Monday, July 1, 2024



Well, every blog needs a title.

Yes, my diet isn’t working - of course, with a lot of ice cream, I should have known that.  I stepped on the scale this morning and am up two pounds!!!

On Saturday, I walked over 7 miles.  Last week, I averaged over five miles walking. I had 15 839 steps last Sunday.  I was surprised that I got 5,238 steps.  Tuesday, I had 8381 steps, Wednesday 8,790 steps, Thursday 10,636 steps, Friday 10,509 steps, and yesterday (Saturday, June 29), I got 14,951 steps.  I figure 2,000 steps per mile.  

While I haven’t done my walking today (written on Sunday, June 30), I hope to get at least 10,000 steps.

I also had a fantastic week with my Duolingo German lessons.  The week ends tonight (Sunday).  In my particular category this week, I have 4,231 points.  I’m the leader in my category.  The nearest competitor is at 2,370 points.  I will be promoted to the highest level in Duolingo language lessons online.  (Getting 1,000 points in a day is almost impossible, and I’m nearly 2,000 points ahead.)

So physically, I’m hitting my stride.  Mentally, I’m acing my German for the week - and I’m failing my diet? 

Well, last Monday, I had all my remaining teeth removed, imprints made, and new dentures made. But my mouth has been swollen and hurting, and I have to wait another week (Monday, June 8th) for my implants to be officially installed.  

So, with no teeth, I’m eating pudding, ice cream (and shakes), instant potatoes, soft-boiled eggs, soup, yogurt, and whatever doesn’t require me to chew!  


And (super unusual for me), I’ve allowed depression to creep into my brain.  I’m about ready to kill (okay, not really) for a hamburger, fries, pie, or cake- but I couldn’t eat it if it were on a platter before me!! 

I didn’t want to go to church yesterday morning.  I look like a refugee from the war in Ukraine (like the old ladies with no teeth, sunken lips, bruised and battered).  I didn’t want to explain what was going on.  


(Okay - maybe too much.  I believe there is a devil.  Yesterday morning, he was attacking me - you look terrible, your children and grandchildren are estranged from you, you are gaining weight, your new teeth will never fit, just get over it - you’re a loser.)

When I get down, he knows where my weak spots are. 

That’s time to take an extra antidepressant pill.

Of course, my afternoon nap did help, too.


Pollyanna needs a little rest sometimes. She knows that deep inside, there is a reservoir of hope and love that never runs dry. She knows that when she is down a little, it is time to get out, smile that toothless grin, let LOVE WIN, and kick the attacker to the curb.  

My friends who read this know there are battles - but ultimately LOVE WINS.  

Karen Anne White

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