We can only imagine how life in a womb is like. The embryo starts very small - from a tiny cell - about the size of a strand of hair and a sperm cell too small to be seen by the human egg. The future human is about the size of one grain of sand.
We can speculate if the embryo of Jesus was the same as most humans - but I’m guessing it was probably standard in most respects, but super unique in terms of connection to God the Father.
So, what would life be like for the Second Person of the Trinity in the womb? If we accept the concept that the “father” was the Holy Spirit., was there a special protection of the Christ Child?
Anyway, this embryo was protected deep in the womb of Mary. As the cells divided how was the Christ Child connected to God the Father? At what age is the brain able to think? As the Christ Child, the long-awaited Messiah, this was the most unique pregnancy of all time.
The Christ Child grew in a protected womb, the cells divided and made arms, legs, organs, hair, skin, and all the necessary parts of a human being.
Change of pace.
Today is Christmas Eve. I’m thinking of the Christmas song “Silent Night”.
Silent, all is calm, all is bright. The baby sleeping in “Heavenly Peace”.
So, “Heavenly Peace” - what is that heavenly peace?
Philippians 4:7: "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus".
Peace that surpasses ALL HUMAN understanding. What does that mean?
I know that my brain is very active - even when I am praying or sleeping. I dream every night and some days I remember parts of my dream when I wake - [Last night was almost typical - I was in a laundromat and left for a few minutes, and when I returned, the staff had moved all the machines (although still running), and it was difficult to find my washer and clothes].
Can I imagine peace so deep, that my brain is quiet, that I am rapt and totally at PEACE - peace that surpasses human understanding. Can I sleep in that Heavenly Peace?
This evening, I intend to spend time seeking that heavenly peace, I’m looking for that perfect Silent Night - where all is calm and bright.
May that Heavenly Peace be yours as well as mine. From Revelations 22: 12-13 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
So on this Holy Night, I understand that LOVE WINS and that LOVE TRANSFORMS
Karen Anne White, December 24, 2024
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