Wednesday, July 31, 2024



This comes from friends - and observation.  It is ONLY a generalization.

My friend MN (age 74) dates AC (age 85). AC has a history of being unfaithful. Seemingly, when AC was young and recently married, he had his first child, and not too long after that, he had his second child (not by the same mother). Seemingly, AC has been married and divorced five times.  

AC seems to think he is “God’s gift to women.”


RP (age 79) was married - and her husband had “roaming eyes.”  They divorced, and almost instantly, her ex married again.


From my experience, men are “wired” differently.  Men decide by looks - and lust.  

Frank Sinatra was married four times and had at least six other notable relationships in between. He had three verified children and more than one of questionable paternity.

Solomon had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines.

Muhammad had twelve wives; Henry the Eighth had six wives; Joseph Smith had up to 40 wives.

Even Donald Trump has had three wives. 


Men (not all men) have a roving eye - and eye is the correct word. Over the years, men tend to look at the outside of a woman. 

But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:28


While it is not valid in the biological sense, it seems like some men think with their eyes and with their male organs. Back to AC at the top of today’s blog - How could a man with a wife who is pregnant even think of being with (aka “having sex”) with another woman?  

Matthew 18:9 says, "If your eye causes you to stumble and sin, pluck it out and throw it away from you; you should enter life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fiery hell."

The meaning for men is “don’t look” - or avoid the occasion to lust.


As a man, I was subject to the above discussion.  Unfortunately, in a unit on creating web pages, one of my students had a link: “If you are over 18, click here”.  Well, I was over 18, and I clicked - and found online pornography.  I fought that for a while and needed accountability with God to avoid this.  (And, got it in Confession) .

Men do get excited sexually about seeing women in provocative poses.  Biblically, King David saw Bathsheba bathing and lusted after her (even to the extent of having her husband killed in battle). 


My intent today is to suggest that men can lose their better senses when confronted with women. 

LOVE DOES WIN - But we must choose to follow agape love, not eros love


Karen Anne White, August 1st, 2024

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