Saturday, May 27, 2023


SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2023



Originally Decoration Day - to remember those who died in the Civil War. The number of soldiers who died between 1861 and 1865, generally estimated at 620,000, is approximately equal to the total of American fatalities in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, combined.  Plus, if we consider that the population of the United States was much smaller then, this was a huge blow to our country.

Deaths were higher because of the lack of quick battlefield medical help (and, of course, the two armies were both American).  Today, a soldier can be airlifted out, but that wasn’t possible then.  

And, yes, growing up we went to the cemetery and put flowers on graves - of relatives (there weren’t many), and of people that my mother (or grandmother) knew.  

My father had a joke.  “When we visited Arlington Cemetery, the mother of the unknown soldier was there putting flowers on his grave.”  (Must not have been “unknown”)



You may have heard that Georgetown Texas is the fastest growing community in the United States.  Yes, we have houses, business, even trails popping up all over.  HEB’s new store is due to open on June 7th.  Costco is also slated to open in June 2023.  

Yes, traffic is growing.  It seems like road construction is everywhere.  (I remember “up north” where there were two seasons - winter season and road construction season). I’ve decided that Texas weighs more now - as concrete is being poured everywhere!!


Georgetown has a new development that is COMPUTER PRINTED.  Here is a video of this 3D printing of houses (100 houses in this development): 

I tried to get a picture, but they had a security guard that wouldn’t let me in!!!  

Basically there is a device that is following computer directions to pour controlled amounts of concrete to make walls and rooms.  

I taught about 3D printers.  I envisioned 3D printed organs (but, not pianos) - hearts, kidneys, etc. - but those would be very specialized devices with organic materials.  I also see classic car owners being able to print a carburetor for a 1953 Studebaker Commander (I doubt that you can find those at your auto parts store).  


National Sunscreen Day - May 27

Yes, this was yesterday, but I wanted to highlight using sunscreen. As a kid, I was outside all day long in the summer - and I was tan.  (I guess I didn’t think of tanning myself!!!)  As an adult, being inside way-to-much, there have been times I should have used sunscreen.  I do have sunscreen and if I am going to be walking or hiking, I do apply it.

It does remind me of a personal story.  One Summer, for the Fourth of July, I went to visit a friend whose parents had a cabin on the Mississippi River.  My friend and I went canoeing most of the day - and by evening I was definitely sunburned.  We lathered aloe cream and sunburn cream all over me (and my friend).  It was painful and it took a couple of weeks to go through the process of peeling skin and being teased about getting sunburned.  

Getting sunburned can lead to skin cancer and other issues - so I’ve learned my lesson.  If I know I’m going to be outside for a long period of time, I know I need to use my sunscreen before going out!!!

National Hamburger Day - May 28

It’s Memorial Day weekend - and having a burger fresh off the grill is a real treat.  How do you have your burger?  Rare (MOO)? Medium Rare? Medium? Medium Well, Well, (burnt!!).  Then what do you want on it?  Cheese?  Ketchup? Mustard? Onions, Pickles, Mayo?  Are you picky about your bun?  (Do you have a bun?) Do you want potato chips with your burger, or cole slaw, or some other condiment?

Indianapolis 500 - May 28 

The only Indianapolis 500 race I really remember was from 1965.  I was graduating from high school and a friend had invited all of the seniors in the Jefferson High School Choir to a party in the country.  There were burgers, friends, laughter, and memories forged that day.  I’m not sure exactly where we were, but it was definitely away from town.  Acres of green woodland grass, trees, a little stream, and a transistor radio blaring the race - and not a house or barn in sight.  (And, what a concept - a battery powered transistor radio - pretty neat!!)  

Somehow in my memory, that was one of the last hoorays of my high school senior year.


Memorial Day is the unofficial start of Summer.  I hope you have something special planned for this weekend. And, give thanks for those who have defended America.

Karen White, May 24, 2023

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