Sunday, January 10, 2021

MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 (long and political)

 MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 - long!!

The first crack in my political skin.

Note - this is personal. I experienced angst.  I believe it was part of my metamorphosis


Monday, November 3, 2008.  The eve of the 2008 National Election.  I “KNEW” the outcome of the election would be Barack Obama over John McCain.  The polls were that it was going to be a big win for the Democrats.

And, I couldn’t take it!!


My parents and grandparents were Republicans - not just casual voting people - but with some pretty deep loyalty to the Republican Party.  My Grandmother was maybe a little more ardent.  

I grew up in eastern Iowa (Cedar Rapids).  My parents (and grandparents) did not smoke, drink alcohol, or swear, and we were in church every Sunday (and when there were extra events).  The big issue was probably alcohol.  The Democratic party was the drinking party.  Okay, an extra (extreme) bias at that time - the Democratic Party had a lot of Catholics, and, as we all “knew”, Catholics were big alcohol drinkers and alcoholics!!!)  While my family might have tolerated Catholics as borderline Christian, the alcohol issue divided them.  

After we left the church service at our church, we would drive past St. Patrick’s Catholic Church - and people were going in for the 12:00 noon Mass.  My father said “That’s the bartenders and alcoholics service” - and it wasn’t a joke!!  

One of “our” sweet Protestant girls married a Catholic - in St. Patrick’s Church, we (the family) attended, and then went to the reception at the Knights of Columbus lodge - and the booze flowed.  (We didn’t stay long).  


So, I had voted for the Republican candidate for President most years.  I couldn’t vote for a Democrat, so for a few years, I voted for a third-party candidate.  In my first election in 1968, college students supported Eugene McCarthy - as the anti-Vietnam war Democratic candidate.  I didn’t like the Vietnam War, but I just couldn’t vote for Richard Nixon.  


I had friends who were opposed to the Vietnam War, and some moved to Canada, others were conscientious objectors (like BA - who went to jail for his views!!!).  

My generation knew anti-establishment options.  There were riots in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention in 1968; others went to Woodstock in 1969 - for a weekend of love and counter-culture.  I was ‘kind of’ mainstream.  Yes, I had a beard, yes, I was opposed to the war, and YES - I wore bell-bottom jeans!!  (I was “such” a radical!!!)


The political battles got ugly over the years.  Generally (but not always), the Republicans were the party of big business, the “Military-Industrial Complex”, and the party of stability.  And, those Democrats, they wanted big families, they wanted social justice, they were in favor of immigrants coming to America and taking over those good American jobs.  BOO HISS!!  (So, a nation of immigrants saying “No more immigrants!!”. Too bad the Native Americans hadn't objected!!)


And, I JUST KNEW that when Obama was going to be elected that America was “going to Hell”!!!  My way-of-life was going to be changed.




This was the one-and-only time as an adult that I got really drunk.  This was kind of the “Mother of all Drunkenness” for me.  I had a bottle of whiskey in the cabinet - almost full.  I drank whiskey and water - glass after glass - fast.  I drank to the memory of a sane, rational, America that was going to die the next day with Obama being elected.  (By-the-way, Obama was elected 365 Electoral Votes to McCains 173).  

And, I went out walking in the neighborhood.  There was a little “pocket” park about ten blocks away.  I stopped there on a park bench (and I used the nearby bushes when ‘nature called’).  I walked and walked - and stewed and stewed.  “There goes MY country”, “We are moving to Socialism”; “This is going to be a disaster”.  

BUT, contrary to some opinions, Obama was a good President (at least in my estimation) - and was elected to two terms.  No, we didn’t become “pinko” socialists (or communists).  There were good social programs that were to help people - including “Obamacare” - let’s get an affordable health care program that the poor and working-class people can afford.  After all, the government supports an affordable health card program for seniors called Medicare.  Was this a step to Socialized Medicine?  I can’t say, but it was a step to help all people to get healthcare  

The demigods that told us that the country was going to Hell - had it wrong (at least in my opinion).  [Oh, and nobody stormed the Capitol saying the election was rigged!!].  


I’m not proud of getting stinking drunk that night.  I have not ever told anyone until today.  I didn’t need to tell my wife as (a) she could see the empty bottle of whiskey; (b) she knew I was out of the house walking, and (c) she knew my political views that Obama was so wrong for the country.

Some Trust In Chariots And Some In Horses, But We Will Trust In The Lord Our God (Psalm 20:7).  Can or should I trust political leaders?  Or should I trust in God?  (But, I can see and hear politicians, I can’t always see or hear God!!)

I will continue this tomorrow.




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