Monday, March 30, 2020

Fear, anxiety, doom and gloom!!! (NO NO NO!!!)



Okay, turn off the TV.  You have enough doom and gloom.  Today, from we have seven tips for dealing with your coronavirus anxiety!!!  Let’s get our heads on straight (including mine)

Point #1 Be proactive on lowering your stress level

The suggestion is to LOWER your stress:

“Then, whenever you notice your stress level rise, do something healthy and helpful to reduce that stress. Jump on your bed, go for a walk, put on a favorite tune and dance around, watch a funny video to make you laugh—whatever makes you feel lighter.”

I become a conductor. I put Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite on and conduct the finale. Note there is one note where the tuba comes in before the rest - I make sure the tuba player (on YouTube) is cued appropriately!!  Or I become the tympani player on the finale to Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony!! (Someday I’m going to pound the tympani head so hard I’m going to break through!!) Or lately, the Saint Saens third symphony finale - (the “organ” symphony) - where I have the organ at full stops (volume).  

And, I do go outside for a walk.  

(And, something that I do that I shouldn’t do - is eating.  Peanut butter is my choice!!)

Point #2 Remember you are NOT helpless

The article reminds us of the day that the serviceman has an appointment at your house between 8:00 and noon, and it is now 2:00 p.m. and the person hasn’t shown up yet.  Maybe that is the time to mow the grass, or mop the floor or take the entrance mats outside to really get them clean.  

With the virus, set a timer (on your phone or in the kitchen for an hour) and after than hour vigorously wash your hand (even if you haven’t really touched anything in the past hour).  Yell, “TAKE THAT YOU UGLY VIRUS” as you firmly and enthusiastically pummel your hands in the hand washing!!!  

You are bigger than this lowly virus - you ARE NOT helpless!!!  Take on the world!!! Play a computer game where you can beat the clock.  I’ve been doing the USA Today Crossword Puzzles or playing Kenken. I am a WINNER - not a whiner!!!~

Point #3 Act from a place of logic rather than a place of emotion

Worry / doom and gloom / can devastate us.  “What if we run out of toilet paper?” “What if this goes on for months?” “What if I can’t find a job?” “What if my parents get sick and die?”

WHAT IF statements put doubt, doom, and gloom in our mind.  Stay away from doom and gloom people.  

Aside, I went walking with two friends yesterday and I had brought some lunch.  There was a gentleman in the picnic pavilion who we said “hi” to, and he came over by our table with such doom and gloom stories that put my friends and me in a negative mood.  We DON’T know what will happen with this virus!! I’ve heard things such as when it gets warm, it will kill off this virus. I’ve heard that researchers are working on cures and vaccinations.  The reality is that we don’t know!! I’m going to use logic and not let my emotions get caught up in a “WHAT IF” scenario”.  

Point #4 -  Change your WHAT IFs statements into positive statements

What positives can come from this?  We might learn to be socially stronger, our families might become close again, we might learn our resilience and learn our real strength.  

One positive already in my life - I’ve walked about 42 miles (averaging six miles) of walking in the last week.  I’ve learned not to believe all that you hear!!!  

And, guess what, I can’t change the virus, I can’t change the world, I can only change me - to be even more positive and upbeat!!!  LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!!!


As FDR (Franklin Roosevelt) said: “The only thing to fear is fear itself”.  Don’t fear the WHAT MIGHT happen scenarios. Who knows what tomorrow might bring?

This article had seven points, so more from this article tomorrow!!

Hugs to all / love you all / love one another / forgive one another / show mercy!!


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