Tuesday, May 30, 2023



Tomorrow is the first of June, and today is the last of May.

So, has May been a good, productive month - or not?

(Please, this is just a reflection - and a little violation of Micah 6:8 - what does God expect of you, but to love justice, show mercy, and walk HUMBLY with God!!! ) 

I was reflecting:

I walked over 100 miles in May (about 3.3 miles per day on average)

I played all four weeks at Walburg with the Brushy Creek Brass Band

I played four Granny Basketball games

I missed one Granny Basketball tournament (at a funeral)

I played Bridge Brat Bridge every week

I attended two funerals

I donated over XX% to charities

I painted the inside of my porch

I worked about 27 hours at the Wesleyan

I gave over 10 rides to three of my friends who no longer drive

I wrote over 35 blogs (31 days plus 4 Bridge Blogs) 

My Dan Jackson story grew to about 130 pages (anybody want to proofread it for me?)

My kitchen got a good cleaning once (but it needs it again)

My bedroom didn’t get cleaned (although I made my bed most mornings.

I read my online Bible every day

I attended church every Sunday, I attended my Bible Study twice (the other two times we didn’t meet)

I failed to lose weight

I did way too many hour on Duolingo German Lessons (just so I could stay at the “Diamond” level)

I did about the right amount of online games

I did one jigsaw puzzle

I listened to three audiobooks (“Jesus and John Wayne”, “Hey God, It’s Me, Margaret”, and “Demon Copperhead”)

My apartment needs a thorough cleaning!!

My plants on the patio are generally good - except I killed off a tomato plant (I’m not sure how - not enough fertilizer maybe)

I loved and prayed for my family and friends

I ate both nutritious and non-nutritious foods


I know that YOU do great things. I’m in a competition with myself!!!  I try to set goals and thus today as the last day of the month, I’m doing my accountability to myself (and to you).

“Self-accountability means taking responsibility for your actions and behaviors without blaming others. It means you’re fulfilling your obligations, tasks, and goals without excuses. And, if an unexpected challenge comes your way, being accountable means you can focus on a solution without pointing fingers.”

“Accountability is closely related to self-discipline because it demands that you remain honest about your actions and intentions. It’s tempting to dodge the guilt of letting someone down, but you must strengthen your emotional regulation and sit with those negative feelings.”


I feel good about what I did in May (and I feel bad about things that I didn't do so well).  

So, self-accountability leads to greater self-awareness.

It leads to greater goal setting. 

It helps me to keep pushing my comfort zone

It increases my self- confidence

Keeps me motivated



What are my goals for June?  First and foremost in my brain is to clean up my apartment. Last week I parked next to a car that was jammed full of stuff.  I didn’t inspect the car to see what all was in it.  Maybe this is a homeless person and all their possessions are in their car.  The only place one could sit was in the driver’s seat.  It seems like I’m becoming a bit of a trash hoarder in my apartment.  I don’t know what to do with stuff.  I see two posters from a concert in the winter.  Do I need to keep the posters as a reminder of playing in the concerts?

I’m writing this morning from my favorite chair in my apartment.  On my floor I see my two walking sticks for hiking.  They’ve been here since my trip to Big Bend National Park.  I’m not sure where they should go?  Into my closet maybe.  Maybe I should be using them more when I walk

There are other things on the floor that I just don’t know what to do with them.  

C’mon Karen - get up off your rear end and decide - keep (and if ‘keep’ - where to put it), or throw.


Like most months I had a default goal of watching my weight.  (Yes, I always give “lip service” to getting down 20 pounds - when am I going to get serious?)  I did lose the weight in March, only to gain it back in April and May!!!

Yes, my walking is now a habit.  I “HAVE TO” walk.  My body and my brain are aligning on this goal.  At least three miles a day.  (That’s about an hour using my speed).  

I am an educated person - and I know I HAVE to keep going.  I HAVE TO write everyday.  I have to stand tall and take care of my health.  At age 75 and working at a senior housing center, I see what happens when you age and don’t take care of yourself.  (You progress from a cane, to a walker to rollator, then to a wheelchair.  My brain is screaming NO, NO, NO!!!)


I do enjoy life - and I have to keep moving, growing, stretching my body and my brain!!!  (Somebody - I don’t remember who and if they were just being nice said “You don’t look 75”.)


LOVE TRANSFORMS (and it needs to keep transforming me)


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