Saturday, April 30, 2022




As a kid (prompted by our mother - of course), my sister and I could make May Baskets.  We took a regular sheet of paper (colored paper was best), made it into a cone shape, cut some flowers, or flowering branches, put the flowers in the cone, and left it on the neighbor's doors.

According to Wikipedia:
This tradition was popular through the 19th and 20th centuries, especially with children or sweethearts. The custom was to knock on the door, yell “May basket!” and then run. If the recipient caught the giver, he or she was entitled to a kiss.

Louisa May Alcott wrote about May Basket Day in the late 1800s. In the 1920s, some bold schoolchildren hung a May basket on the White House door for First Lady Grace Coolidge.

The May Day basket is still a cherished tradition for some Americans, although it’s not well known today. To make a simple May basket, fold a piece of colored paper into the shape of a cone. Then fill with wildflowers! If you don’t have colored paper, roll up and secure (with tape or a staple) a paper plate. Draw on the plate with spring colors and fill it with flowers!”

Two years ago I made May Baskets for friends.  This year since I’m on a trip to Arizona I won’t do it from my neighbors, but maybe my sister and I can make some May Baskets for her neighbors.  (I might make some "late May Baskets" when I get home!!)


Often people attempt to live their lives backward;

they try to have more things or more money,

in order to do more of what they want,

so they will be happier.


The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first

be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.


Happiness is a conscious choice,

not an automatic response.


For every minute you are angry,

you lose sixty seconds of happiness.


Plenty of people miss their share of happiness,

not because they never found it,

but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it.


But what is happiness except for the simple harmony

between a man and the life he leads?


There can be no happiness if the things we believe

in are different from the things we do.


We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life when all we need to make us

really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.



I was relaxing in a Jacuzzi the other day when my wife pointed a finger at me and gave me a really angry look… … I knew I was in hot water.


A friend suggested putting horse manure on my strawberries.  I’m not doing that again, I’m sticking with whipped cream


Unfortunately, my obese parrot just died; but that’s a huge weight off my shoulders


A:  My memory is so bad.

B:  How bad is it?

A:  How bad is what?


I lost my wife’s audiobook.  And, now, I’ll never hear the end of it!!


My son didn’t cope well with going to jail.

He refused to eat or drink, he complained about everything.

So, we never played Monopoly again after that!!!


BOSS:  Can you work on Saturday?

Me:  I’ll be late as public transportation is very slow and off schedule on weekends

BOSS:  When can you get here?

Me:  Monday


My friend keeps saying “Cheer Up.  It could be worse, you could be stuck underground in a hole full of water.  I know he means well.


My wife thinks it’s weird when I stare at the window during a heavy rainstorm.

It would be a lot less weird if she would unlock the door and let me in.



May 1, TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK - May 1-7, 2022 - National Today

I know some of you have been teachers or married to teachers.  (And, I was a teacher).  Show them some love this week!!!

May 2, INTERNATIONAL HARRY POTTER DAY - May 2, 2022 - National Today

The Harry Potter series encouraged kids to read.  

May 3, National Teacher Day (

If your teachers are still around, drop them a note!!!

May 3, NATIONAL TWO DIFFERENT COLORED SHOES DAY - May 3, 2022 - National Today

I don’t remember wearing two different colored shoes, but I like the idea!!!

I do remember intentionally wearing two different colored socks!!!  I suppose I was maybe 11 or 12 and my parents were going to a wedding - and I had to go along.  It was summer and I would rather be almost anyplace other than a wedding for people I didn’t know.  But, as I remember it, the ceremony was fairly short, and the reception was great with cake, punch, and more.  

(Joke - I went to the wedding of two antennas last week.  The wedding was so-so, but the reception was excellent!!!)

May 4, Star Wars Day (

Okay - what a great take-off on “May the Force be with you”!!!!  The first Star Wars movie was in 1977.  And, it was an amazing success.  

My research found this:
“This is it. This is where it all began. George Lucas delivered one of the all-time cinematic classics in 1977 with Star Wars, later subtitled to include Episode IV and A New Hope. Fox famously had little to no faith in the movie. It's easy to take for granted now but at the time, this didn't seem, on paper, like a blockbuster waiting to happen. But Lucas delivered the goods in a way nobody could have possibly predicted. It became, without exaggeration, the biggest movie the world had ever seen. To date, the movie has earned $773.3 million globally. That would be tremendous even today. But when the relatively tiny $11 million budget is factored in, one could still argue this is the single biggest cinematic win in history. Not to mention the untold millions it generated in merchandise sales. Much of which went directly to Lucas since he locked up the merchandising rights in what has to be one of the great business moves in the history of Hollywood as well.”

So, an 11 million budget returns a 700% profit!!!  


Thursday, May 5th NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER - May 5, 2022 - National Today

Every day should be a “day of prayer” - but this day is specially set aside:

“The National Day of Prayer that we know today was founded in 1952, and it was co-founded effort between the United States Congress and President Harry S. Truman.

The holiday was signed into law by President Truman, and every president since has signed a proclamation that encourages Americans to pray on and celebrate this day. The national holiday has always been the first Thursday of May every year since it was founded in 1952. It stands as a day that continues the decision-making of the country’s founding fathers, which used the morals from biblical lessons in difficult situations.

1 Timothy, chapter 2, verses 1 and 2 say “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.

I do encourage you to pray today, and maybe be part of a community prayer event!!!!


May 6, NATIONAL NURSES DAY - May 6, 2022 - National Today

In my senior years (with two major surgeries, and regular check-ups), I’ve learned to appreciate nurses more.  (It also is the start of National Nurses Week).  I’ve met some awesome nurses who really care about their patients - like AA - and others - like AH who was the ‘gatekeeper’ for her doctor and managed to challenge me to remember that ‘Love Wins”!!!


May 7, 14, 21, and 28: If you are in the area!!!

The Brushy Creek Brass Band and the Walburg Boys are playing at the Walburg Restaurant every Saturday in May - starting at 7:00 pm.  Definitely a fun time!!!


Have an awesome week!!!  



Dr. Karen White

Professor Emeritus

Quinnipiac University

Hamden, CT

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