Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Kooking with Karen

Narrator (in the background):  “Welcome to Kooking with Karen.  Today’s episode will feature Adventure as the entre, with enthusiasm and passion thrown in.”

Lights come up on the ‘stage’.  You see Karen sitting at her desk on her computer typing today’s menu features.

You know Karen as a colleague, a former teacher, a friend from your church, even as a relative.  You have seen this show many days and expect something special today as Karen tries to entice your (philosophy) taste buds.

Camera points to Karen:

Karen: “Welcome to my program.  Today we are going to talk about adventure.”

She turns towards the camera. “You know, in life, we frequently get into ruts.  You know, the comforting life.  Monday night, meatloaf; Tuesday night, chicken; Wednesday night, soup or chili; Thursday night, leftovers; Friday night, date night (but at the same restaurant every week).  It is comforting.  But it can get boring.”

“How about making tofu meatloaf on Monday night; eggplant parmesan on Tuesday night; maybe you can try chicken tortilla soup on Wednesday and throw in some jalapenos; for Thursday night, invite three other couples (or singles) and make a rotating Thursday - one week at your house, the next three weeks at others.  And, then, try a different restaurant every week.  Maybe even drive 40 to 50 miles to a Thai restaurant, a Vietnamese restaurant, or an Indian restaurant.”

Karen continues: “We have what is known as a comfort zone - because it is what we do, and what we are comfortable with.  You don’t have to think (or not too much).  

“But, over time, the comfort zone shrinks, and we are just so comfortable that we don’t even notice.

“There is an old story about putting a frog in a pan of water on the stove.  Turn the heat on low and let it gradually comes to a boil.  Supposedly the frog will sit content in the water as it boils, and it dies.  Meanwhile, if you drop a frog into boiling water, it will immediately hop out.  I am suggesting that being in our comfort zone can really hinder us. 

“So, tonight, I’m making adventure plans.  Maybe I am going to sleep on the other side of the bed (and my spouse will switch with me).  Maybe I will sleep with my feet where my head is and my head where my feet generally are!!  

‘True, that is a very small adventure, but it is outside your comfort zone.”

“Now, how about bigger things for adventure?  I’m thinking ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained!!!

“Consider what adventures might appeal to you and still be close enough to your comfort zone.  Moving to Mongolia and living there for a year is way-too-far out for me.  But, maybe a two-week hiking vacation on The Appalachian trail might work.  Canoeing down a pleasant river for two-days might be good.  

“If you are religious, go to a Black Church service with hallelujahs and amens flying around.  How about an adventure of going a day without television?  Or a day without the internet?  Or a day without your smartphone.”

“You could ask some gay friends (or lesbian friends) to dinner.  What caused them to become gay or lesbian?  If you are a Republican, try to think like a Democrat for a day, and visa-Versa.

“You could take in a foster child for a week (or month).  You could dog sit for a friend (especially if you are not used to having a dog.”

“The old expression is to walk a mile in their shoes.  Do you really understand what it is like in a Black culture, or Muslim culture?  It becomes easy in our culture to point fingers - without trying to understand.  Take an adventure - get out of your comfort zone - and let yourself grow!!!

Karen turns to the camera, smiles and says “I wish you find an adventure outside your comfort zone this week.

The camera shuts down.


So, Karen (that is - me) - has a philosophy about comfort zones and adventures.  We must stretch our minds as well as our bodies.  What might be a dream you had at age 10 or age 20?  Maybe something before you were married?  What might be on your bucket list of things to do before you die?

I am (quite obviously) living outside my comfort zone - but within a close enough boundary. I have some routines that are comfortable and don’t shake my comfort zone.  But, I am also pushing the boundaries in other areas.  I think the adage of “Use it, or lose it” applies!!

Spice things up a little!!  Try something and experiment.  MOVE!!

So, what do you think?  Do you have an idea for putting your toe in the water of adventure?  Why don’t you share it here!!


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