Monday, November 14, 2022



Six weeks ago, I spent a weekend in Ashland, Oregon - and I loved it.  Ashland is a town of about 25,000 people, with a university (Southern Oregon State University), mountains, trails, and a positive climate.  My cousin is there - but that isn’t necessarily a permanent condition.

I’m 75 - where would I like to spend my final days and die?  

So, I’ve been thinking about that.  What might I want?

I’ve been in Texas nine years.  Before that, thirteen years in Connecticut, and eighteen years in South Dakota.  I’m in Texas largely because my daughter and my precious twins are here.  But, I haven’t seen the twins in over four years.  Do I want to “hang around” here because sometime reconciliation might take place?  

Could I move to Grand Island Nebraska where my son and his family live?  Same situation.  I haven’t seen that family for over four years.  

What things might attract me to a final-prior-to-death home?


I have found that I am not a big city person.  It's fine to visit a bigger city, but I’m not ready to live and die there.  So, a location under 50,000 people, and preferably smaller than that.

Okay - and a stupid one - it needs to have a WalMart - or close enough to a WalMart.  I find that I shop at:  WalMart, Dollar Tree, Aldi, a standard regular grocery store, and thrift shop.  And, even then I can be fussy about thrift shops - I’m not big on Goodwill - and prefer local thrift shops that stay in the community.

It's nice to have a college, with music, sports, and theater programs. 

It’s important to have an awesome library - and I like having jigsaw puzzles to check out!!!  If the library does other things - like music programs, speakers, community events that would be good.  (Okay, I like the Georgetown library).

I love having a community gym - especially with a walking track.

And, a senior center - with bridge (especially), but maybe Euchre, Canasta, and SOCIAL fellowship and laughter.

For a spiritual person, the next seems strange even to me - I have been in about twenty-five churches on a regular (“member”) basis over my life.  I know my particular doctrines.  There is a statement “When you find the perfect church, it won’t accept you!!” (that is I am not perfect).  I commented a few weeks back about a church called “Messy Church” - with a subtitle “Perfect People need not attend”.  

Convenient bus routes

Safe walking streets

I’m not quite sure about this next either - weather.  I’ve lived in snow zones and am not a lover of cold weather, but I might be at an age where I just stay home when it rains or snows.  

And, a place to have somebody who needs me. Can I do a JOB (that is one that pays money) to help seniors, work in a library or with story time.  I need to have value, I need to show love.  


I don’t have to move - but I like adventure.  

Is there a place that I would be comfortable until I die?  


Okay, so why not stay where I am?  (Georgetown Texas)

I know a lot of people

I have a lot of friends

I am close (distant) to my twin granddaughters (that I haven’t seen in over four years)

I have a nice part-time job

I can play tuba (is that still important?)

I have a part-time job

I know my doctors and health staff

I won’t have to start from scratch


There is an expression “Bloom where you are planted”.  

I don’t NEED to move - but maybe just some wanderlust.


So, where to?  

Ashland, Oregon?

A nice small town in Colorado?

Madison, South Dakota?


Mexico (or other international location)?

North Carolina?

Tomorrow and Thursday I’ll look at locations.



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