Monday, February 5, 2024



This little article gives us some suggestions to make life worthwhile.

Life is worthwhile if you learn.

We need to learn.  We learn from our successes - and our mistakes.  (Sometimes, we learn more from our mistakes!!!).  

I write and talk about my comfort zone.  Our best learning is just outside our comfort zone.  Inside our comfort zone, we already know the concept; too far out from our comfort zone, the material is strange, and we have trouble learning it.  For example - let’s say I am learning a new programming language.  I’ve learned other programming languages - and soon I’ll say - that’s just like the decision (IF/THEN) in Pascal; hey, the looping structure is similar to the DO LOOP in Basic; the sequence is just like other languages.  If I were to develop a plan to fly a space probe around Saturn in 2029, I’d have no idea - too far out of my comfort zone.

I learn something new every day.  Sometimes, that might mean taking two concepts I know and building synergy around them.  I can use resources (like internet searches) to develop my understanding.  (I rarely follow recipes strictly.  I get an idea - and then start tinkering with it.  I’ve been making different bean soups (excellent for winter) with different ingredients - in a pot on the stove or my Crockpot, with more of some spices and less of others!!!

To me, “Learning is intrinsic.”  I LIKE TO LEARN!!


Life is worthwhile if you try.

Yes - I’ve talked about “head knowledge” and “heart knowledge” in the past.  There are things that I know in my brain - but haven’t really experienced - and things that I’ve experienced - that become part of me.  

I know that if I drop a fragile glass, it will break.  That’s good.  Unfortunately, I understood how to handle fragile glass once I dropped it and had to sweep up the debris. 

I read the bridge column in the newspaper growing up.  I read about bidding and play, but it wasn’t until I sat at the table with three others and had cards that it became “real” to me.  

I don’t have to try everything; I don’t have to go up in a hot-air balloon to understand how it works.  I don’t have to know how to kick a field goal in football to appreciate it. 


Life is worthwhile if you stay.

The article gave an analogy about farming.  You must plant and reap (and all the steps in between).  

A friend described the work process like this:

You have to show up

You have to show up on time

You have to show up on time and prepared for work (right tools, right attitude)


Life is worthwhile if you CARE.

The article puts it this way:

“If you care at all, you will get some results. If you care enough, you can get incredible results. Care enough to make a difference. Care enough to turn somebody around. Care enough to start a new enterprise. Care enough to change it all. Care enough to be the highest producer. Care enough to set some records. Care enough to win.”

Hallmark used the slogan “When you care enough to send the very best” (in terms of cards).  


 But over and above all of this is your attitude, belief in yourself, and abilities. You should review and enhance your skills.  (If you want to be at the top).

I could be a much better bridge player if I read bridge books and practiced more - and I CARED more.  But maybe I enjoy being “just” a social bridge player.  

I’m retired.  I had a great career.  I think I was pretty good - and I worked at it.  Every semester, I tried to make my classes better, I tried to care more for my students, I learned, and I stayed with it.

Now, I learn, stay, try, and care about


Karen Anne White, ©,, February 6, 2024

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