Saturday, March 21, 2020

Being Vulnerable - part I

First steps in being vulnerable

Okay, being “vulnerable” is “IN’ in terms of philosophy.  Being a stoic is out

First, let’s talk about WHY you might want to be vulnerable.

From the article we have this:
“Want to know one of my secret keys to being strong and brave?  It lies in being vulnerable. This is a mysterious paradox that many people overlook. Our society tells us that being vulnerable is weak or passive. “

A paradox?  To be weak is to be strong!!!  Hold on!! For the next few days, I’m going to look at vulnerability!!!

This article has three points of Why be Vulnerable
1. Being vulnerable helps difficult emotions fade easily.

“The more we hide from and deny our feelings, the more uncomfortable they become. We create resistance to the flow of emotions, which slows them down.

“Imagine a hose with water passing through. The more open and smooth the hose, the easier it is for water to flow through. But if the hose gets a kink in it, the water gets stuck and the pressure starts to build. With enough pressure, the hose just might burst!
I know people who can’t get over emotional bruises and hurts.  Like the analogy, the pressure builds.  

As many of you know, three years ago I had major surgery.  My blood pressure was 213 over 161 with a pulse of 165 (or, at least one time, it was that).  Like the hose analogy, I was running a fire hose through my arteries (in particular my aorta - the main artery of the body).  I was in danger of having that pressure (and pulse) cut through the lining. I had about five “molehills” that I had built into “mountains”.  

I found a special place to relax - a place with beaches, beautiful mountain vistas, and peace in my mind.  A place with colorful clothes and a changed outlook. Although, I had some feminine thoughts before, as post-surgery depression set in, I embraced my special place more.  (Yes, I prayed, and prayed, and prayed - could this be of God - and I felt His deep peace!!!)

I kind of learned to let it go.  

That wasn’t fully successful as last October (2019) I allowed the doubt and negativity to get to me again and I had a “four-day vacation” (in my local mental hospital!!!)  \

Am I perfect?  No - but I am learning to find peace and learning to be open and vulnerable.
At times I feel like I have a target on my back (see Gary Larson’s old cartoon).  People stare or say something - and I have to let it go. (And, no, I don’t wish this on anyone - love and forgive - always!!!)

I agree with the article’s author - when I’m vulnerable, I can still be emotionally hurt and bruised, but I also can heal.

Thinking of Simon and Garfunkel's song “I am a rock”, we have these lyrics:

Hiding in my room, safe within my womb
I touch no one and no one touches me
I am a rock
I am an island
And a rock feels no pain
And an island never cries

We all have been emotionally hurt.  But, I need to get up and dust myself off and keep going!!!
The article suggests this:
“When you start to feel a fear or strong emotion coming on, sit with it. Breathe into it. Write it down and journal about it. Imagine opening yourself like a big, wide channel so that the emotion can pass through swiftly.”
So much for the first reason to allow yourself to be vulnerable!!  

More tomorrow!!  



(I will be getting into Brene Brown’s “Daring Greatly” book.  

You might want to watch her TED talk on vulnerability:

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