Wednesday, May 31, 2023



“June is bustin’ out all over, all over the meadows and hills” (Carousel, Rodgers and Hammerstein, 1963)

Happy Birthday to my amazing, loving, fantastic sister!!!  I love you!!!


Yesterday I did a self-assessment for May - what I had done and what I didn’t get done.  Today, a look at “no excuses”.  

I can rationalize almost anything.  

I didn’t get the kitchen cleaned because (ahh - I’m thinking of a good excuse) - because I knew I was going to mess it up more when I made coleslaw again - and I would have to clean twice. 

I was late to <whatever> because there was too much traffic.  (Hmmm. there is getting to be a lot of traffic in the area - the news report was that Georgetown Texas is the fastest-growing town in the United States - so maybe I could just learn to start earlier.  

I didn’t get enough exercise yesterday, because I was too busy.  (I think I could have worked in a mile or two walk).  

I didn’t clean my car because it was going to rain and that would wash the dirt off.  (And, it didn’t rain or didn’t rain enough to get my car really clean).

I didn’t lose weight because I needed to clear all the old stuff out of the refrigerator before I started on a diet (I hate to waste food).  (So Karen, did you really buy more ice cream at the grocery store knowing you needed to lose weight?)

Yup - I can rationalize (my term for making excuses) things away.


So, I’m looking for ways to avoid “rationalizing” (or making excuses)

Take responsibility. The first step to stop making excuses is always to realize that you alone control your destiny. …

I can control a lot in my life.  Like I suggested above, I could start earlier when I’m going someplace.  I too can control my eating - maybe I need to put a lock on the refrigerator


Shift your perspective. …

One college president I worked for (and loved) said “We don’t have problems here, we have OPPORTUNITIES TO EXCEL”. My kitchen is an opportunity to grab the bull by the horns and show the world (or show myself) that I can handle my chores!!


Uncover your limiting beliefs. …

I can’t do that - because of XYZ.  My most limited belief is “I can’t do that, I’m 75 years old”.  I’m not sure how 75 keeps me from losing weight or cleaning my kitchen

My second limiting belief is “I have to get my blog done”.  I know if I stopped writing right now, in 20 minutes I could get the kitchen clean!!!


Change your story. …



Find the lesson. …

I’m having a problem at work.  My boss is scheduling me so I can’t finish with one particular client.  I’ve sent emails.

OUCH - I need to call.  (That’s another limiting belief - I don’t like to use the telephone!!!)


Stop overthinking. …

Yup - just do it!!


Define your vision and set goals

What is defining me?  That I am late?  That I can’t keep my 582 square foot house clean?

WOW - I need to redefine myself - I AM ALWAYS ON TIME, I LOVE TO CLEAN!!


I need to do some “housekeeping” in my brain.  I am priding myself on being “frugal”.  But I learned a lesson recently.  Before my trip to Big Bend, I bought a bag of ice from the convenience store near me.  I filled up my ice chest for the trip and then had about ⅓ of a bag of ice left over.  It’s been great.  When I want ice for my iced tea, I have plenty.  It used to be that I had to fill the ice cube trays - and then I forgot and didn’t fill them, and then I didn’t have ice.  For a dollar, I might have enough ice to last me through the summer with cold iced tea!!!  And, do not have to bother with filling ice cube trays, dripping water on the floor, and being prepared!!!  WOOO!!!





Tuesday, May 30, 2023



Tomorrow is the first of June, and today is the last of May.

So, has May been a good, productive month - or not?

(Please, this is just a reflection - and a little violation of Micah 6:8 - what does God expect of you, but to love justice, show mercy, and walk HUMBLY with God!!! ) 

I was reflecting:

I walked over 100 miles in May (about 3.3 miles per day on average)

I played all four weeks at Walburg with the Brushy Creek Brass Band

I played four Granny Basketball games

I missed one Granny Basketball tournament (at a funeral)

I played Bridge Brat Bridge every week

I attended two funerals

I donated over XX% to charities

I painted the inside of my porch

I worked about 27 hours at the Wesleyan

I gave over 10 rides to three of my friends who no longer drive

I wrote over 35 blogs (31 days plus 4 Bridge Blogs) 

My Dan Jackson story grew to about 130 pages (anybody want to proofread it for me?)

My kitchen got a good cleaning once (but it needs it again)

My bedroom didn’t get cleaned (although I made my bed most mornings.

I read my online Bible every day

I attended church every Sunday, I attended my Bible Study twice (the other two times we didn’t meet)

I failed to lose weight

I did way too many hour on Duolingo German Lessons (just so I could stay at the “Diamond” level)

I did about the right amount of online games

I did one jigsaw puzzle

I listened to three audiobooks (“Jesus and John Wayne”, “Hey God, It’s Me, Margaret”, and “Demon Copperhead”)

My apartment needs a thorough cleaning!!

My plants on the patio are generally good - except I killed off a tomato plant (I’m not sure how - not enough fertilizer maybe)

I loved and prayed for my family and friends

I ate both nutritious and non-nutritious foods


I know that YOU do great things. I’m in a competition with myself!!!  I try to set goals and thus today as the last day of the month, I’m doing my accountability to myself (and to you).

“Self-accountability means taking responsibility for your actions and behaviors without blaming others. It means you’re fulfilling your obligations, tasks, and goals without excuses. And, if an unexpected challenge comes your way, being accountable means you can focus on a solution without pointing fingers.”

“Accountability is closely related to self-discipline because it demands that you remain honest about your actions and intentions. It’s tempting to dodge the guilt of letting someone down, but you must strengthen your emotional regulation and sit with those negative feelings.”


I feel good about what I did in May (and I feel bad about things that I didn't do so well).  

So, self-accountability leads to greater self-awareness.

It leads to greater goal setting. 

It helps me to keep pushing my comfort zone

It increases my self- confidence

Keeps me motivated



What are my goals for June?  First and foremost in my brain is to clean up my apartment. Last week I parked next to a car that was jammed full of stuff.  I didn’t inspect the car to see what all was in it.  Maybe this is a homeless person and all their possessions are in their car.  The only place one could sit was in the driver’s seat.  It seems like I’m becoming a bit of a trash hoarder in my apartment.  I don’t know what to do with stuff.  I see two posters from a concert in the winter.  Do I need to keep the posters as a reminder of playing in the concerts?

I’m writing this morning from my favorite chair in my apartment.  On my floor I see my two walking sticks for hiking.  They’ve been here since my trip to Big Bend National Park.  I’m not sure where they should go?  Into my closet maybe.  Maybe I should be using them more when I walk

There are other things on the floor that I just don’t know what to do with them.  

C’mon Karen - get up off your rear end and decide - keep (and if ‘keep’ - where to put it), or throw.


Like most months I had a default goal of watching my weight.  (Yes, I always give “lip service” to getting down 20 pounds - when am I going to get serious?)  I did lose the weight in March, only to gain it back in April and May!!!

Yes, my walking is now a habit.  I “HAVE TO” walk.  My body and my brain are aligning on this goal.  At least three miles a day.  (That’s about an hour using my speed).  

I am an educated person - and I know I HAVE to keep going.  I HAVE TO write everyday.  I have to stand tall and take care of my health.  At age 75 and working at a senior housing center, I see what happens when you age and don’t take care of yourself.  (You progress from a cane, to a walker to rollator, then to a wheelchair.  My brain is screaming NO, NO, NO!!!)


I do enjoy life - and I have to keep moving, growing, stretching my body and my brain!!!  (Somebody - I don’t remember who and if they were just being nice said “You don’t look 75”.)


LOVE TRANSFORMS (and it needs to keep transforming me)


Monday, May 29, 2023



I wish we didn’t have a Memorial Day.  I wish we didn’t have a Veteran’s Day. I wish we didn’t have a Department of Defense.  I wish we didn’t have wars. But,we do - and we have to!!

I’m glad that several of my uncles and even my aunt served in the military.  I love my brother-in-law who served in Vietnam and my friends who also served. 

But, I wish they didn’t have to serve and put their lives on the line.

Maybe in God’s kingdom that will happen - wars shall cease.


“And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4

The wolf shall live with the lamb; the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the lion will feed together, and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together;  and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.The nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put its hand on the adder’s den. They will not hurt or destroy all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 7:6-9


“He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In!”


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.— Matthew 5:9

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to the other also .—  Matthew  5:38–39

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.— Matthew 5:43–48, Luke 6:27–28

Put your sword back in its place… for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.— Matthew 26:52


I’m thinking of the conflict (war?) between Russia and Ukraine.  How many young men have died?  Who is going to rebuild the roads, schools, apartments, etc?  

Yesterday was Memorial Day - originally remembering the brutal “brother-against-brother” conflict of the American Civil War.  More died in that war from this country than in our other wars combined.

“The number of soldiers who died between 1861 and 1865, generally estimated at 620,000, is approximately equal to the total of American fatalities in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, combined.”


Bob Dylan wrote:

Yes, and how many times must a man look up

Before he can see the sky?

And how many ears must one man have

Before he can hear people cry?

Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows

That too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

The answer is blowin' in the wind

(how many deaths will it take until we know that too many people have died)


But, we have to have an army (aka military) - because our “enemies” have an army.  What if China decides to invade the US?  We have to be ready.  What if Russia invades Germany (again)?  We have NATO.  

But, how I wish we didn’t need an army and we all got along.  Such a waste!!  But “hate is strong and mocks the song of Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men”


But, since we have to have warfare, thanks to all you have served.  Thanks to those who gave their lives for my freedom.  




Sunday, May 28, 2023



Let's start with a historial essay:  Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address;

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives, that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”


Let’s look at the last lines:

“That these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

Sometimes I wonder if that last phrase has died.  Government of the lobbyists; or government of the special interest groups; or government of the elite; or "the best government money can buy” seems to have taken over from regular people.


The regulations say:

“Since 1975, the House has limited the number of full-time staff working in a Member's office to 18 permanent employees; in 1979 up to four FTEs who may work part time were authorized.”

And, furthermore:

“Members of the U.S. House of Representatives each represent a portion of their state known as a Congressional District, which averages 700,000 people.”

My District is Texas District 31 - The district includes the northern suburbs of Austin, as well as Fort Hood.

My representative in congress has over 800,000 people - and he has 18 permanent employees.  

Yes, I am part of some of the lobbying groups.  I’m retired, so AARP lobbies for me.  I was a teacher, so NEA lobbies for me.  I’m a woman, so various women’s groups lobby for me.  PFLAG lobbies for me.  Various religious groups may think they are lobbying for me.

So, if I call and want to say something to my representative on gun control, I probably will be switched to a staffer (or maybe even just told “Thank you”).  But if AARP calls and wants to say something to my representative on senior issues, there is a greater likelihood they might get connected to the actual representative.  

We have become so large and so diverse, that “government of, by, and for the people” is just unwieldy to operate.  If 10% of my congressmen’s constituencies call - that would be 80,000 calls.  Even if just 1% call, that still is 8,000.  Think of that -  if 1% called and each person took 1 minute, that would be 133 hours.  If my congressman works 40 hours a week, that would be over 3 weeks of just answering phone calls and not attending sessions or committee meetings.

Now, my congressman is a member of a political party.  While he might get 8,000 phone calls or 8,000 emails or 8,000 letters (which is still just 1% of his constituent base) and he decides to support an action - but that his political party is against that action, he will probably opt NOT to support the action.  He could be stripped of his committee assignments - or lose some seniority if he goes against his party.  Maybe a few times he can go against the party, but too many times, he might get censored by his party.

So, it isn’t necessarily government of the people - but government of the political party.  Likewise if (say) NRA’s political action committee gives 10 million dollars for my congressmen's reelection campaign, and he votes against the desires of the NRA, he could lose the money that might keep him in office.  So, we have government of the lobbying group.  

At Texas’ border there are millions of potential Americans wanting to come into our country.  These people have no congressman, no vote - and no money - and “too bad, so sad”, my congressman wants to keep them out.  

So, on this day, when we remember the war dead from our wars - and may remember Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, highlighting “government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” - it seems like that concept already has perished!!!


But, maybe crossing over into the Spiritual Realm, I can still pray and I believe that God hears me.  (And, unfortunately he isn’t going to give me a pony!!!) <grin>


Saturday, May 27, 2023


SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2023



Originally Decoration Day - to remember those who died in the Civil War. The number of soldiers who died between 1861 and 1865, generally estimated at 620,000, is approximately equal to the total of American fatalities in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, combined.  Plus, if we consider that the population of the United States was much smaller then, this was a huge blow to our country.

Deaths were higher because of the lack of quick battlefield medical help (and, of course, the two armies were both American).  Today, a soldier can be airlifted out, but that wasn’t possible then.  

And, yes, growing up we went to the cemetery and put flowers on graves - of relatives (there weren’t many), and of people that my mother (or grandmother) knew.  

My father had a joke.  “When we visited Arlington Cemetery, the mother of the unknown soldier was there putting flowers on his grave.”  (Must not have been “unknown”)



You may have heard that Georgetown Texas is the fastest growing community in the United States.  Yes, we have houses, business, even trails popping up all over.  HEB’s new store is due to open on June 7th.  Costco is also slated to open in June 2023.  

Yes, traffic is growing.  It seems like road construction is everywhere.  (I remember “up north” where there were two seasons - winter season and road construction season). I’ve decided that Texas weighs more now - as concrete is being poured everywhere!!


Georgetown has a new development that is COMPUTER PRINTED.  Here is a video of this 3D printing of houses (100 houses in this development): 

I tried to get a picture, but they had a security guard that wouldn’t let me in!!!  

Basically there is a device that is following computer directions to pour controlled amounts of concrete to make walls and rooms.  

I taught about 3D printers.  I envisioned 3D printed organs (but, not pianos) - hearts, kidneys, etc. - but those would be very specialized devices with organic materials.  I also see classic car owners being able to print a carburetor for a 1953 Studebaker Commander (I doubt that you can find those at your auto parts store).  


National Sunscreen Day - May 27

Yes, this was yesterday, but I wanted to highlight using sunscreen. As a kid, I was outside all day long in the summer - and I was tan.  (I guess I didn’t think of tanning myself!!!)  As an adult, being inside way-to-much, there have been times I should have used sunscreen.  I do have sunscreen and if I am going to be walking or hiking, I do apply it.

It does remind me of a personal story.  One Summer, for the Fourth of July, I went to visit a friend whose parents had a cabin on the Mississippi River.  My friend and I went canoeing most of the day - and by evening I was definitely sunburned.  We lathered aloe cream and sunburn cream all over me (and my friend).  It was painful and it took a couple of weeks to go through the process of peeling skin and being teased about getting sunburned.  

Getting sunburned can lead to skin cancer and other issues - so I’ve learned my lesson.  If I know I’m going to be outside for a long period of time, I know I need to use my sunscreen before going out!!!

National Hamburger Day - May 28

It’s Memorial Day weekend - and having a burger fresh off the grill is a real treat.  How do you have your burger?  Rare (MOO)? Medium Rare? Medium? Medium Well, Well, (burnt!!).  Then what do you want on it?  Cheese?  Ketchup? Mustard? Onions, Pickles, Mayo?  Are you picky about your bun?  (Do you have a bun?) Do you want potato chips with your burger, or cole slaw, or some other condiment?

Indianapolis 500 - May 28 

The only Indianapolis 500 race I really remember was from 1965.  I was graduating from high school and a friend had invited all of the seniors in the Jefferson High School Choir to a party in the country.  There were burgers, friends, laughter, and memories forged that day.  I’m not sure exactly where we were, but it was definitely away from town.  Acres of green woodland grass, trees, a little stream, and a transistor radio blaring the race - and not a house or barn in sight.  (And, what a concept - a battery powered transistor radio - pretty neat!!)  

Somehow in my memory, that was one of the last hoorays of my high school senior year.


Memorial Day is the unofficial start of Summer.  I hope you have something special planned for this weekend. And, give thanks for those who have defended America.

Karen White, May 24, 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023

Saturday Story - Dan Jackson #15


We’re headed to the finale for Dan Jackson - computer wunderkind (but not this week).  Dan assembled a computer in his parent’s basement when he was 14 years old.  Friends, neighbors, and even strangers wanted a computer, so Dan started really assembling and building computers.  Soon, it was a thriving business and Dan’s parents (Will and Beth Jackson) hired Will’s brother Steve to be the CEO of DJ Computers Incorporated.  The brand has really taken off and holds about 30% of the personal computer market (after Dell Computers).

But, two weeks ago, while Dan was opening a new computer sales room for college students in the Northwestern University in Evanston Illinois, he was kidnapped.  It is now Sunday, June 16th, 1985.  Dan and his kidnappers have reached a tentative solution that will be aired on WBBM television in Chicago (and all CBS affiliates) on Tuesday, June 18th, 1985.  

Author’s comments.  At times I want to have cell phones, texting, email, and the technologies of today, but not in 1985.


Sunday morning at a Bible Camp near Crandon, Wisconsin, Dan was up with the first light about 5:15 a.m.  He put on his running shoes and a light jacket as it was still a little cool in the northern Wisconsin woods.  He carefully opened the door so as not to wake Jerry McDowell, one of the kidnappers who slept in the same cabin as Dan.

Dan had been a cross-country runner in high school and he thought it cleared his mind.  He had run the previous day and had an idea of where he would run this morning.  Down around Lake Lucerne and back to the camp.  It would be about four miles and take him about 40 minutes.  

Like yesterday, there was fog over the lake.  The lake water from being warmed by the sun was warmer than the cool air.  What a perfect peaceful time to be out running.  The loons were called to each other.

Last night, Dan had talked with Rodney Smith, the leader of the CSA.  CSA was “Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord”.  Dan had feared Rodney on Friday when he was kidnapped, but as they spent time together, Dan realized that Rodney was a gentle man who had experienced more of life than most people.  

Rodney had requested time on the media for Tuesday, June 18, 1985.  Dan wasn’t quite sure what Rodney would talk about, but that wasn’t his problem.  Dan would be reunited with his parents and life would go on.  Dan had called D’Anton Brown, a family friend who had helped broker a deal with the FBI.  Dan knew that the FBI wanted to capture Rodney Smith, but had pleaded for his freedom.  He knew the slogan that the “FBI always gets their man”.  

Dan’s mind focused on the tradeoff on Tuesday.  He wasn’t sure that Wayne Pauli, the FBI special agent in charge of this case, was going to honor the agreement.  

The run was refreshing, but as Dan headed back towards the CSA camp, he saw three cars sitting on the edge of the road - still about a quarter mile away to the east of the camp.  Several men were outside the cars as if waiting for something or someone. They looked official.  Then it struck him - they were government cars with FBI agents.  They were going to raid the campground. The morning fog still obscured Dan from their view.  He walked through the woods until he could see the cars better.  Yes, there were three or four in each car, and all wore a navy blue FBI windbreaker.  

Going back into the woods, Dan runned to where the fence was partially down and jumped it.  He ran to Rodney Smith’s cabin and pounded on the door.

It took Rodney a minute to answer the door.

Rodney asked, “What’s up Dan?”

Dan was panting from his running. “The FBI is here.  I was out running and down the road are three cars with three or four agents in the cars with blue windbreakers that say “FBI”.


Rodney gasped. “I thought we had a deal with Special Agent Pauli”

Rodney paused, then said, I’m going to walk out and turn myself in.  Which way are they?”

Dan said, “To the east - away from the town.”

Rodney continued, “But, you know how to call - call D’Anton Brown, and have him call Special Agent Pauli.  I wrote down the numbers on my desk pad.  Grab the desk pad and run as fast as you can to Yeti DriveIn (where we ate the other night).  The owners live upstairs - get Aggie (she was our waitress the other night) - use her phone to call D’Anton.  And, stay hidden.  I’m sure they want me - but they also want you.”  

“Go Now, and may God surround you with his wisdom, protection, and peace”.

Dan ran out of the campground and towards highway 8.  He was careful to check to see if there were other official looking cars with potential FBI agents before he charged towards Crandon and the Yeti DriveIn.  

Meanwhile, Rodney went to Jerry McDowell’s cabin and got Jerry up and made Dan’s bed and took all of Dan’s clothes and things to make it look like he hadn’t been there.  

Jerry took the things to a storage room away from the camp where a tractor and lawn mower were, and stashed them away.  They wiped down the surfaces where Dan might have touched and left fingerprints.  Jerry also made sure he left his fingerprints on almost all of the surfaces in the cabin he had shared with Dan.

Rodney grabbed a cup of hot, black coffee from the cafeteria, and walked to the main gate, opened it and walked east on Potawatomi Trail.  He didn’t walk fast.  He wanted Dan to get to town before he surrendered to the FBI.


Dan ran faster than his earlier jog around Lake Lucerne.  It was a Sunday morning, and there were only about three cars on highway 8 - and none looked like official FBI type cars.  Dan ran on the left side so he could see traffic coming towards him.  With the fog, a car might not see Dan until he was almost upon him.  

The Yeti DriveIn was on the southside of highway 8 at Forest Street, just before highway 8 turned north and into Crandon proper. Dan vaguely remembered the restaurant from two nights ago, when he had dinner there with the CSA folks.  He was guessing that maybe Aggie and her family lived above the restaurant. 

Dan looked at his watch, it was 6:50 - still early on a Sunday morning.  The Yeti DriveIn had parking on the east side of the restaurant and there was an outside staircase on the west side of the building.  

‘Here goes’ thought Dan as he climbed the stairs and pounded on the door.

“Who’s there” was the answer from behind the door.

Dan yelled, “It’s Dan Jackson, can I come in?”

It took a minute for the door to be opened.  A man in his early 60s - mostly bald, in jeans and a plaid shirt was standing behind the door.

“So you're Dan Jackson, the computer kid”, asked the man.

Dan answered “Yes.  Is Aggie here?”

The man said, “Aggie’s my wife.  I understand she got you a burger the other night.  I’ll get her.”

Then the man, remembering his manners, said, “Please come in” and he motioned to a chair.

The man walking towards the back of the apartment was calling, “Aggie, somebody to see you?”.

Dan heard something and assumed that was Aggie replying to the man.

The man turned to Dan.  “Do you drink coffee?”

Dan answered ‘yes, black coffee’.  

The man went into a kitchenette area and brought back a cup of strong-smelling coffee.  “That’ll put hair on your chest son”.

In a minute, Aggie, in a blue bathrobe came into the living room.

Aggie said, “My goodness.  I sure didn’t expect to see you again.  What’s up”.

Dan went into his story.

“We’ve been staying at the campground”. Aggie nodded. “This morning as I was out running, there were three cars east of the campground with men standing around the cars.  They all had blue windbreakers with FBI on them.  I ran to tell Rodney Smith about them, and he sent me to tell you and to use your phone to call a friend.”

“We’ve been working on a plan.  Rodney wants to address the country about CSA and return me to my family on Tuesday morning.  My friend in Bloomington, D’Anton Brown has been working with an FBI special agent to arrange the time on WBBM in Chicago.  But, to have the FBI show up this morning seems to be a breach of the arrangement.  I want to call D’Anton and have him work with the special agent to clear things up - if they can be cleared up.”

Aggie and her husband listened intently to Dan’s comments.  

Aggie said to her husband, “Steve, can you help Dan make his call?”. 

The husband, whose name was Steve, said, “The phones over there by the table.  Let’s get you set up.”

Dan got out of his chair and walked the few steps across the living room to a table.  Steve sat down at the table and pulled the telephone from a stand next to the table and put it in front of Dan, who had sat next to Steve.

“Here you go, son”. Steve said as he put the phone down in front of Dan.

Steve said next to Dan as Dan dialed the number for D’Anton Brown in Bloomington Illinois.

Denise Brown, Dan’s friend and statistician at DJ Computers answered and was amazed to hear Dan’s voice.  

“My Goodness, Dan,” she said, “Are you okay?”.

Dan replied “yes, but I need to speak to D’Anton.”

Denise laughed “I’ll get him, but it might take a couple of minutes.  He’s in the shower.”.

Dan heard the phone clunk as Denise put it down on a table and then silence.  He was mentally thinking “Hurry up D’Anton”.

Then there was noise as D’Anton Brown picked up the phone and said, “Good Morning, Dan.  What can I help you with?”

Dan explained the situation, that the FBI were closing in on the campground where the CSA had taken him,and how he thought that Special Agent Pauli had arranged for Rodney Smith to turn himself in on Tuesday after talking on WBBM.  

D’Anton asked, “Are you safe, Dan?  Did you escape?”

Dan laughed, “Yes, I am safe, and no I didn’t escape.  These are nice people and Rodney sent me into the town to call you and see if you could help us.”

D’Anton listened as Dan used the words, ‘nice people’, ‘help us’.  Was Dan being brainwashed by the CSA?  He remembered the Patty Hearst kidnapping a few years back where Patty Hearst became sympathetic to the Symbionese Liberation Army who had abducted her.  

But, he knew Dan and really thought it would all be over in a few days.  

D’Anton said, “Dan, I’ll try to get ahold of FBI Special Agent Wayne Pauli and see what is going on and what we can do.  It is Sunday, so I have no idea if I can reach him.  But, I will try.’  Dan, God works in mysterious ways, and I believe that God’s hand is in this situation.”

They said “goodbye” and D’Anton filled Denise in on the latest news, and then called the Bloomington Hampton Inn to see if he could locate Special Agent Wayne Pauli.


There were two Hampton Inns in Bloomington.  D’Anton thought that Special Agent Pauli would probably be at the Hampton Inn North - which was closer to State Farm Insurance Headquarters and to DJ Computers Headquarters.

D’Anton was in luck.  He called the number from the phone book and got to the reception desk.  He asked to speak to Wayne Pauli.  The desk clerk said, “Wait a minute until I connect you”.  D’Anton could hear the phone ringing but no answer.  

The clerk came back on.  “I’m sorry he doesn’t seem to be answering. He might be at our breakfast, can you wait a minute while I check?”

D’Anton waited and three minutes later, he heard Wayne Pauli’s voice say, “Hello”.

D’Anton said, “Good Morning Special Agent Pauli.  This is D’Anton Brown - we talked yesterday about the Dan Jackson case.  Well, we seem to have a problem.”

Wayne Pauli said, “Good Morning Mr. Brown.  I’m at the desk phone for the Hampton Inn, can I go upstairs to my room and call you back where we can have privacy?”

D’Anton agreed “Yes, that would be better.  Do you have a pen?  I’ll give you my number.”

Wayne borrowed a pen and a notepad from the desk clerk and wrote down D’Anton’s number.  

“I’ll call you in maybe five minutes”, said Special Agent Pauli to D’Anton.  He hung up.  

Wayne Pauli thought, ‘well FBI business doesn’t stop on weekends.  I’ll grab a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and a cup of coffee and go to my room.”

It took a couple of minutes for Wayne to get a tray and some food to take to his room.  Meanwhile D’Anton Brown was pacing the floor.


At the Brown’s house, the phone rang, and D’Anton grabbed it on the first ring.

D’Anton said, “Hello, is this Special Agent Pauli?”.

Wayne answered “It sure is.  So what’s up, Mr. Brown?”

D’Anton said, “Well about 30 minutes ago, we got a call from Dan Jackson.  Seemingly Dan was out jogging, which is normal for Dan, and as he was going back to where he was staying, he saw three cars with FBI agents, wearing FBI Navy Blue windbreakers.  He finished his run back to the camp and told Rodney Smith.  Seemingly, Mr. Smith was going out to surrender to the agents but sent Dan to a neighbor to call me.  And, I called you.”

D’Anton continued, “I thought we had an arrangement for Rodney and his group to show up on Tuesday morning at WBBM television in Chicago, but it seems like your folks are not following that agreement.”

Wayne asked, “Did Dan say how many people were in the cars?”

D’Anton answered, “Yes, he said there were three cars with three or four people in each car.  They were on the road leading to the camp and maybe they were waiting for some others.”

Wayne replied, “Hmmm - this wasn’t my doing.  I know nothing about this.  I did not approve any raid on wherever they are.  In fact, I don’t know for sure where they are.  We’ve traced their calls to public phones in the Kansas City area, but think they were just using those to keep us from really tracking the calls.”

Wayne was quiet for a minute.  “D’Anton, I’m going to have to look into this.  This is most unusual, and Sundays are not a good time to get a hold of people.  I’ll try to get to the director of the Milwaukee FBI office and find out.  I will not be able to keep in touch with you, but let me promise that I will try to let you know by 1:00 p.m. if I know something - and realize that I may not be at liberty to share specific information.”

D’Anton agreed, and the two hung up.


Well, thought Special Agent Wayne Pauli.  That is weird.  I didn’t authorize a raid on the CSA camp, and I’m trusting that D’Anton Brown and Dan Jackson are telling the truth when they say that FBI agents seem to be gathering to raid the CSA camp.

Wayne’s first call was to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin office of the FBI.  The clerk gave Wayne the phone number of Dennis O’Connell, the director of the Milwaukee office.  Wayne called that number and left a voicemail message.  

He called the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C.  The clerk on duty took the message and said he would pass it on to Jason Bonick, the midwestern FBI director.  

Wayne was stuck.  He would wait in his Hampton Inn room waiting for either the Milwaukee office or national FBI office to get back to him.  He called the front desk and asked if they could bring up a pot of coffee.  (Wayne didn’t trust the individual coffee makers in hotel rooms.  The FBI had reports that drug addicts were using hotel coffee pots to make methamphetamine or  meth).  

About an hour later (and three cups of coffee later), Wayne got a call from Jason Bonick, the midwestern FBI director.

“Hey Wayne, what’s up?  Your call sounded urgent.”

Wayne Pauli gave what he knew to Jason.  “Jason, this isn’t fact, but I think it comes from reliable sources.  I’m on the kidnapping case of Dan Jackson, and Dan himself called a friend here in Bloomington Illinois with a report that an FBI squad was surrounding the area where Dan had been held.  

“First, I didn’t authorize any raid on that location, and I’m not exactly sure where it is.  Is there a rogue group out there?  Is this a real FBI raid or some rival gang wanted to get back at CSA?

“Secondly, this is my case, I’m mystified that something is going on that I don’t know about.  

“And, finally, I think you probably have gotten my report that we are working on a solution for Tuesday in Chicao.

Jason answered, “Wayne, I know nothing about this.  Yes, this is your case and I haven’t authorized anything.  Have you contacted the Milwaukee office? 

Wayne said, “Yes, I’ve left a voice message but haven’t heard.”

Jason said, “I’ll do what I can.  I’ll leave a message for Dennis O’Connell in Milwaukee as well.  Maybe he is at church or at a picnic, but we’ll track him down.  

They clicked off.


Dennis O’Connell was indeed at church, and then out to eat with his wife and family.  About 12:15 he got home - ready to enjoy a quiet Summer afternoon.  He did have some work to do.  There was an FBI squad in the northern woods of Wisconsin doing a raid on a terrorist cell that might be connected to the kidnapping of that computer kid.  

His voice message system had two messages.  He listened to both.  The first was from an agent in Illinois relating to the kidnapping case, and the second was from his boss, Jason Bonick, his regional boss.  That call from his boss deserved the first callback. 

Jason answered the phone, “Good afternoon, may I help you?”

Dennis O’Connell said, “Hi Jason, this is Dennis O’Connell from the Milwaukee office.  What’s going on?”

Jason asked, “Dennis do you have a squad doing some kind of raid in the northern woods of Wisconsin today?”

Dennis answered, “Yes.  We’ve identified a potential terrorist, radical group near Crandon Wisconsin.  My staff was going to raid a campground that seems to be their headquarters this morning.  They are probably done by now.  I’ll expect a report from them about 3:00 this afternoon when they are back in Green Bay.”

Jason started slowly, “Well Dennis, that is probably the group that kidnapped the computer kid, Daniel Jackson from Northwestern University two days ago.  We’ve got an agent working that case that seemingly had arrangements for the group’s leader to turn himself in on Tuesday in Chicago.  And, you might have messed it up and messed up the kid’s chances for getting away.”

Jason continued, “How did you authorize the raid?”

Dennis answered, “We got a tip from an FBI wire-tap in Indiana that this was the hideout for this gang that kidnapped that computer whiz.  We did surveillance and thought the kid was in the camp, but somehow got out before we got there. But, we got the others, Rodney Smith, Jerry McDowell, Wayne Fleming, and Bob Wilson.  We read them their rights and we have them in the Green Bay jail. But, the kid got away somehow.”

Jason Bonick had to refrain himself from yelling “YOU IDIOTS”.  

Instead he said, “I will have Special Agent Wayne Pauli contact you within the hour.  I give him the authority to take those four men off your hands and transfer them to the Chicago office.


Jason hung up, shaking his head.  Yes, the FBI was fallible and could make mistakes but if it were up to him, Dennis O’Connell’s next appointment would be in Minot North Dakota, or maybe even to Nome Alaska.  

Jason Bonick called Wayne Pauli.  “Well Wayne, I have good news and bad news.  The good news first.  Oops - I lied, there is no good news..  Now the bad news - The Milwaukee office raided the camp where Dan Jackson was being held, and arrested four men.  But, somehow Dan Jackson was gone.  I told Dennis O’Connell that you will be sending agents to pick up the four men and bring them back to Chicago - on MY AUTHORITY. “  Jason gave Wayne the phone number of the Milwaukee office and for Dennis O’Connell. “Dennis is expecting your call in the next hour.  Get a couple of your people and get to the Milwaukee office and fix this.”

Wayne was grinning as he got off the phone from Jason.  Yes, there were some mavericks in the FBI who wanted the fame and glory of solving a case for their own.  Now, he had to fix their mistakes.


Wayne called D’Anton Brown.  

“Well, D’Anton it seems as if some FBI agents didn’t understand the situation and arrested the group that kidnapped Dan Jackson.  They took the men to Milwaukee holding cells, and I’m going to send men up there to pick them up.  I don’t know where Dan is, but I think you do.  Can you contact him and find a way to get him back to Bloomington safely?  I’d appreciate it - and the FBI will reimburse you for the expenses.”


D’Anton Brown wondered how he was going to get Dan Jackson back when Denise came into the kitchen checking on him.  

D’Anton asked his wife, “If I found a suitable driver, could you and this driver go to northern Wisconsin and bring back Dan Jackson.  He trusts you, and I don’t want you driving alone.  What do you think?’

Denise Brown gleamed,  “Of course I’ll go.  Can you ask Pastor Harbin to go with me?  Dan knows me and he has met Pastor Harbin.”

So, D’Anton had more calls to make.  His first call was to Steve and Aggie Eide in Crandon, Wisconsin asking them if they would release Dan Jackson to Denise and Ronald Harbin.  

When the call came into the apartment over Yeti DriveIn, Steve took it.  He asked Dan if it would be okay to ride with Denise Brown and Ronald Harbin back to Bloomington, Illinois. Dan was surprised, but quickly responded "that would be wonderful. "

The second call went to Wayne Pauli saying he had arranged for Denise and Ronald Harbin to pick up Dan.

The third call went to Will and Beth Jackson.  

D’Anton told Jacksons most of the story and that Denise and Pastor Harbin would be going to pick up Dan this evening.  

Wow - things had gone terribly astray, but now were back on track.  D'Anton made another phone call to Steve and Aggie Eide to ask them to reserve two rooms at a local hotel for the night.  With a six hour drive up, it was too much to expect them to return tonight. And to get directions to Crandon Wisconsin.


Rodney Smith had taken his time to walk up Potawatomi Trail road to where the FBI cars were parked.  When he got closer, he was spotted and he raised his hands in surrender.

The leader, Chris Fernando, suspecting a trap, walked slowly up to Rodney.  There was one man with a gun on each side of the road walking about ten paces between Agent Fernando.  

As Agent Fernando got close enough to Rodney Smith, he asked, “Are you armed?”

Rodney said no and kept his hands in the arm.

Agent Fernando asked “Who are you and why are you coming out to us?”

Rodney said, “I am Rodney Smith.  I come in peace.  We don’t have any guns or weapons.  There are four of us.  We don’t know why you are here.  We are not terrorists.”

Agent Fernando yelled to the man on the left side of the road, “Come up and search him”.  

The agent did search Rodney, and patted him down thoroughly and said back, “No gun, no weapon.”

Agent Fernando lowered his gun.  “So who are you and why are you at this tiny camp?”

Rodney answered him, “I’m Rodney Smith, an ordained minister, and this is an official Non-Denominational Campground.  At 10:00, I’m to preach at the Lake Lucerne Gospel Church, but we don’t allow guns into our services.  Is that why you are here?”

Agent Fernando said, “We have it on reliable sources that you and your group kidnapped Daniel Jackson from Northwestern University on Friday June 14.”

Rodney answered calmly, “And who is this Daniel Johnson that we kidnapped?”

Agent Fernando said, “It was Daniel Jackson, not Johnson.  He was the founder of the DJ Computer Company.  Did you kidnap him?”

Rodney answered, “I don’t know much about computers, I don’t have one and don’t use one.  So why would we kidnap a computer person?”

Agent Fernando was getting nowhere.  “Are you or are you not members of the CSA, Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord terrorist group?”

Rodney answered back, “Yes, I am a Christian, and as I said, I am preaching this morning at Lake Lucerne Gospel Church.  How does that make me a terrorist?”.

Agent Fernando turned to his men, “Handcuff him, and put him in a car.”

Rodney answered back, “Am I under arrest? For what reason?  For preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ?.  And, by the way, this is tribal land belonging to the Potawatomi Tribe.  Their tribal headquarters are across the road from the Lake Lucerne Gospel Church where I’m to preach at 10:00.  Do you have permission to be on tribal land?”

Agent Fernando replied angrily, “I was called out to arrest four men in conjunction with a kidnapping.  They are Rodney Smith, and that seems to be you.  I have an official arrest warrant, plus Jerry McDowell, Wayne Fleming, and Bob Wilson.  I have arrest warrants for them as well.  We have a search warrant to look over this campground for Daniel Jackson.”

Rodney answered back, “Do you have an arrest warrant for this Johnson person?”

Agent Fernando had enough “JACKSON, not Johnson.  Carlos, handcuff him, read him his Miranda Rights and put him in a car.  If he keeps talking, put a gag in his mouth.”

Rodney interrupted, “But, I am TO PREACH AT 10:00 at the church - you are interrupting the Lord’s work!”.

Agent Fernando yelled, “Carlos, put that gag on him now.”

Rodney didn’t put up a fight as Carlos put handcuffs on him and pushed him into the lead car of the three federal cars.

They drove the car up to the gate.  Carlos got out of the car and moved the gate to the campground.  

Agent Fernando yelled, “Find the others, bring them here.  Find Daniel Jackson and bring him here.”

For the next ten minutes, the men in the blue FBI windbreakers rounded up Jerry McDowell, Wayne Fleming, and Bob Wilson and handcuffed them, without a fight and put them in cars. Then for the next half-an-hour they scanned the campground for any trace of Daniel Jackson.  They didn’t find Daniel, and had decided not to check for fingerprints.  Finally, agent Fernando decided to get going before church goers came to the campground looking for Rodney Smith.  

The FBI cars headed east and then south to Green Bay and Milwaukee.  Along the way, Rodney was squirming and making noise through his gag.  Carlos took the gag off for a minute and Rodney said, “I have to pee”.  So, they made a pit stop at a Pilot convenience station.  One CSA person could use the bathroom at a time with one FBI agent walking with them. Other customers looked and they saw blue windbreaker FBI men prodding the CSA men through the store.  But it worked out okay, as they all ended up with some hot dogs off the roller cookers.

In Milwaukee, they pulled into the FBI garage and escorted the prisoners to cells on the lower level.  

Agent Fernando called in to Regional Director O’Connell to report that they got Rodney Smith, Jerry McDowell, Wayne Fleming, and Bob Wilson - but no Dan Jackson.  

Director O’Connell was in a bad mood as Midwestern Director Jason Bonick had chewed him out.  He yelled at Agent Fernando for letting Dan Jackson get away.

And, then Midwestern Director Jason Bonick told O’Connell that he wanted the prisoners transferred to Bloomington, Illinois.  About an hour later, a prisoner transfer van showed up and the four CSA men were hustled away.


Denise and Pastor Harbin got to the Yeti DriveIn in Crandon, Wisconsin about 11:00 p.m. They had alternated driving.  They had stopped for gas, food, and bathrooms a couple of times.  

Dan Jackson was glad to see Denise and hugged her.  He greeted Pastor Harbin warmly.  Aggie offered to put them up for the night, but Denise and Ronald said they would be fine at the Crandon Inn and Suites.  Steve offered Dan to stay overnight with them, and he agreed.  Aggie insisted that Denise and Ronald come over first thing in the morning to have breakfast at the drive in.


End of episode 15.  We are getting closer to being done - maybe next time!!! 


Karen Anne White,