Thursday, August 10, 2023



Today, I’m borrowing from a Fort Worth, Texas newspaper article about “Christian Nationalism.”

Matthew 22:21 “Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”


“In one of the boldest declarations yet by a mainline Protestant church, the Indiana-based Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) passed a resolution opposing “Christian nationalism” and prophecy preachings that Christians must take over and “occupy” all government, maybe to trigger the coming of a messiah.--

“The courageous resolution is defining Christian nationalism — a recent term — as “radically exclusionary” and “using Christian language and imagery to amass political power.” 

“That’s about the best definition yet for what used to be called Christian reconstructionism — the idea that a nation must be created governed only by Christians under biblical law.

“Those promoting a “Christian nation” have become more harsh and aggressive and are “seizing power,” the Disciples’ resolution said, and using the name of Jesus Christ to undermine democracy and promote “hate, social hierarchy, fear of the ‘other’ and violence.”--


I am a Christian - by upbringing and by my reasoning.  I know many people who follow other forms of faith.  I believe that God gave us “free will” - and that free will can be used to accept Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, or even not any particular belief.  


Christians in the United States are quick to point out the errors of Sharia Law in the Muslim world.


“Sharia is the ideal form of divine guidance Muslims follow to live righteous lives. Human interpretations of sharia, or fiqh, are the basis of Islamic law today.

About half the world’s Muslim-majority countries have Sharia-based laws, and most Muslims worldwide follow aspects of Shariar's private religious practices.

“Debate continues to flare over Sharia in the modern world, particularly concerning its teachings on criminal justice, democracy, and social equality.


American Christians quickly say how terrible Sharia Law is - how unfair to Christians, and yet Christian Nationalism seems to want to institute a parallel version of Sharia Law - that the United States should be a “Christian Country.” 

(Some aspects of Sharia Law can be enacted if a particular Imam authorizes it. They include

Jihad: Jihad is a holy war against the infidels of the world. All Muslims are obliged to kill the infidel. An infidel (or kafir) is a non-Muslim. Many Muslims think that killing an infidel guarantees going straight to paradise.

Apostasy: All apostates are to be killed. An apostate is any person who renounces Islam and changes his religion. Christians are not allowed to convert Muslims to Christianity. Conversion is perceived as blasphemy and carries the death penalty. Distributing Christian literature can result in a five-year prison sentence under Sharia Law.

Criticism of Islam: The death penalty applies to Muslims criticizing Muhammad, the Qur’an, or Sharia Law. Severe penalties also apply to Christians who speak out against Islam.

Freedom of Worship: Although Islam pays lip service to “people of the book” (other Abrahamic religions), and the Qur’an says to respect and honor all people irrespective of their religion, the reality is that some Islamic countries are persecuting Christians, targeting their places of worship, and killing and imprisoning believers. Persecution is intense in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Maldives, and other countries with a strong Islamic influence.

Female victims of rape: Sharia Law protects rapists. A woman accusing a man of rape has to provide four male witnesses. If she cannot do so, she will be charged with Zina, for which the prescribed punishment is flogging or stoning. Thousands of women are imprisoned as a result of unsuccessful charges of rape. Some are even stoned to death. On October 27, 2008, Aisha, a 13-year-old girl in Kisayu, Somalia, was stoned to death for adultery; later, her aunt told the British Broadcasting Corporation that three armed men had raped Aisha. Rapists are seldom brought to trial, let alone punished.

Miscellaneous crimes: Fornication and adultery: Unmarried fornicators are to be whipped, and adulterers are to be stoned to death. Homosexuality: Homosexuals must be executed. Theft: Any person found stealing is to have a hand cut off. Battery and assault: An injured plaintiff can exact legal revenge; lex talionis (“an eye for an eye”) is in effect.

NOTE - these are not automatic, and some Islamic societies are fighting these.)


Years ago, somebody said, “You can’t legislate morality.”  Christian Nationalism is (in my opinion) trying to legislate Christian Morality on the rest of society. 

Such approaches have been to ban books, stop LGBTQ people, and elect only Christian conservatives to political offices (including School Boards, Library Boards, and City Councils).  Such conservative activities would ban the Koran and other non-Christian writings from libraries if they could.

Yes, I am a Christian - by both upbringing and by choice.  I realize others have rejected Christianity for one reason or another.  As the Indian freedom leader, Gandhi said, “I like your Christ, but I don’t like your Christians.”  

In their (and “our”) rush to further Christianity, we have forgotten LOVE.  1 Corinthians 13:13 say, “ And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”.  

 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Mark 12:31)






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