Sunday, December 15, 2019

Two health risks

Health concerns

Time for another break from my philosophy

I’ve come upon two health pages with interesting statistics

How about dementia?

Dementia connected to cholesterol.  

How is it connected to the heart? Cholesterol. A 2016 meta-analysis looked at 17 studies between 1996 and 2014, encompassing more than 23,000 people, and determined that the data suggests having high total cholesterol in middle-age increased the risk of Alzheimer’s later in life.

“If someone comes in with high cholesterol and we’re figuring out why, we can check the genetic markers. If we find that they have this modified gene, this increases the risk of Alzheimer’s/

There are other ways that heart disease can cause dementia. “Heart failure,. If heart function is low, the brain isn’t getting enough blood. That can cause some cognitive dysfunction,” she says, though she adds that it might not be severe enough to truly call it dementia.”


So, how is your cholesterol?  High cholesterol is linked to dementia!!

 Diet soda and dementia

Artificially flavored drinks like diet soda may be linked to a higher risk of stroke and dementia, according to a 2017 study published in Stroke, a journal from the American Heart Association.”

“Those who drank at least one diet soda per day were about three-times more likely to experience an ischemic stroke—one caused by a blockage of blood vessels supplying brain tissue—compared with people who avoided these beverages. The study concluded that one daily diet soda was linked to higher rates of dementia as well, although other risk factors like obesity or diabetes also could be to blame.”

So, a diet soda is about three-times more likely to have a stroke!!  One diet soda a day is linked to higher rates of dementia!!!  

So, another culprit - diet soda - is linked to stroke - and even dementia.  


Fortunately, I have never much of a problem with cholesterol.  And, I rarely drink soda and even rarer drink a diet soda.  

How about you?  Does this news challenge you?

What do you think?


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