Wednesday, March 1, 2023



I started on Monday writing about being overwhelmed last week.  On Saturday after a granny basketball game and a social hour with friends, I spent most of the afternoon napping.  Now, I generally take a 15 to 20-minute nap most days.  (I say I have “lounger disease” - when I sit in my reclining, swiveling chair, I fall asleep!!).  

I allowed self-care to take a back seat last week (and again this week).  (About five minutes ago as I was writing I was asked to help out at the senior facility tonight - and, of course, I said “Yes”) 

One basic factor is my difficulty saying “NO”.  But, that really isn’t the total problem - I need to take better care of myself, I need to keep my boundaries, and I need to do a better job of time management.  One day last week I felt like I was on top of things, so I did a jigsaw puzzle.  (I have loved to do jigsaw puzzles since my childhood).  It took about three hours to do the 300-piece puzzle.  

In some respects, it was self-care - doing something I like.  But it was poor time management as I had to rush my blogs for a couple of days last week.  Yes, I know I could skip a day of writing my blog - but that is also part of me and my self-care. I generally schedule my blogs at about 2:00 a.m. - but one day I didn’t finish it until 9:15 a.m.   So, was doing a puzzle good?  Sure!!  Was doing a puzzle taking away from other activities?  Yes.

I have a goal of at least 3 miles walking (down from four miles last year).  There were two days last week when I didn’t even get to 3 miles.  (3 miles for me is about an hour).  Walking is also a priority for me - sitting on a chair doing a puzzle wasn’t good for my physical health.  (And, then when I wanted a snack, I jumped up and got one!!!).

So self-care. 

A theory of self-care is based on the Self-Care Wheel - (see illustration).  It has six areas: physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional.  It aims to keep things in balance.  

On Monday, I looked largely at the physical aspect - food, exercise, body care, etc.  Tuesday I looked at affirmations - keeping my brain (psychological focus) strong.


The Self-Care Wheel: Wellness Worksheets, Activities & PDF (


Emotional wellness can be described as understanding and being aware and comfortable with your feelings, and being able to express emotions constructively.

Things you can do to nurture yourself:

Perform affirmation - having a bad day?  Tell yourself (outloud) that you are better than that. 

Aside - I write from a Judeo-Christian perspective.  I am a child of the KING.  “There is now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1); we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28), No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.(Romans 8:37). I am loved by God, God lives within me.  The very God who created over 8 trillion galaxies - infinite - knows little old me!!!

Cry - I can be emotional - both high and low.  My students recognized me by my “WOOO” acclamations as I entered the classroom.  I also have cried for my children and grandchildren.  Crying can be cathartic.  “Why is crying so cathartic?  Researchers have established that crying releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, also known as endorphins. These feel-good chemicals help ease both physical and emotional pain.

Social justice engagement - YES.  I have embraced a “LOVE WINS, LOVE TRANSFORMS” platform.  I HAVE TO LOVE.  It is part of me now. (That doesn’t mean that I slip into some minor judgment occasionally. - I might be a lover, but I’m sure I am NOT perfect!!!)

Laugh - remember the old Reader’s Digest topic - “Laughter is the best medicine”.  I do laugh frequently - at myself - at just some little thing that tickles me.  I might be listening to some of my favorite music and conducting the orchestra - and swinging my arms - calling in the horns.  Or I’m playing the tympani (which I have never really done) for the final measures of a piece - BOOM, BOOM, BOOM as I whack my drumstick on the timpani heads.  

I laugh when I’m listening to an audiobook and something sweet happens!!!

Find a hobby - I might have too many hobbies (including writing!!!)

Flirt (if appropriate) - (but, of course!!!)

Buy yourself a present - I don’t spend much money on myself.  I had happy tears three weeks ago when I bought a new skirt (it is so nice!!!)

Practice forgiveness - forgive others and you will be forgiven. I can't hold a grudge.  It is stupid and holds me back.  When I see somebody say “I’ll never forgive <that person>” I cringe a little.  It’s like there is only one bridge across a deep chasm - an old rickety rope bridge.  I must get across, but I’m standing there stubbornly and saying “I can’t cross that bridge”. 

YES, I have to work at self-care.  I have to work on saying “no” to others when it negatively impacts me!!

LOVE DOES WINS - be patient
LOVE DOES TRANSFORM - anticipate the butterfly coming out of the cocoon

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