Tuesday, May 23, 2023



In my 15 years of writing a daily blog, I have written on attitude many times.  I believe we MUST keep a good attitude.  Monday, I wrote about stretching my comfort zone (and buying some cryptocurrency).  Tuesday, I wrote from Ecclesiastes where the author (King Solomon) says everything is worthless.  I disagreed with that, which leads to today’s blog - attitude.

Yesterday I mentioned ET - a senior friend who decided that life wasn’t worth living.  My friend RP’s sister died in a similar way two months ago - didn’t eat, and died.  LIFE IS WORTH LIVING - even through the bumps and unpleasant things.  I MUST have a good attitude.


I used: https://daringtolivefully.com/positive-attitude for some ideas.

1. Have a Morning Routine. I have a fairly rigid morning routine.  I get up, I check my email (okay, that could wait), I do two games online - a Sudoku variation and Words With Friends, I check two social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter), and I do my daily Bible Reading.  And, I have two cups of coffee while doing this. I frequently write my blogs in the morning.  

2. Carry An Attitude of Happiness With You. I try to be happy - 100% of the time.  (That doesn’t always work out - yes - I am still very human!!)  But, life is much better after lunch AND my afternoon nap!!!  It amazes me that right before my nap, some ugly thinking can go on in my brain, but after my nap, life is GOOD!!

3. Relish Small Pleasures. There are times when I laugh at myself or because of something.  It isn’t necessarily out loud, but just a little something that I noticed or thought about.  One thing I miss is whistling (I need to keep trying).  I used to start whistling without thinking about it. Maybe it is the finale from the Firebird Suite, maybe some Tchaikowsky theme (Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty).  There is beauty in the world.  “Take time and smell the roses!!!”

4. Smile. Yup - most of the time.  I’ve had others take pictures of me - and sometimes they are really crazy.  (And, wave!!!  I wave at cars that approach.  Some people wave back at me and some think “That’s some crazy person”.)

5. Upload Positivity to Your Brain. Remember the Little Golden Book about the Little Engine Who Could - “I think I can, I think I can!!!”  “I can do all things through Christ who strengths me” (Philippians 4:13)

6. Take Responsibility. 

  • I create my life.

  • I am responsible for myself.

  • I’m in charge of my destiny.

  • We do get to choose who we are and where we are going.

7. Have a Zen Attitude. Think of life not as something that’s happening TO YOU, but as something that’s happening FOR YOU. Look at any challenging situation, person, or event as a teacher that’s been brought into your life to teach you something.

The next time you find yourself thinking, “Why is this happening to me?” choose to have a Zen attitude, instead. Ask yourself, “What am I supposed to learn or gain from this”? or “How will this help me grow and become a better, more enlightened being?”

8. Be Proactive. I’m not as proactive as I should be.  I don’t always want to step out and help others as much as I should!!

9. Change Your Thoughts. Change is inevitable, but growth is optional.  I’ve changed (I hope for the better).  I’ve changed my thoughts - especially on theology.  GOD IS LOVE - rather than judging others.  Who am I to judge others?  If you want to judge me -that’s okay (or not okay), but I’m working on LOVING others.

10. Have a Purpose. Yesterday I wrote from  Ecclesiastes chapter 1. “Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!”.  NO THAT IS NOT TRUE - I have meaning, I have a purpose in life!!  I must be upbeat, I MUST LOVE!!  Love is my purpose!!

11. Focus On the Good. We all can rationalize (I’m still good at rationalization!!)  I’ve written about the driver who I first see in my rearview mirror - who is zipping in and out of lanes - who passes me.  I used to think “What a jerk”.  Now I think, “I bet he just got a call from the hospital.  His mother is about ready to die, and he wants to be there to say “Goodbye” to her” (or, the hospital calls, and his wife was in an accident and is at the hospital in serious condition).

12. Stop Expecting Life to Be Easy. I have to keep walking and loving myself!!!

13. Keep Up Your Enthusiasm. Enthusiastic people have a great attitude toward life. Have a list of ways to lift your enthusiasm ready for those times when you feel your zest for life draining away. Being enthusiastic will help you maintain the attitude that life is good and that you’re lucky to be alive.  Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Nothing Great was ever achieved without Enthusiasm”!!!

There is more I’d like to say - and one story for sure - and I’m saving that for tomorrow!!!


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