Wednesday, November 9, 2022



We in the United States have had another election.  Millions of dollars were spent on advertising and campaigning.  

I was talking to a friend recently.  She has a law degree and was a child advocate lawyer for the State of Texas (using legal means to protect children from abusive situations).

We were talking about elections.  She related that she ran for one of the judicial positions for Hayes County at one point. She raised about $500 for her campaign, while her three opponents spent $15,000, $30,000, and $72,000 respectively.  She didn’t get elected.  She couldn’t see asking friends, family, and others for money to get her elected to office. 

An Associated Press article stated:

“AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas governor’s race on Tuesday surpassed $100 million in total money raised this year by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke with still weeks to go in one of the most expensive contests of November’s midterm elections.

The latest figures pave the way for a blitz of spending on television and organizing in Texas, where early voting begins Oct. 24 and O’Rourke is trying to become the first Democrat in nearly 30 years to win statewide office in America’s biggest red state.

Big spending is also happening in Georgia, where Republican Gov. Brian Kemp and Democratic challenger Stacy Abrams have collected more than $145 million combined

Where do they get such money?  (No, I’m not going to discuss campaign funding, funding by lobbyists, funding by special interest groups, or others).  

So, over $100 million was raised by two candidates for a job that pays $153,750.

Can an average person ever be elected?  Not unless they have money.


Disregarding the money issue, what happened in the midterm elections?

To me, there seems to be a “teeter-totter” process.  Do you remember the teeter-totter on the playground (especially the old long ones)?  The heavier person could keep the lighter person up in the air for hours if he desired to.  And, the heavier person could bounce and make the other person uncomfortable.  (I know from both sides - being stuck in the air, and also being the heavier one holding the other person up).

In American politics, it seems like one party gets to the heavier party for a while - they sit on their end of the teeter-totter and pass their bills and laws, while the other party is up in the air, unable to do anything about it.  

But, after a few years of this situation, it seems like voters get upset at the situation and vote for the opposite party - and then the opposition party gets to pass their bills and laws. (Or, the teeter-totter switches!!!)

It’s called “Playing Politics”.  

“HA HA - we’re in charge now.  We get the committee chairmanships, we get to set the budget, we get to call the shots.”

And, if a party is in power when the census numbers are shared, they can redraw the precinct and district boundaries to make ‘safe’ districts for their candidates, and “gerrymander” district boundaries so that the opposition party candidates will have a harder time getting elected.

(Aside, from my congressional district this time, there was only one candidate - the incumbent ran unopposed - what a great saving of money!!!)

But, in a few years, the voters will get tired of what the majority party is doing and elect more candidates from the minority party - who will become the new majority party.


Tis the American way!!!  

And, maybe because I’ve grown up in this county, I sure prefer our two-party system over the multiple-party system of (say) Great Britain or Israel.  It seems like the multiple parties get small groups of people elected, but not a majority, so the prime minister has to form a coalition of several parties to get enough votes in parliament to pass their bills.  In Israel last week, Benjamin Netanyahu’s party got the largest number of candidates elected, so he is trying to form a coalition group to provide leadership for Israel.


So, for the next two years, until the next major election, we will have different groups pressing their agenda.  

Psalm 20 verse 7 says “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”  

In my Pollyanna viewpoint, ultimately God is in charge.  

We pray for those in office (or entering office, and leaving office), that they use wisdom to govern wisely, and consider themselves as shepherds over a large group of sheep (aka - the American People).  



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