Thursday, December 5, 2019

Karen Bruce's Philosophy part I

So, Karen, what really is your philosophy?

Good Question!!!

I have been blogging for about eight years - more or less.  For the past four years, I have tried to post something every day.  So, 365 * 4 plus maybe 1,000 more so over 2,000 posts.  Most have been comments about an article I read, or some motivation.  I did a series (that really became a mini-eBook)  about distance education three years ago (through the support of NYDLA - New York Distance Learning Association and my great friend Thomas Capone - and … hint, if you aren’t friends with Tom, you should be!!!)

I’ve done excerpts from my “Bring it On: Coaching and Mentoring for College Students” and “Rebooting:  Creating the Career and Change You Seek” (both on Amazon eBooks pretty cheaply, but don’t waste your money!!)

I’ve blogged on technology.  I love autonomous vehicles (and almost anything with Elon Musk).  I’ve blogged on aging (not that I’m an expert) but moving into that arena.

I've blogged on health, healthy choices.  I've blogged on the environment.  I have lightly touched on politics and will not go there frequently.

Last week (Thanksgiving week), I spend three days with my friend KW in her cabin outside of Wimberly.  I also spend time with AP on a weekly basis (including a great four mile walk in the drizzle last week).  

I also spent four days on ‘vacation’ (my term) last month - meaning four days in a mental hospital - getting my head on straight.  

As many of you know, and it isn’t a secret, I am transitioning from male to female.  (HUH? At age 72?  Are you nuts?  [aside, I must be - after all, I did spend four days in a mental hospital].)

I love to write.  Grammarly reviews my writing -  in almost all weeks, I am using a larger vocabulary that most (in the 90% range), and writing more than 90% of those writing on the web.  Dr. Nelson, my freshman composition teacher would be turning over in her grave with that comment, but maybe it was partially because of her and my high school English teacher that I can maybe write.  I guess as an academic I had to write.  Many times, it was onerous (hey - got to push my vocabulary count up!!).  It did get easier with age and experience.

My friend (RP) commented on one of my posts last week when I was wondering if I was making a difference.  Ron commented “There is no question in my mind that you, Karen Bruce have already made the world a better place to be. Keep up the good work.”

My friend (either KL or KW) also commented on that piece with some great philosophy:
“As I too grow closer to my last decades of this life I am affirming these principles and doing my best to live by them:
1) Clean up after myself and leave the smallest possible footprint on Mother Earth.
2) To recognize that compassion is the most powerful force known to man. If I fail to love and be kind to my Self with all my own foibles and limitations, I will inevitably judge others for theirs.

3) To remember to give thanks for every experience and the emotions that accompany them. Each hardship is a teacher and each blessing is an honor to receive.

4) To share the wisdom, I have gained through the bittersweet experiences of these 60 years to help lessen the burdens of others.”

(Thanks KL/KW)  

I’ve dialogued with SS (I am so proud of him); and KB (he keeps me honest).  NP is a frequent reader, but LM/LG is probably my most faithful reader.  I like to think I’m an encourager, but LM/LG is the ultimate encourager and supporter.  No wonder she was such an outstanding educator!!!

I tend to follow in the Judeo/Christian school of thought and do use scripture verses frequently.  

So, if you will allow me (and, other than contacting Facebook directly, I’m not quite sure how you might stop me), I want to spend a couple of days thinking my way through my philosophy.  It is probably time that I really put it all together anyway!!!

So, you can either skip until next Sunday (or whenever I get off this tangent) or you can read the next few days.  I hope you can add comments and insights!!

Love and Hugs!!!


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