Sunday, March 12, 2023



I like following the various “National Days”.  Some days have been on the calendar for years (like July 4th, Independence day, December 25th, and Christmas), and some recently have developed and announced.

I have three days today I want to highlight:

NATIONAL NAPPING DAY - March 13, 2023 - National Today

I generally take a nap at about 12:30 most days (or the goal is actually 12:34 - a consecutive time on my digital clock).  

I can function without a nap (where “function” is a basic term), but I flourish when I get a 10 to 20-minute nap!!  It is amazing to me that after my short nap, my attitude and mood becomes positive again.  

I know some people if they take an afternoon nap, it can last an hour (or longer) and they wake up groggy.  I’m on the other side of that - just a quickie nap - and boom, I’m ready to go again!!!

And, there is a great reason why this day, the 13th day of March 2023 is NATIONAL NAPPING DAY!!  You lost an hour of sleep last night when Daylight Savings Time began!!  So, allow yourself to catch up (ketchup?) on your body with a nap today!!!

Do you nap?  


NATIONAL GOOD SAMARITAN DAY - March 13, 2023 - National Today

This comes from the Bible where a Samaritan man helps a Jewish man.

But, just prior to the story, Jesus says, “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

Somebody asks “And, who is my neighbor?”

And, Jesus tells the story:

In the story, a despised Samaritan came upon the injured man and felt compassion for him. He bound up his wounds, put the man on his donkey, and took him to an inn, where he went even further by taking care of him. The next day, the Samaritan paid the inn owner and asked him to take care of the wounded man, promising to cover any extra expenses that might be incurred. Jesus concluded by asking his audience to “go and do the same.”

Last week, there was a bag of trash in the driveway of my apartment building.  My neighbor BM said, "I bet you’ll pick it up, you are such a “Good Samaritan” - and she was right.  Doing the right thing for the right reasons is important to me.

So are we helpful?  Are we taking care of those less fortunate?  Do we show our love? 

And, who are our neighbors?  Basically, everybody is our neighbor - any creed, any skin color, any ideology, any religious view.  



And, a frivolous day:

KEN DAY - March 13, 2023 - National Today

Yup - Ken Day (or, National Ken Day).  Ken is the long-time boyfriend of Barbie (or Barbie Doll).  Barbie gets all the attention, and Ken is just “there”.

Maybe somebody you know gets all the attention, and you are a faithful friend.  The Lone Ranger had Tonto; Batman had Robin; Abbott had Costello.  

So, Ken gets a day to shine!!

A few years back, I honored such a friend (like Ken).  She never served on national boards, she didn’t travel on somebody else’s money (like professors), and she worked at low-paying hourly jobs until she retired.  She doesn’t drive anymore, she lives in subsidized housing, and she is frugal - because she has to be!!

I proclaimed “MN day”.  I took MN to the beauty salon, I took her shopping, and I took her to lunch.  And, I made a photo album of these events.  (Note, I am not highlighting “I” - it is necessary for the writing).

Do you have or know of a “Ken”?  Is your Ken in the background most of the time?  How can you honor your “Ken”?  


So, today, why don’t you be a good Samaritan and help somebody out; why don’t you honor a friend who never is in the limelight; and also take a nap so you are positive and upbeat!!!


In all three of the days today, there is an aspect of LOVE WINS.  

Let LOVE WIN in your life



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