Monday, December 30, 2024







Don’t only get your news from Twitter… try Facebook.  (Hey - that’s a good idea)

Learn when the final reductions go on items in the reduced aisle and build your shopping schedule around it.  (You know that day-old bread is still okay - until it has green spots)

Incorporate when free samples are being served into that schedule, too. (If you go to Costco, the time with the most extensive sample tables is Saturday and Sunday between 1 and 3 p.m.)

Set a goal to be vegan for six months and give up after six hours. 🍔  (I tried Tofu a while back - it was okay)

Live your best life and only buy bottoms with no buttons or zippers. (But it must have pockets)

Sign up for a marathon that you bravely will not run. (But, you’ll get a cool t-shirt)

Take up a sport that requires no cardio, like darts or dating apps. (Is watching sports on TV an exercise?)

Limit yourself to two minutes to pick a Netflix movie. If it’s good, you’ll feel like you’ve uncovered a gem. If it’s terrible, you’ll be asleep in no time.  (ZZ)

Unfriend every person who shares their unsolicited diet or exercise regimen on your social media page. (Have you tried the two-gallon-of-ice cream-a-day diet plan? )

Take more days off… It’s a no-brainer. (As retired folks, every day is a day off!!!)

Use the phrase “It’s a no-brainer” more often. (Reading the BBB is a no-brainer)

Do so much yoga (or Zumba) that it justifies wearing yoga pants 24/7. (Yes, I want to be like Vickie!!!)

Be OK with making more than one trip from the car to bring in groceries. The human arm can only hold so much. (I dropped a large tin of holiday popcorn.  When I opened it up, all three varieties were mixed together)

Add the phrase “Think outside the clocks” to your business jargon. (Do I say that to Nancy when she tells us to finish up?)

Use more business jargon in your everyday life. It’s scalable and robust and will take you to the next level. (Hey - “far out”)

Book that bougie trip, girl. (How about New Orleans for “Fat Tuesday”?)

Put on a complete outfit for Zoom calls (although bottom half-naked never hurt anyone).  (Be careful to stop your camera if you have to go to the kitchen or bathroom)


1. Youth is when you're alloT-shirtstay up for New Year's. Middle age is when you're forced to. Seniors set the clocks ahead three hours so you can celebrate at 9:00 p.m.

2. What do New Year's parades have in common with Santa Claus? No one is ever awake to see them. (I do try to catch the Rose Parade)

3. What is a New Year's resolution? Something that goes in one year and out the other.  

4. My New Year resolves to see my cup half-full, preferably with rum, gin, vodka, or moonshine.  (Instead of prune juice)

5. What is the digital camera's New Year's resolution? 1080p.

6.  What do cows say on Jan. 1? "Happy Moo New Year!"

7. What do you call someone named Stephen on Dec. 31? New Year's Steve!


We are not amateurs - but we are seniors.  Don’t drink and drive (you might spill your drink).  

Carry a bottle of wine with you.  If you get stopped, you can say you were at a prayer meeting - and Jesus turned the water into wine.


And, if you have pets, ensure they are comforted if neighbors are shooting off fireworks.





Karen Anne White, December 31, 2024



2024 is almost over.  On Wednesday, January 1, 2025, I’ll give some thoughts and New Year’s Resolutions.  But first - how did 2024 fare?


I lost two close friends this year.  There will be more as I age (and my friends get older).  I don’t mourn much publically. But deep inside, I mourn.  At age 77, I realize that we all will die, and I am dying (we all are) - maybe 20 years, perhaps today.    

In July, RP died in a nursing home.  I visited her on the day she died, and although she wasn’t awake, RP was one of the first people I met in Georgetown.  She was the only one who attended my orchestra concerts - and went to Granny Basketball games and Walburg Oktoberfest.  As time passed, I became her chauffeur, and we went to Dollar Tree and Walmart weekly.  We also were searching for the best burger place in the area!! (Mighty Fine Burgers in Round Rock won).   

And, as time continued, I drove her for surgeries and chemotherapy.  On our last trip outside her nursing home, we went to Dollar Tree with her (using her walker as a chair), an oxygen tank, and a shopping cart.  I laughed, trying to push three things around.  Finally, I put the potable oxygen tank into the shopping cart - and we made it through the store without bumping too many things off the shelf.

We talked and visited frequently as old friends. Through her, I met both our daughters (and their families).

She was an author, a spiritual person, and a great friend. I loved her—and still love her!


I met TL about 3.5 years ago in the Independent Living facility at Wesleyan Senior Healthcare.  I needed something to keep me busy, so I became a caregiver.  TL wasn’t my only person, but one with whom I bonded.  She had a minor stroke before I met her, so she didn’t talk much.  I helped her go to lunch.

Other caregivers went to her apartment and watched TV with her. Someone mentioned that she played cards, so we started playing gin rummy before dinner. I then helped her get ready for bed.  

She was a MENSA person and an artist with her studio. 

After a year, she was moved to the memory care unit.  She saw a checkerboard there, so we played checkers - and she was outstanding. (I’m not a lousy checker player - so we had some good “battles”).  Slowly, her speech dropped off.  

She was moved to the Wesleyan Skilled Nursing facility a year and a half ago.  We still played checkers and walked around.  She used her walker.  We would stop in their exercise/rehabilitation room, and she did some exercises.  We also did crafts.  As an artist, I brought in art books.  But, slowly, that faded.  We were playing checkers, and she would start with the red checkers, and someplace in the middle of a game, she would start to play the black checkers.  She went from a walker to a wheelchair.  I ended up feeding her - seven nights a week.  

For a woman who couldn’t speak, we still communicated.  I loved her - and still love her. 



I like to have new adventures. This year, my big adventure was visiting my sister in Phoenix. We had a great time—visiting the British Tea Shop, the Instrumental Music Museums, and my family!

Two new state high points preceded that. (New Mexico and Arizona).  After that, I visited the Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, and Bryce Canyon National Park.  

Yes, it was a lot of driving, but we enjoyed our country's beauty! I particularly liked Zion National Park.  In the Grand Canyon, the river is at the bottom of the canyon; in Zion, the river is there, and the mountains rise above it.  (I wish it were a couple of hours away rather than three days of driving)

I visited my cousin, Marcia, in the Seattle area in November.  We’ve been friends on Facebook for some time, but this was our first time being together in person.  (What a delightful time).  I met her family (my nieces) and worshipped together.  

My friend Mary and I share lunch most Wednesdays (along with grocery shopping). I love my friends at the Bridge Club, my church, and the community and area. I keep playing tuba for the Bluebonnet Philharmonic Orchestra and Brushy Creek Brass Band (how long will that last?) and keeping score for my Granny Basketball Team!!!  




Karen Anne White, December 30, 2024

(My friend Paula gave me a television set with Roku.  I don’t want to get addicted to television, and I want to understand what is available.  That can be either a negative or a positive in the new year!!!)

Sunday, December 29, 2024





Which of Santa's reindeer are dinosaurs afraid of? Comet.

Why is Santa scared of chimneys? Because he's claus-trophobic.

How you can tell that Santa is real? You can always sense his presents.

What nationality is Santa Claus? North Polish.

Why did Mrs. Claus get mad at Santa? Because her husband was a flake.

What's Santa's favorite type of music? Wrap.

Why is Santa so good at karate? He has a black belt.

Why does Santa go through the chimney? Because it soots him.

What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.

How does Santa take pictures? With his Pole-aroid camera.

What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride? A "Holly" Davidson.

How much did Santa's sleigh cost? It was on the house!

Why was Santa's little helper so sad? He had low elf-esteem.

Who is Santa's least favorite reindeer? Rude-olph.

Why did Santa go to the liquor store? He was looking for holiday spirits.

What do you call Santa's little helpers? Subordinate Clauses.

Why don't you ever see Santa Claus in the hospital? Because he has private elf care.


1. Youth is when you're allowed to stay up for New Year's. Middle age is when you're forced to.

2. What do New Year's parades have in common with Santa Claus? No one is ever awake to see them.

3. What is a New Year's resolution? Something that goes in one year and out the other.

4. My New Year's resolution is to see my cup half-full, preferably with rum, gin, vodka or moonshine.

5. What is the digital camera's New Year's resolution? 1080p.

6. An iPhone and a firecracker were arrested on New Year’s Eve.  One was charged, and the other was let off

7. What do you call someone named Stephen on Dec. 31? New Year's Steve!

8. What do cows say on Jan. 1? "Happy Moo New Year!"

9. What's the worst part of jogging on New Year's Eve? The ice falling out of your drink!

10. What is corn's favorite holiday? New Ears Eve.

11. How did Prince celebrate the new millennium? He partied like it was 1999.

12. My New Year's resolution was to drop my bad habits, but no one likes a quitter.

13. What was the Amityville Priest's resolution? To exorcise more.

14. What does a field grow on Jan. 1? New Year's hay.

15. What was Dr. Frankenstein's New Year's resolution? To make new friends.

16. What does a ghost say on Dec. 31? "Happy Boo Year!"

17. What did Che Guevara make on New Year's Day? A New Year's revolution.

18. What do you tell someone you didn't see on New Year's Eve? I haven't seen you since last year!

19. A man asks his buddy for a cigarette. His friend quips, "I thought you made a New Year's resolution and that you don't smoke.” The man replied,  "I'm in phase one of quitting." Confused, his friend asked, "Phase one?" The man laughed, "Yes. I've quit buying."

20. What New Year's resolution should a basketball player never make? To travel more.

21. What does a jeweler do on Dec. 31? Ring in the New Year.

22. What was the official snack food of New Year's Eve? Dick Clark Bar.

23. I love when they drop the ball in Times Square. It's a nice reminder of what I did all year.




Karen Anne White, December 29, 2024

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Christmas Story -  2024

Christmas was hard for Dr. Ahmad Karzai.

He had been a doctor in Afghanistan who had managed to escape when the Taliban took over.   Unfortunately, his wife and two-year-old daughter were tortured and killed. 

He was one of the lucky ones, although he might not agree with that. In the chaos of the last days of the war, United Nations forces helped hundreds of people escape the intolerant Taliban 

 In the United States, he was relocated to Houston Texas. He took the required courses in American medicine, English language, cultural awareness, and whatever else to be certified as a Family Care doctor.  

But, jobs were scarce for an Alghani in Texas.  His English was “good enough,” although heavily accented.  His skills and knowledge were reasonable.  During his residency at Houston General Hospital, he spent evenings watching prescribed American movies, television shows, magazines, and books.  He learned about football and American sports.  In Afghanistan, he was a nominal Muslim - having the prayer rug and following the rudiments of his faith (like many in Kabul) - not an important part of his life.  There was an Afghani support group in Houston that helped ease the adjustment. But he needed to find a job and get his life back. 

He had applied to eighty medical clinics and hospitals and got only two interviews.  He was only a finalist at one place - the Stratford Family Medical Clinic in Stratford, Texas.  It had taken him twelve hours to drive his 1995 Honda to Stratford.  He had gotten stares at the Stratford Inn -  which, according to the rating services, was a one-star hotel.  

Stratford was definitely off the beaten path.  

Ahmad didn’t quite realize that when he arrived at the Stratford Family Medical Clinic at 8:45 on Tuesday August 15, 2023.  There was a sign in the lobby, “Welcome Dr. Karzai”.  The receptionist was so friendly.  She greeted him warmly, and within five minutes, there were four people around him.  The hospital administrator, Richard McCarthy, anesthetist Sara Winter, head of nursing Tina Martinez, as well as the receptionist, Helen Osman.  Mr. McCarthy welcomed Ahmad and gave him an itinerary of the interview process and day activities.  

Ahmad gave the itinerary a quick glance - it was a day full of activities - including lunch, tour of the community, tour of the clinic and the hospital.  There were coffee breaks, and restroom breaks.  He thought maybe it was going to be a couple of hours of interviews about his background and skills.  He had submitted various recommendations from his residency work and the staff that helped him adjust to the United States and Texas.

All four of the Stratford staff and Ahmad started in a conference room.  A “Welcome Dr. Karzai” sign was on the wall.  There were eight kinds of hot tea and various pastries.  All but Sara Winter had tea, she had a bottle of water with her.  

Each of the staff introduced themselves.  Ahmad had been told he would have a fifteen-minute presentation, and he started that at about 9:30.  The four staff persons eagerly listened to his presentation. After the presentation, Tina asked him about communication with nurses and medical staff.  Richard did an overview of the Clinic and Stratford’s finances and asked him if he had ideas for additional services.

He had the clinic tour, and Richard McCarthy walked the two blocks to the hospital with him. Richard explained that the hospital and clinic had merged about twelve years ago and functioned well.  The hospital was small to Ahmad after his experiences in Afghanistan and in Houston.  It had thirty beds.  Richard explained that some of the beds were used for hospice patients.  There was a small surgical center.  Tina explained that most significant surgeries were sent to Armallio, but they set broken arms and other minor surgeries in their hospital.  Sara Winter briefly said, “Hi”.  She was prepping a high school volleyball girl for a broken finger.  

Lunch included the Major of Stratford, the School Superintendent, Richard, and Tina.  

The community tour was pretty short - a town of about 2,000 people didn’t take long.  Tina gave the tour and stopped at the Living Texas Real Estate office.  Buzz Sawyer greeted Ahmad warmly and gave him an idea of both apartments and houses in the Stratford area.  


Richard McCarthy offered a position as a general practitioner at the Stratford Family Medical Center/Stratford Hospital.  The salary was reasonable.  Ahmad knew that interviews and offers were limited to him.  Mr. McCarthy gave Ahmad a week to get back to accepting the position. 


Ahmad did accept the offer.  He rented a U-Haul trailer to bring his few belongings to Stratford.  When he arrived at his new apartment, there were several people there to help him move in.


The position was adapted to give him appropriate time off for Ramadan, and other traditional Muslim holidays.  

While there were a few people in the town who weren’t friendly, most were.  He learned that the small clinic and community hospital were in danger of closing and his hiring was necessary.

Helen and John Osman took him under their wings. He soon became a part of their family. At least one dinner a week, plus going to Stratford High School volleyball games (the Osman’s granddaughter played) were part of his routine.  

Some weekends, Helen and John watched their four-year-old granddaughter Melissa (although was generally called Missy). Ahmad loved playing tea parties with Missy. 

In September, Ahmad drove to Lubbock twice as there was a Muslim support group there with students from Texas Tech University. He felt out of place. Most of the students were Arabs, and some were radical and militant.

Ahman joined the Stratford Community Recreation Center and played basketball frequently.  He joined a community band (he was a percussionist). Richard McCarthy and his family had a son who played football, and he sat with them and cheered on the Stratford Elks.


But, as Christmas approached, he felt out of place as people said “Merry Christmas” to him.  At first, he didn’t know how to answer the question, but Richard suggested that he just say “Merry Christmas” back.  

And, on Christmas Day, Helen Osman invited Ahmad to her house for dinner and to watch football games.  

He felt their love and acceptance. 


Ahmed had time to reflect on how well he had been accepted.  He had realized that he was a stranger in this area.  The community had gone out of their way to make him welcome.  

He remembered something Helen had said about ‘loving their neighbors’. 


Friends, yes, I am a Christian - that is called to LOVE all people.  I am not God.  I believe that God is Merciful, Forgiving, Infinite, and Loving.  Is Dr. Karzai (and others that aren’t Christian) going to heaven? That’s a theology question beyond me.  I am to LOVE all.  

Some people say “Love came down at Christmas”.  How are you bringing love and acceptance to others?  (And how are they in accepting of you?).  Are you loving your neighbor?  




Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Happy Hanukkah /Seasons Greetings. 

Karen Anne White, December 26, 2024





How much did Santa's sleigh cost? It was on the house.

Which of Santa's reindeer are dinosaurs afraid of? Comet.

Why is Santa scared of chimneys? Because he's claus-trophobic.

How you can tell that Santa is real? You can always sense his presents.

What nationality is Santa Claus? North Polish.

Why did Mrs. Claus get mad at Santa? Because her husband was a flake.

What's Santa's favorite type of music? Wrap.

Why is Santa so good at karate? He has a black belt.

Why does Santa go through the chimney? Because it soots him.

What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.

How does Santa take pictures? With his Pole-aroid camera.

What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride? A "Holly" Davidson.

How much did Santa's sleigh cost? It was on the house!

Why was Santa's little helper so sad? He had low elf-esteem.

Who is Santa's least favorite reindeer? Rude-olph.

Why did Santa go to the liquor store? He was looking for holiday spirits.

What do you call Santa's little helpers? Subordinate Clauses.

Why don't you ever see Santa Claus in the hospital? Because he has private elf care.

However you celebrate this holiday, may it be “merry and bright”.  

Karen White, December 25, 2024