Tuesday, July 30, 2024




Almost the end of July- named after Julius Caesar; next is August, named after Augustus Caesar.

Julius Caesar was Augustus's great-uncle. Julius played a significant role in Augustus's early life, introducing him to Roman politics and taking him on military campaigns. In 47 B.C.E., Augustus fought alongside Caesar and impressed him so much that Caesar named him as his heir in his will when he was assassinated in 43 B.C.E. At age 19, Augustus accepted the inheritance and became involved in Roman politics, forming alliances, defeating rivals, and winning a civil war.

In the old Roman calendar, March is the first month.  So October - using the prefix “oct” for eight is the eighth month in the old calendar; like December - with the prefix “dec” - for ten is the tenth month. (And, August is the 6th month in that calendar)


August is the only month without a formal (or informal) holiday.  It is also “back to school” month.  If you’ve been shopping, you probably have seen the “back to school” specials. 

January has New Year’s Day and Martin Luther King Day

February has Valentines Day and Presidents’ Day

March has Pi Day, St. Patrick’s Day and March Madness

April has April Fools Day and Easter

May has Mother’s Day and Memorial Day

June has Flag Day and Juneteenth

July has the Fourth of July

September has Labor Day

October has Halloween

November has Veterans Day and Thanksgiving

December has Christmas and New Year’s Eve

So, poor August has not much to celebrate.


 August is “back to school” month. When I taught, my brain turned on. At end of the school year I didn’t want to see another student!!  But as August came I was excited to get back to the classroom!! 


If you have a relative going off to school for the first time, one who is going off to twelfth grade - or a friend, neighbor - encourage them to work hard.  School is for education.  Yes, socialization is important, but thinking, reading, writing, math and science skills are important!!!



Karen Anne White, July 31st, 2024

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