Saturday, February 10, 2024




It is three days from Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday, and Lent.  It is unusual for these two to be on the same day.  The next time is 2029 (only five years away) - and the next time after that is in the next century!!!  Valentine’s Day is always on February 14th - and can very from Sunday to Saturday.  Ash Wednesday relates to the time of Easter (the first Sunday after the Spring Equinox).

February is also National Heart Month; last week was National Wear Red Day.  Take care of your heart - exercise, and diet are “heart healthy”. 

The Super Bowl between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs is today.  Are you having a party or going to a party?  I’m working at Wesleyan Skilled Nursing until maybe half-time.  I’m invited to two parties - but I might just go home and relax.

Super Bowl is a big event for food - get your gear ready for your party.  (And don’t drink and drive)

Have you noticed the sun is staying up later?  Six weeks until the Spring Equinox on March 19th.

April 8th is the next (total) eclipse - and Texas is on the line for best viewing.  Media says, “Totality can last twice as long as in 2017, depending on the observer's location. It's also set to be the longest totality on land for over a decade, so expect eclipse-chasers worldwide to visit the path of totality. As a bonus, the sun's corona is expected to be huge during totality.



I didn’t include any jokes and puns last week, and a few of you told me so!!!  So, here are some one-line jokes.

What did the horse say after it tripped?  Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t giddyup!

Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent.

What do you call a well-balanced horse?  Stable.

What do you call an angry carrot? A steamed veggie.

Where do polar bears keep their money?  In a snowbank.

How do you make an egg roll? You push it!

What would bears be without bees? Ears.

What do you call a pile of cats? A meow-ntain.

Why do cows wear bells? Because their horns don’t work.

Why did the bicycle fall over?  Because it was two tired.

What did the triangle say to the circle?  You’re pointless.

RIP, boiling water. Soon you will be mist.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

I ordered a chicken and an egg online. I’ll let you know what comes first.

Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer? She kept running away from the ball!

What do lawyers wear to court?  Lawsuits.

What do elves learn in school? The elf-abet.

Where was King David’s temple located? Beside his ear.

What did one toilet say to another?  You look flushed.

What lights up a soccer stadium? A soccer match.


And some Valentine’s Jokes

Who always has a date on Valentine's Day? A calendar.

What Valentine's message can you find in a honeycomb? "Bee mine."

Which new Taylor Swift tune is the best couple's song for two ghosts to share? "Invisible String."

How did the coin propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a jingle.

What did one Hershey's bar say to the other who arrived long past their date time? "You're choco-late."

Why are artichokes so beloved? They're known for their hearts.

What did the love-obsessed candle say when it was lit? "I found the perfect match!"

What do you call a colorful heart that loves books? "Well-red."


Chinese New Year - Saturday, February 10th

If you wondered what was going on yesterday, you’ll find that 20% of the Earth’s population was celebrating the Chinese New Year — using more fireworks than any other day of the year. It’s a celebration with good food, red envelopes, and blessings for everyone. It now is the “Year of the Dragon”. (Or the “Red Dragon”).

National Visit a Shut-In Day - Sunday, February 11th

Do visit a shut-in (sometime). Maybe before the Super Bowl game.  



Enjoy the Super Bowl today - Valentine’s Day, and Ash Wednesday on Wednesday.


Karen Anne White, (c), February 11 2024

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