Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Comfort Zones

I have written about comfort zones before, but after my latest “adventure” wanted to return.

I think (and I have not checked the literature) that as we age, our comfort zones just naturally become smaller.  

For example, as a professor, I had to write papers and present those papers at conferences.  This got me to San Diego, Montreal, Las Vegas, Nashville, Wilmington NC, and other places. Travel is nicer when somebody else is picking up the tab!!!

Likewise, I was an ABET evaluator.  That got me to Miami Beach, Puerto Rico, Harrisonburg VA, Erie PA, and even to Kazakhstan!!!  

I was a short term Fulbright recipient and got to Belarus (twice).

But, my (paid) travel adventures have ended.  

Likewise, while working (and having good income), I (we) travelled through most of the United States.  I’ve marched in the New York City St. Patrick’s day parade several times. I’ve played in the NCAA Division I hockey championship (aka the “Frozen Four”) - although it was in the pep band.  

Yes, I have memories, but my comfort zone has shrunk.  I am in a one-bedroom apartment - I rarely get out of the Austin area.  I don’t eat out much (not much fun as a single person).  

As a proponent of working to keep your comfort zone growing - by doing things outside my comfort zone.  Like going to Kazakhstan was a trip outside my comfort zone. I encourage my students to do study abroad to enlarge their comfort zone.

Now, even though some have questioned my sanity, I am enlarging my comfort zone as I explore my life as a female.  I am teaching a new class - and, while that has been a lot of work, it does stretch my comfort zone. I am meeting and making new friends.  Even my four-and-one-half day stay in the Behavioral Hospital for depression enlarged my comfort zone.  

I am cooking (and enlarging my comfort zone); crocheting; giving rides to seniors, playing bridge, and finding new information about gender and living.  

So, to my readers, I urge you to keep finding new things to do with your lives - travel is good - but there are many things that are just outside your comfort zone that are relatively free and available to you.  Write a book (or books - right Steve), work at an animal shelter, be a foster parent, teach an adult education class, read to first graders, be a mentor to middle school kids.  

But, most of all - DON’T STAGNATE.

There is a story that was popular 20 years ago.  There are two ‘seas’ in Israel - the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.  The Sea of Galilee takes in freshwater (from the Jordan and other rivers) and then the water flows out. But, the Dead Sea takes in water - but had no outlet.  It is very loaded with salts and chemicals that have flowed into it - but don’t ever flow out.  

Do you want to be like the Sea of Galilee and keep refreshing your mind and body - or do you want to be like the Dead Sea?

Interesting thoughts!!



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