Monday, November 15, 2021



Over last weekend as I helped my friend get ready for Friendsgiving, on Saturday night we went to an art gallery in Wimberley Texas.  Wimberley is kind of an artsy town with several art galleries.  

We really didn’t go to see the art gallery, but one of the local friends of my friend said a jazz trio was going to play at the Bent Tree art gallery, so we went for the jazz trio.  

The trio was good - a keyboard player, a digital percussionist, and a female singer.  Since the friend of my friend knew the singer when they had a break the singer stopped by our table to talk.  Then one of the artists stopped by our table to talk too.  

And, we went into the Bent Tree gallery to see the works on display for sale.  

But, the title of today’s blog is “Good Art Doesn’t Match Your Sofa” as a person was walking through the area wearing a jacket with that message.

Searching for that working, I got:

“But I’ll tell you one thing very plainly: art doesn’t have to match your sofa. Your home should reflect your personality and the personality of your family. The art your kids create, the colors you choose for the walls, and the items you display on shelves are all an extension, a reflection of you, your children, and your loved ones.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  And, art depicts beauty.  


I have a small apartment and my artwork reflects me.  From my comfortable chair where I write most of my blogs, I see two posters.  But, these are posters done by me - reflecting my values.  One says “Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind”.  The other (which I have used in the past) says “Love Wins”.  I have an original painting by a friend (given to me, although she has promised something else down the line).  I have a reproduction of Van Gogh’s Starry Night.  I have a large stylized picture of the New York skyline with the Chrysler Building in the center.  (Okay - true confessions, I got this from a friend who bought another large painting and gave this to me.) 

Next to my computer and my printer, I have pictures of my grandchildren. Shhh - I love and miss my family, a secret source has sent me these images.  All five of them have grown and changed in the three-plus years I have not seen them.    I don’t think ‘they’ read this blog and if they do they will try to ferret out the “culprit” who passes on these images.  (Why can’t love win?)

My kitchen has various Christmas Card family pictures, some notes from friends, and my last remaining artwork from the twins.  

In my bedroom, I have a black-and-white picture of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the Center.  (Again, true confession, I found this in the apartment dumpster and thought it deserved more than the fate of going to the local landfill.  I also have a painting down by my grandmother (sentimental value), and artistic photography by a brother-in-law of coins.  


BUT, if I was to select some of my favorite artworks.  I would have Stone City by Grant Wood.  Grant Wood is more famous for American Gothic as an iconic work.  Stone City is a representative of a small town (called Stone City) about 20 miles northeast of Cedar Rapids Iowa where I grew up.  It has a rock quarry as befits the little town.  The highlights to me are the rolling hills and landscape of eastern Iowa.  A cornfield is in the foreground.  I have loved Wood’s trees and hills as very Iowan.  

Then in my art gallery, I would have John Constable’s, Hay Wain. I’d have a picture of Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Park.  I’d have pictures of the Needles Highway in Custer State Park.  

I might through in a nice landscape from an impressionist, haystack rock off the Oregon Coast, maybe Mount Hood.

(As I can see, I prefer landscapes and mountains)


Okay, what is your point, Karen - so what that you like some art 

Well - yes, but I’m suggesting that I like certain art and photography, and others will pick out other art and photography.  We are all individuals.

As they say “Whatever floats your boat”.


But, in my opinion, bare walls are like an empty jar of peanut butter - not very interesting.  Walls with color, variety, and some pizazz brighten up my life.  I like mountains.  Psalms 121:1 says “ I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?”.  But I frequently skip the last part.  I lift up my eyes to the mountains (or hills)

You’ve seen those who are downtrodden - they are looking at the ground, musing.  You have seen those who are elated.  Their heads are up with a smile on their face.  I have been both (and I’m pretty sure you have too).  

I can choose how I decorate my apartment (except I’m not allowed to paint the walls).  I also can choose my attitude towards artwork, and … my attitude towards life.  “Good art doesn’t have to match your sofa”.  “Good life doesn’t have to match you when you are down and depressed.  

On our trip to Amsterdam three years ago, I choose to go to the Van Gogh museum, while the rest of the group choose to go to the Anne Frank tour.  I know about Anne Frank, I know about hatred and concentration camps.  I also know of Vincent Van Gogh and while there is a tragic end as well, I see sunflowers, starry night (and also the various self-images).  

So, yes, whatever floats your boat.  But, I choose happiness, joy, and LOVE



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