Monday, July 15, 2024


In 1969, after college, I took my first job teaching at West Grant High School in Patch Grove, Wisconsin. Technically, the school had a Patch Grove address, but it was about a mile north of the little town. The Patch Grove town sign said 208 people!!  

It consolidated Mount Hope, Bagley, and the most rural area of Grant County. The western part of Grant County is bordered on the north by the Wisconsin River and on the west by the Mississippi River. Thus, the name _” West Grant High School.”

At my first parent/teacher conference, the Guthrie family indicated that their grown daughter drove daily into Prairie du Chien for work while I went from Prairie du Chien to West Grant High School. I said I would wave to her.

Except - I didn’t know what she looked like, what kind and color of the car she had.

The following day, I waved at every car I met on Highway 18 going from Prarie du Chien to West Grant. I did this for about two weeks until I figured out which car the Guthrie girl was in.  

Then, I only needed to wave at one car—but all the vehicles coming into Prairie du Chien had drivers waving at ME!! After all, I had waved at them for two weeks in my red-orange Plymouth Baracuda. For my two years at West Grant, I waved at every car (and driver) I met on my drive to work.  

And I thought it was fun.


I still wave to drivers - and it’s become a test - and ask if they will wave back to me.  

Recently, I joined a “Coffee Club” at my local convenience gas station. For $9.99 a month, I can have all the coffee I want. (They do have a restriction - only one per hour). They have great coffee - plus hot chocolate and expresso drinks. Their hot chocolate is fantastic. So far, about 20 days into the program, I’ve been greedy and usually have two cups a day and, some days, three cups. (And, you can get 16-ounce cups, 20-ounce cups, and 24-ounce cups - and I’ve been getting the 24-ounce cups!!).

I’ve put away my home coffee maker. If I don’t finish my 24-ounce coffee, I can warm it in the microwave (like I did with my coffee maker anyway).  

Also, part of my plan is to take more daily steps. Before I signed up, I averaged 6,000 steps a day (or 3 miles). I’m averaging 10,000 steps a day (or 5 miles). It is about 0.75 miles to the convenience store, so it is about a 1.5-mile round trip (using the close route). So, days, I make it part of my outdoor walking routine to get up to 3 miles on the trip. And if I do it twice daily, I will reach my 10,000 goal.  


And I wave at every car I meet on my walk to get coffee. !!  I live in an apartment building - in a residential neighborhood. Not all of the vehicles that I meet are residents. But, I am getting about 75 to 80% response rate (that is, they wave back to me). With their hands on the steering wheel, some drivers will raise a few fingers. Others give an enthusiastic wave back.


Okay, Karen, do you have a point to this?

Of course, I do!!!


This world is getting isolated. There are twelve apartments in my building (and there are twenty buildings in this complex). I know - know - only two people in this building. (I knew five before, but three of them have moved.)  

I need to spread some cheer in the world - and I do that by waving at the cars I meet. I can only guess what those drivers think. That sure is a crazy lady waving at me - or maybe - what a nice gesture for that lady to wave to me. For two seconds, they will think about the wave and not the problems in their lives.  

I’ve also started having a short prayer for (specifically) those who didn’t wave back. They were too lost in thought to see and respond to my wave.

Love Wins

Love Transforms

Karen Anne White

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