Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Unicorns I

They said I could be anything so I chose to be a unicorn -  🦄 

From the article:
“The Unicorn represents happiness, fulfillment, and abundance—and paradoxically, the Unicorn’s strength, purity, and poise are also qualities we possess already, and through which our talents, abilities, and personality are expressed.”

“Elsewhere in our world, the Unicorn is said to refer to something that’s different and unique. Yet, different and unique are not the same as authentic. And it is authenticity that leads to happiness, abundance, and fulfillment, not uniqueness. Uniqueness needs to be manufactured. Authenticity comes naturally.”

Really?  Karen, you are really off-your-rocker this time!!  Too Much Mexican Tequila?  

Why not be a unicorn?  Why settle for less in life?  I (and you) are unique!!  Can we blend that uniqueness to be “authentic”?

So -let’s look at the article on HOW to be a unicorn!!!

-1 Use your unicorn HORN!! 
The article suggests: “The alicorn, or Unicorn’s horn, symbolizes awakened intuition.”
Can I wake up?  Do I have intuition?  Can we energetic and authentic?  

Obi-wan speaks to Luke “Use the force”.  In the Judeo-Christian version, there is the Holy Spirit within us to guide us.  Other philosophies talk about being enlightened.  Can you sense things around you?  [My personal side note, there may be both good and evil forces around you - do you feel ‘peace’ about your sensing things - or uneasy about what you are sensing.]

-2 Breathe into your heart
Human authors talk about the ‘heart’.  I’m sure my cardiologist could tell me that while I have a good heart (now), that there are no brain and logic cells in my heart.  They are in my brain - but, hey, it seems good to open your Spiritual Eyes and sense things around us.  

Put “life” into your heart (or really your brain).  Be open to new things, again, sense the Spirit moving in you!!!

From Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

-3 Allow yourself to become vulnerable
The article says “Allow yourself to be vulnerable: Vulnerability breaks down walls of pretense, and allows your authentic self to surface. Have weekly vulnerability dates where you consciously encourage yourself to get real with what’s going on in your life, express suppressed emotions, and allow yourself to feel them fully.”

The whole concept of being vulnerable is both scary and positive!!!  (I have been watching Brene Brown TED talk videos and am reading her book about being vulnerable - and will be heading there in a few days.

WYSIWYG - is a computer term that also applies to people - What you see is what you get!!!  Hopefully when you see me, you don’t see a phony, but a real person, struggling with who she (or he) really is, trying to move forward - and sometimes failing - and sometimes succeeding!!!

-4 Shower yourself in rainbow light:
This gets a little into Eastern mysticism - which I am a little uncomfortable with (with my Judeo-Christian background and beliefs).  The rainbow also talks of the visual spectrum of light.  We are not just in vanilla or chocolate world - but there is also mint-chocolate-chip - with green AND vanilla AND chocolate!!!  In the Judeo-Christian view, the rainbow came after Noah and the flood.  My LGBTQ friends use the rainbow to say we all come in different colors and arrangements.  

-5 Schedule blank space
The article says “Schedule blank space: Most people are imbalanced towards their masculine side. We’re all about going for it, working it, making it happen, and have forgotten how to chill out, take it easy, and trust the Universe to take care of things. To rebuild your feminine energies, consciously schedule time in your day, week, month, and year, to mindfully plan yin activities (i.e. “do” less and “be” more) to cultivate more balance.”

I need to take time to meditate, to be one with God (as I view Him/Her) - the ultimate force in my life.  Less doing and more loving!!!

But, of course, we need to sing the Unicorn song: 

From the Irish Rovers Unicorn song:
“And take some of them green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty-backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
Don't you forget my unicorn"

Well, I have covered five items from the article.  I need to think more about this - and to be more of a “unicorn”.  How does this fit into me, my philosophies, my life, and my love for all people?.

See you tomorrow for Unicorn II



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