing Senator Robert Kennedy.

April 24, 1981

The IBM Personal Computer is introduced.

My first personal computer was a TRS-80 (from Radio Shack) - I could save programs onto a cassette tape player and use the BASIC programming language.  My campus went to PCs in 1984 - and other than a few experiments with Apple devices, I’ve been a PC user ever since!!

April 25, 1980

A rescue attempt of the U.S. hostages held in Iran fails when a plane collides with a helicopter in the Iranian desert.

April 25, 1956

Elvis Presley‘s “Heartbreak Hotel” goes to number one on the charts.

April 26, 1986

The world’s worst nuclear disaster occurs at the Chernobyl power plant in the Soviet Union.

Chernobyl is in northern Ukraine.  When I visited Belarus my colleague Andrei taught in Gomel Belarus about 60 miles from Chernobyl.  (An American colleague was worried that I might glow in the dark!!!)



April 22 Earth Day (

For the past 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated by billions of people around the globe, annually every April 22, to join together in promoting awareness for the health of our environment.

I took part in the first Earth Day in 1970.  I was teaching at West Grant High School in rural Wisconsin and on that day I was with a group of students picking up trash on one of the nearby highways.  

April 24 National Pigs in a Blanket Day (

Who doesn’t like little sausages wrapped up in soft dough fresh out of the oven?

April 25 National Telephone Day (

Okay, where would we be without telephones?  

April 26 National Pretzel Day (

Don’t you like the hot pretzels right out of the oven?

April 27, National Administrative Professionals Day

When I was dean, my administrative assistant was truly awesome - Diane L. kept me out of trouble!!!  

April 28, TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK DAY - April 28, 2022 - National Today

I did take my kids to work.  I remember when our son was small and my wife dropped him off at the high school where I was teaching - and later I noticed he was chewing gum.  He was small enough to see under the desks and found “ABC” gum - “already been chewed:”)

April 29, 2022, National Arbor Day (

Arbor day has been around for years.  My boy scout troop planted trees for arbor day.  Hopefully, you keep planting trees.  Trees give shade, they give off oxygen and absorb CO2!!!

April 30, 2022, National Raisin Day (

Raisins are underrated!!  Would you believe (yes) that I made a special trip to the grocery store to get raisins?  I eat oatmeal most mornings and with that oatmeal, raisins are a normal component.  (I did go a few mornings without and missed the raisins, so the special trip to get raisins was necessary!!)


If you live in the area, the Brushy Creek Brass Band (and Walburg Boys) at Walburg German restaurant in Walburg Texas play every Saturday night in May  We (BCBB) play at 7:00 - old German songs; the Walburg boys play until about 8:15, then we play until about 8:45- big band, then the Walburg boys play.

Come out, grab a Bridge Brat (or Fire Ant) table, have some fun, dance, and join in on YMCA and the Chicken Dance!!!  



Get outside and enjoy our area before it gets too hot!!!



April 24, 2022


RANGER is a small Ford pick-up

Take off the first letter you have ANGER

Take off the last letter you have RANGE

Take off the last two letters you have RANG

Take off the last three letters you have RAN

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