Saturday, November 12, 2022




We’ve made it through the election, the football season is winding down, we’ve had rain and it is cooler.  Yes, it is November!!!

Time to start thinking of turkey, family, and giving THANKS!!  



Since I’ve become a senior, many of these apply to me:

1  After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children, and my friends, I have now started loving myself.

2  I have realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.

3  I leave my server a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to his/her face. She is working much harder for a living than I am.

4  I stopped telling the elderly that they've already told that story many times. The story makes them walk down memory lane & relive their past.

5  I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection. (And, I’ve (ahh) maybe been wrong a few times as well!!! Or a few million times!!)

6  I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race.  About the only race I’m in is the human race!!!

7  I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human. I can be excited and exuberant or I can cry - but it’s okay to show my feelings.

8  I have learned that it's better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas, with relationships, I will never be alone. (I like Micah 6:8 - Love Justice, Show Mercy and walk Humbly with God)

9  I have learned to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.  (I drove to downtown Austin last Friday morning in the dark and rain - there were a couple of scary times on slick roads!!!)

10  I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be!


Now that the election is over.  Remember 1 Timothy 2:2 “Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.”  

And for you television watchers, the ads will now switch from political ads to Christmas ads!! (Of course, the Christmas ads started in August!!)  


World Kindness Day 2022. November 13, 

Do you remember Dionne Warwick’s hit:

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love

It's the only thing that there's just too little of

What the world needs now is love, sweet love

No, not just for some but for everyone”


It still is true.  There is enough hatred to go around, let’s love one another!!!  (Love your neighbor as yourself).


LOOSEN UP LIGHTEN UP DAY - November 14, 2022

Sometimes we get so serious we can lose sight of life, love, and fun!!!  This day presents an opportunity for you to take a break from your usual busy schedule and all the stressful thoughts and instead focus on just being happy and relaxed, and having fun


Two weeks ago I helped a friend move.  As we put the canned goods on the new shelves, we noticed some of them had “best use by” dates from 2016, 2017, up to 2021!!!  

And, I’m afraid to clean out my fridge - there is something in a container from a few months ago!!!

CLARINET DAY - November 16, 2022 - National Today

Did any of you play the clarinet?  It is an ‘art’.  I remember the beginning clarinet players squeaking as they got used to their reeds.  


When I taught in South Dakota, and bread makers were ‘hot’, one of my colleagues organized a soup and fresh bread scholarship event.  We did this event every year starting with the senior faculty with the proceeds going to an endowed scholarship for that faculty.  That was what started my endowed scholarship fund at Dakota State University!!  


The Fire-Ants had a scrimmage against the Harker Heights Old Glories last Friday (with a 47 to 26 win).  (And - ahem - I scored 6 points!!!)

The Bluebonnet Philharmonic Orchestra is working on our December/Christmas Concert - save Sunday, December 11th for that concert at First United Methodist Church in Round Rock at 3:00 pm!!  (A Matinee for those who don’t like to drive at night!!!)



Do enjoy the change of seasons.  

Karen White, © November 13, 2022

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