Monday, January 3, 2022



I am still working on my German language lessons using Duolingo.  In one of the stories, two ladies are in an elevator that is falling.  Let’s listen in:

Plötzlich macht der Fahrstuhl ein komisches Geräusch… (Suddenly the elevator (Fahrstuhl) makes a strange noise) 

Oh nein! Der Fahrstuhl fällt! …(Oh no, the elevator is falling)

Ich will nicht sterben …(I don’t want to die)

Ich bin zu jung zum Sterben …(I am too young to die)

Ich habe noch so viele Pläne für mein Leben!... (I have so many plans for my life)


Of their “so many plans for their lives”, one wants to climb Mount Everest; the other one wants to run in the New York Marathon.  They have other plans. 

BUT - the elevator stops and the door opens:

The one asks the other:

Also, was hast du heute noch geplant?

(So, what have you planned for today?)

The other answers:

Nichts Besonderes. Wahrscheinlich Fernsehen

(Nothing special, probably watch television)


My theme today is to make the most of our year.  

Maybe like the ladies in the elevator, we have big plans - climb mountains, run a marathon, but the plan for today is “nothing special, probably watch television”

My guess is that we are like that - big plans that probably will not get accomplished as we don’t work on the plans today.

(Aside.  One of my independent living facility residents I visit was cleaning out his files the other night.  He had clippings about his wife.  She had climbed several peaks in the Himalayas and had done other adventures.  She must have actively planned!!

Continuing.  This gentleman and his lovely wife didn’t have children.  While I am not a physician, he is 95 and is exhibiting some physical body breakdowns and may not live too many more years.  At that point, somebody will come in, and take those clippings and toss them in the trash.  Gone - past - over.  I also have pictures and other memorabilia from my parents and grandparents.  I’m guessing that when I die somebody (executor) will come in and toss it in the trash.  I hope maybe one of my children might want to have some pictures of their great grandparents and great-great-grandparents.


I have been to forty-nine of the American States.  The only state I have not visited is Alaska.  A plan to visit Alaska “someday” is slowly fading for me.  I question myself “Do I really ‘need’ to go to Alaska?  

I’ve enjoyed travel in the past.  I’ve enjoyed going out of my fastest route to find the highest point in each state.  Okay - big deal - I’m up to seven high points - that’s about 14% of the high points in the country.  Does my visiting three or four more high points in 2022 benefit anybody other than me?  (And, my bragging rights on my blog?? <grin>)

If I was serious about Alaska, I would do my “due diligence”.  How much would it cost?  Where would I go?  Anchorage? Drive near Denali?  (Ding - the high point in Alaska - AND- the high point in North America!!!)  When would I go?  Off the height of tourist season?  Mid March - for equal daylight and darkness?  In the fall.  I’d need to research where can I see the northern lights.  Would I go with a friend or alone?  Should I get a tour?  (No need for a rental car).

In a few days, I’ll be looking at my New Year’s Resolutions.  Like the girls in the story who wanted to climb Mount Everest or run in the New York City Marathon, am I really serious about my goals?  Am I really serious about change in my life?

As I suggested yesterday change is inevitable.  Inertia is really a vote for stagnating and growing “fat, dumb, and lazy” as a professor from Notre Dame used to say.  

Is Alaska a “pipedream” - like climbing Mount Everest?  Is helping people and loving people and letting LOVE WIN in my life - just rhetoric - just a thought, or can I really LOVE people?  Can I really let God’s message of love flow using me as a vessel (and not getting any glory from “how wonderful I really am”!!)


So, as we start 2022, how do you make the most of your life?  I’m suggesting that inertia is equal to a slow death.  Sitting on your rear end for hours makes you flabby. Flabby means your heart has to work harder and flabby increases your chances of diabetes, and many other diseases.  

Are you challenging yourself mentally?  Are you challenging yourself physically?  Are you challenging yourself socially, spiritually, emotionally?  In a perfect world, what would your day look like?  Up at 6:00 meditate, read, think?  Eat a hearty breakfast before a morning jog (or fast walk)?  Do physical stretching with the jog?  

For the next few days, I’ll be looking at things I want to change about myself.  While climbing Mount Everest or running in the New York City marathon is not part of my dreams, I do have dreams - and really - just some New Year’s resolutions that I have to become “accountable” to (like losing weight I’ve been putting on!!!)



January 4th, 2022

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