Friday, March 31, 2023



Today is the annual “International Transgender Day of Visibility”.  

Ten years ago I would have laughed at you if you suggested that I would become a female.  “What have you been smoking?” I might have asked.

These days, some people ask if I have lost my brain.

But, I have become a female.  

What happened?

Several things happened.  I realized that I was very biased, very judgmental, and not loving.  After I retired I had a major health issue where my surgeon said I was lucky to be alive.  I had to change or I had to die.  Change is not easy.

Throw in depression, mental health issues, physical issues, family issues, and historical factors, it was like I was pushed out of my former existence into a new life. I spent four days in a mental health hospital.  

Do I have regrets - only a few.  I miss my family.  I miss my children and my grandchildren.  I pray for reconciliation.  If I had a magic wand and could go back to what I was then, I’d say “no”.  I am learning that LOVE WINS.  

But, becoming a woman made me a pariah - a social outcast.  I try to preach love - and I receive hate from some people.  

But, I have been called to let love win, I have experienced the transforming power of love (and God). 

I am not an alien.  I am a weak, humbled human being - redeemed by the grace of God.  


Part II

In the 1990s an interesting phenomenon occurred - WWJD.

WWJD were the initials of “What Would Jesus Do”.  It is an interesting question - What would Jesus do to today’s generation?  (Not that I’m an expert)

If we look at some of the “big” stories from the gospel (ignoring the Old Testament, and the various epistles) we might have this list:

Who is my neighbor - the Good Samaritan
Forgiveness - The Prodigal Son
Forgiveness - The Adulterous Woman

Love - Lazarus Dying

Humility - Washing of His Disciples' Feet

Love - From the Cross - “Father Forgive Them”
Love - Going to the Cross

Love - Feeding the Five Thousand
Service - Giving Food, Water, to the Hungry and Thirsty
Service - Visiting the sick, those in prisons

Attitude - The Beatitudes
Attitude - Going The Extra Mile

Attitude - Turning the Other Cheek

Attitude - How Many Times Must I Forgive

Love - The Good Shepherd
Love - Come to Me All You Who Labor and I will Give You Rest

So, what would Jesus do for Transgender Day of Visibility?  Love, Heal, Forgive, Embrace

Maybe today’s transgenders are like the Biblical Lepers - kicked out of society.

I’ve used Gandhi's quote before “I like your Christ, but not your Christians”

Recently I read this: “A Muslim once said to me, “If Christians would stick to the Bible, we would live in a far better world”.  That author went on to write “People are looking for those who not only carry the name but whose lives reflect the life of Jesus.  We’ve been called to speak the gospel, live the gospel, and show the gospel.  To be faithful in consistent service to the orphan, weak, poor, and vulnerable.”


Over the 20 centuries, since Jesus walked the earth, Christians have built beautiful churches and also created roadblocks and biases against others.  I learned judgment as a Christian - who is going to heaven and who is not.  

In the past six years, I have been humbled and I have learned.  I have gone from the “In Group”, to the “Out Group”.  I am still learning.  I am still a work in progress.

Yes, I use this blog as my pulpit to preach that LOVE WINS, and that LOVE TRANSFORMS - and yet I am far from perfect, and although I don’t want to judge, I still do.  “Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner”.

Karen Anne White, ©, March 31, 2023

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