Friday, May 27, 2022



Let’s see - we’ve had another school shooting - in Uvalde Texas. At the time of writing this 18 students and 2 adults were killed.  We still have Russia invading its neighbor Ukraine (and they were in the Soviet Union together for years so it is like a Civil War).  We had a person shooting up black people in Buffalo a month ago as a white supremacist.  

“Okay, Karen, you keep saying “Love Wins” - and it sure looks like hate is way ahead in this world.”

I remember a friend once saying “I read to the end of the book, and we win”.  He was referring to the Bible”.  “We win”, doesn’t mean that I win, but that God wins. The “good guys” win, the “bad guys lose”.

Theology can be a tough subject to study, and Christian theology can be challenging.  We have a founder 2000 years ago (who didn’t really start Christianity).  This first-century rabbi that I follow was pretty radical.



“Just how radical is the way of Jesus? There is a real possibility that we’ve only barely scratched the surface here in America. The upside-down way of Jesus calls us to love our enemies, be the servant of all and be last so that we can be first. Such teaching has always been counter-intuitive, but in a country with unprecedented wealth and power, it can feel even more radical than ever.

So I was thinking about how Jesus would live in this time right now, in these days that I’m living in. Of course, I’m not saying anything new, I’m saying it in my voice. There’s a lot of talk about humility, about serving, about things like that. Jesus says, “Many of the first shall be last, and the last shall be first. And the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven will be the servant of all.” I was like, “OK, what does that mean?”

Just how radical is the way of Jesus? There is a real possibility that we’ve only barely scratched the surface here in America. The upside-down way of Jesus calls us to love our enemies, be the servant of all and be last so that we can be first. Such teaching has always been counter-intuitive, but it can feel even more radical in a country with unprecedented wealth and power than ever.

Every church has its problems so I’m not trying to single anyone out, but the people that have the mic now — I don’t see much of “the last shall be first mentality.” I see us crushing the most vulnerable people. People at the border and immigrants and others. This is not the way of Jesus. 

Many years ago, around 2012, in one of my Facebook groups, I asked this question: “Why do so many Christian women who are writers say nothing about racism? Why?” It’s a little bit different now, but in ’10, ’11, and ’12, it was not. And it was because, “If I do that, then I’ll lose followers on my platforms. So I’ll lose book sales.” And I’m like, “Well, I’m sorry, but we’ve got to follow Jesus. Right?”

If we’re going to follow Jesus, we have to lose our life. So I’m going to say some things that might not make me popular, but my point is not just to stir up problems or make enemies. It’s just sometimes Jesus said things that people didn’t like. Jesus scandalizes me with his own words. That’s why it’s hard. It requires sacrifice. And sometimes we don’t have a lot of examples around us.


Jesus was a radical monotheist. He believed the Shema: “Hear, O Israel: the Lord your God, the Lord is one.”

Jesus was a radical economist. He preached good news to the poor and told those in power to redistribute power and authority to “the least of these.”

Jesus was a radical egalitarian. He was a first-century peasant, but he invited everyone to the banquet.

Jesus practiced radical humility. He said that his yoke was light. He was consistent with Jewish wisdom traditions.

Jesus modeled and demanded a radical commitment to God. He knew the cost of discipleship.

Jesus preached a radical message of repentance. He preached that the Kingdom of God had come near and spoke to people who had a growing awareness of their individual religious call and responsibility.

Jesus preached radical nonviolent resistance. He came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it in a new way.

Jesus demonstrated faith as radical trust in God. Jesus “busted the myth of scarcity.”

Jesus demonstrated radical family values. He redefined family as those who do the will of God.

Jesus was a radical revealer and reconciler of God’s radical love.  He showed God’s way of mending the tears in creation.


Okay, I borrowed a lot of material today.  But, the gist of the writing was that although we say “We are Christians, we are Christ-followers”, we really don’t seem to truly follow the radical that he was.

Now many years ago, there were people who had wristbands “WWJD” - What Would Jesus Do?”  

What should I do?  Try to live a life of loving.  Try to love one another.  Try to love my neighbor as myself.  Try to love my enemies.  Try to give food to the hungry, drinks to the thirsty, and visit the sick and lonely.  


Oops - I have it all wrong.  I know what I should do.  Live for myself - buy things that will impress my friends and neighbors.  Take trips to places I haven’t been and take lots of photos that I can put on Facebook and Twitter to impress people. Get a 100-inch TV and watch a lot of television (especially the political pundits who pontificate on the ills of our society).  

ME, ME, ME!!

Ah, I’m happier now.  I am learning that satisfying MY wants is way better than helping work for justice, showing mercy, or walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8)

(Maybe the last paragraphs aren’t quite me - yet!!!)



May 27, 2022

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