Sunday, November 13, 2022



This week I’m primarily looking at places - places to live, places to visit - but that requires today’s topic first - money.


1 Timothy 6:10 “ For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”

I have to be careful with this verse and this topic. There are times I “love” money, I love what money is, what money can do.  It can be a slippery slope for me.

Let’s work on an analogy first - from the Lord of the Rings.  Bibbo finds a ring of power (but he doesn’t realize it is a major ring, but it allows him to become invisible.  He gives the ring to Frodo, his nephew - reluctantly.  Frodo, with encouragement from Gandalf and others, decides to throw it in Mount Doom and unmake this ring.  But the ring seems to encroach on Frodo’s brain - it tries to own him, to make him into a ‘ring wrath’ - a servant of the evil lord (could that be a Satan figure?).  Even at the last minute, he can’t do it, but Gollum bites off the ring finger and falls into the fiery pit - and the mission is accomplished.  

Money seems to work on our brain like that - encroaching our thoughts - owning a chunk of our thoughts.  We start to think “If I only had more money”; “MINE, MINE, MINE” 

As a child, somehow I became interested in coin collecting.  I saved pennies and coins.  I needed to find the best condition coins.  I filled the Whitman coin folders.  That kind of went away when our family was young.  It seemed like my wife might buy me a proof set (very highly polished annual sets slowly pressed and very desirable).  When the state quarters came out, I tried to get two uncirculated rolls from each state - one from the Philadelphia Mint, and one from the Denver Mint.  I finally signed up to get a subscription directly from the mint.

I then tried to get at least one Presidential Dollar Coin.  By the way, what a great historical learning device.  I really wanted five dollar coins for each president for each of my five grandchildren. They could learn the order and names of all the United States Presidents through coin collecting.

I wanted to give my coin collection to one of my grandchildren - like my grandfather did with me with his Indian Head pennies - but there didn’t seem to be interest.  I finally donated my coin collection to an organization that serves the needy in the area.  

But, I knew the power of greed, the power working on my brain, the power screaming MORE!!


I made good money as a professor.  I did extra classes (for more money), I did consulting (for more money), maybe it wasn’t quite the greed of Midas, but there was greed in my brain.

The verse above says “The love of money”.  Money - in and of itself - is only a tool - for buying goods and services.  Yes, money is necessary for living.  It is harder to be a Robinson Crusoe and live on an island.  I need money to pay rent, to pay for food, to pay for medical insurance and health. I can’t “worship” money.

When I was first divorced, I had to become frugal (aka “cheap”).  I did use the food pantry.  I counted my money.  I walked more so I didn’t waste gas (and gas cost money).  I compared prices at the grocery store.  I bought generic brands that were cheaper.  Now five years later, my wants have shrunk.  I still have to take care of my needs (housing, car, food, health), but I am very careful.  

And, I have learned how to be frugal.  From last February to now (November), I used my air conditioning about four times, and I have used my heat about two times.  If I work my activities carefully, during the day I can be in air conditioned places - gym, work places, library, church, etc.  I can open my windows in the early morning and run my fan.  And for the cold day, I can bundle up more - sweaters and layers (and also frequent the places that have heat!!!)  I rarely run the air conditioning in my car (I just don’t like it), but when I am taking my senior friends who don’t drive, I run it from them.  I try to get over 40 miles per gallon in my car.

I have worked part time since I moved out of my house.  The extra income helped keep me afloat.  God has blessed me - really.  

I am trying to be more generous with my giving to charities and friends.  I am seventy-five years old.  I can’t take it with me (that is, when I die, money will cease).  

There are so many differences between “wants” and “needs”. Sometimes ‘needs” subtly crosses into the “wants” category.  I “needed” a newer vehicle - my wants were for a brand new car without the mechanical issues that were prevalent in my old car.  I did buy the cheapest (but new) Chevrolet.  I considered other brands but my credit bureau record as a single person was not the same as my married credit record.


So, what are my needs:

Housing.  I have a 582 square foot apartment.  It meets my needs. I have a bed (and bedroom), a bath (and bathroom), a kitchen (with furnished appliances), and a small living room.  I have my eight year old shivel rocking chair that is my daily perch and my daily nap facilitator.  I really don’t need anything more.  My apartment is on the first floor and I’ve decided that living on the second (or higher) floors is not something I like.

Car.  Yes, I have a Chevy Spark - some people look at me and think why does a 6 foot, 2 inch person have such a small car - but it meets my needs.  Would I like a Tesla, or a larger SUV?  Sure!!  Do I need a Tesla or larger SUV?  Not really.  I need the back seat for my tuba, and a passenger seat for my friends who no longer drive.  The trunk is probably too small.  (When I help one of my friends get groceries and the back seat is used for her walker, the trunk doesn’t quite work for her monthly supply of groceries.

Food.  At one point, I never ate out - eating out is nice, but expensive.  Last week I made my weekly casserole (“hot dish”) of chicken breasts, rice, barley, quinoa, and lentils.  This will last at least a week and has lots of fiber!!!.  I eat generic oatmeal for breakfast.  I have allowed myself to splurge and get peanut butter.  I also splurged and got ice cream and somehow I haven’t devoured it in one sitting and have most of a gallon still in my freezer.. 

Contributions. There is a concept that you can’t outgive God.  I love the thought that my financial gifts are helping charities, organizations, and needy people survive or flourish.  

Health.  I might be splurging on health.  I don’t know if there are cheaper or better Medicare plans, but I seem to be happy with the plan I have.  

Miscellaneous things.  I have friends who have given me a lot of clothes (that seems to be the norm with women).  I have a computer.  I bought a cheap ($27) bookcase that I have put the CD player/stereo on top of that unit.  The stereo was given to me.  I have a television that was given to me - and a $30 box that brings in some channels without having cable.  I have an iPhone - yes, probably splurging - but borders on a “need’.

It is just “stuff” that will get thrown in the trash when I die.

Would I like a new tuba?  YES.  Will I get one - NO.  I’m trying to keep my needs under control, and be careful with my wants!!!


So, now on to this week's topic - places!!!



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