Friday, January 7, 2022



A work of fiction


The neighbors hadn’t seen much of Rosalie Simmons since her husband died.  Janice, the neighbor across the street tried to visit Rosalie but Rosalie just said “Thank you, Janice.  You are so sweet, but I just need some time.”

Bonnie made some extra sweet rolls one Saturday morning and took some to Rosalie.  She rang the doorbell and waited.  She rang the doorbell three times before Rosalie finally answered.  Rosalie looked pretty ragged.  She hadn’t combed her hair and had an old housedress on.  

Rosalie thanked Bonnie, and when Bonnie asked how she was doing, she gave a non-committal answer of “I’m okay”, and closed the door.  

Others had tried other ways to cheer her up.  Don, down on the corner, noticed she hadn’t mowed her lawn for a few weeks and with the spring rains it was growing, so he mowed her lawn.  

It was a friendly, traditional neighborhood in Dell Rapids, South Dakota.  Everybody knew everybody.  Some had children that played in Brown Park - two blocks north.  Some were retired.  Some worked in nearby Sioux Falls, and others worked in the Dell Rapids area.  Steve had worked at LG Everist for years and was a supervisor of the sand, gravel, quartzite, and building materials company.  Susan worked at Citibank in Sioux Falls and had been there since graduating from Dakota State University.  And, Rosalie was their neighbor.

Paul had an idea that he shared “Get her a puppy”.  Some poo-pooed that idea.  “She’s too old to care for a puppy.  Others loved the idea.  “A puppy will get her out of her doldrums”.  Paul had just gotten a mixed breed (or a “mutt”) and thought the friend might have a puppy for Rosalie.  

A couple of calls later, they had a puppy.  As a neighborhood group, out of the attics, basements, and garages, they got various items:  a leash, dog bed, food bowl, dog toys, and pretty much all that Rosalie might need.  

Now to deliver the puppy to Rosalie.  They decided to be sneaky.  No knocking on her door and presenting the puppy - as she would say ‘no’.  The plan was next Sunday at about noon, Sandy and Mike Forstrum would put the puppy in her driveway.  Susan, who attended St. Johns Lutheran Church where Rosalie went, would text Sandy and Mike when the service was almost done.  Others in the neighborhood had done other things.  Worried that Rosalie might press her garage door opener and just drive into the garage without noticing the puppy, Steve had a couple of rocks that would go in the driveway and block her from entering the garage (he would remove them that afternoon).  Some debated naming the puppy (a female) so they could have signs “Welcome Sophie”, and even some dog tags for her.  Others thought it might be best to let Rosalie name the puppy.  

As a group, they decided to name the puppy Sophie.  They had contacted Max Beck, one of the local veterinarians, and had papers for free veterinarian services for three years.  (Max was a close neighbor about a block away and give the group a special rate).  Allie Green, a Dell Rapids middle school student (and daughter of Jim and Linda Green) who was good with animals and was thinking about being a veterinarian in the future would come over every afternoon after school and help Rosalie with Sophie.  


So, the plan was put into action.  Janice Blom - was the first spy on the call list.  When Rosalie backed out of her driveway at 10:37 to go to Church, the plan went into high gear.  Steve had the big rocks in a front-end loader and quickly deposited them in the driveway.  With the large bright orange highway cones, even Rosalie would see them and stop.  The others had the dog materials in Janice’s garage and whooshed them onto her driveway.  

The neighbors debated having a group on Rosalie’s driveway yell “Surprise” or not have anybody there.  They decided on the group.  Rosalie would protest that she couldn’t have a dog, and the group just wouldn’t hear of it.  Allie would be there to present Sophie.  

Susan made sure she texted Sandy and Mike when the service was done, as well as making sure she delayed Rosalie a few minutes to let the plan unfold.  

Susan caught Rosalie after she shook Rev. Larsen’s hand.  

Susan said, “Oh, your yard looks so good this spring”

Rosalie said she didn’t have the time to take care of it adequately.

Susan kept on with the questions “Wasn’t the sermon good this morning?” Did Rosalie know that Sandy and Mike were expecting their third child this summer? Did Rosalie know Allie Green?  She is just the sweetest girl on the block.  

Finally, as she heard a text beep on her phone and a quick glance said “Ready”, Susan wished Rosalie a Blessed Day, and let her go home (knowing that there would be a big reception for her.

And Susan jumped into her car so she could beat Rosalie to the neighborhood!!


Eight minutes later Rosalie tried to pull into her driveway, but it was full - big rocks, orange highway cones, and a baby fence with a slew of dog things.  And, about twelve people with signs to greet her.  What was going on

“SURPRISE” yelled the crowd.  Surprise for what thought Rosalie?  For giving me a heartattack?  Avis Moore, her neighbor and maybe her best friend, greeted her.

Avis said “Rosalie, your neighbors love you and are worried about you.  So, they got you a puppy.” Avis nodded at Allie who was holding the Sophie, the puppy, who looked like she would be anyplace but in that driveway now.  

Rosalie answered, “Well, thank you, but I don’t need or want a darn puppy now.” 

Linda Green, Allie’s mother, whispered in Allie’s ear.  “Take the puppy to her now”.

Allie did as her mother suggested - and bing!!  While maybe not quite love at first sight, the puppy looked up at Rosalie with her big brown eyes and a connection was made.  

Allie held tight to Sophie and said “Hi Mrs. Simmons.  I’m Allie Green, Jim and Linda Green’s daughter and I’m going to help you with Sophie.” as an afterthought, Allie added, “We decided the puppy’s name is Sophie, but you can change it if you want”.

Max Beck, the veterinarian,  stepped forward and said “Hi Rosalie.  It’s been a few years since your last dog died, and your neighbors wanted to surprise you.  They’ve arranged to have free vet services for three years.”  He smiled broadly.

Janice Blom had called the Dell Rapids Tribune and Joy Reed was there to take pictures of the event and got a nice shot of Max Beck, Rosalie and Allie.

Oh course, Rosalie still wasn’t too sure about this.  She was thinking that the last thing she needed was a puppy.  But, Sophie (and God) was working on her heart.

Others came forward with the various things for Rosalie - a baby fence to keep Sophie controlled, dog pads (as Sophie was not trained yet), dog bed, toys and so much more.  Even Max Becky had brought some puppy chow dog food for Sophia.  


Then something else happened.  A delivery van pulled up from the Pizza Ranch with ten pizzas.  Janice brought out a table from her garage for the pizzas.  Mike who was a manager at the Country Fair had beverages, paper plates and cups, and some desserts.  

The excitement was a little much for Sophie who decided to pee on Allie.  Finding a chair for Rosalie, Allie put Sophie (who hopefully had fully emptied her bladder) into Rosalie’s lap.  It was a match made in heaven.

The neighbors went back into their garages and brought their lawn chairs.  They blocked off the street and had a big block party.  Steve had a boom box with some oldies from the 1950s on Pandora (not too loud, but comfortable for this group).  

As the party broke up, Rosalie, Linda, Janice, Mke and Sandy helped set up the dog pen in Rosalie’s family room.  They put Sophie in the pen, who all of a sudden decided the dog bed was for her.  


Over the next months, Rosalie and Sophie became the best friends and could be seen walking around the neighborhood.  Rosalaie seemed like a new person.  Allie was there most afternoons (other than Wednesday when she had her church confirmation class).  Allie and Rosalie also became best friends and Rosalie was the informal Oma (grandmom) for Allie and the Green family.


But, the world goes on.  When Rosalie fell and was in the rehab facility, Allie took Sophie to the rehab facility most afternoons (and, of course, Sophie stayed at the Green house).

Six years later, Rosalie Simmons died of a heart attack.  The Lutheran Church was full of her neighbors and friends for her funeral.  Allie, now a freshman at Dakota State University cried as she gave a short eulogy. And in a corner was no-longer-a-puppy, Sophie patiently waiting for Allie and missing Rosalie.


Pollyanna at work again!!!

Karen White

January 8, 2022

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