Friday, January 29, 2021




I am using this to illustrate the diversity we have in the United States.


Ruth Wiskowski was a patriot.  No, make that “PATRIOT”.  She was ardent in her love of country - and her love to Donald Trump.  

“Make America Great Again” resounded to her inner soul.  America had slipped - China was ascending and the United States was descending.  Weak, ineffectual Presidents had allowed the United States to become ‘wishy-washy’.  We were soft on the killing of babies in the womb.   We were soft on immigration - letting all those huddled on our Southern border into the country - and many of them were sneaking in - as illegal immigrants!! We were soft on marriage - one man and one woman - and it seemed to Ruth the next step was that a person could marry their dog!!  (After all, two men could marry; two women could marry).  And, speaking of that, did it just seem that more and more people were gay, lesbians, transgender, or some other weird sexual orientation - that was totally against God’s will.  Black people were okay - in their place.  She didn’t even mind if a black family of two professionals moved into her neighborhood (but not the poor blacks that seemed to procreate like rabbits). 

And, Ruth was not alone.  In her social circle - her church, her bridge group, her friends at the Country Club, similar thoughts were expressed.  

AND … she knew (in her heart) that the 2020 Presidential Election was “Stolen”.  She didn’t know how it was done - maybe the voting machines were somehow controlled to ‘drop’ a certain percentage of Republican votes, maybe the election officials were part of that ‘liberal’ group that wanted to get rid of good old Faith, Honor, Religion, Marriage, yes - she KNEW it was rigged - and she was MAD.  

Her (HER) President had said it - that was good enough for her.  He said that the election was rigged, that it was stolen.  He suggested and urged that “real people” (like Ruth) should block the validation of that weakling, liberal Biden.  She read all of her President's tweets (before that liberal media locked him out).  He was absolutely “RIGHT”.

It was deplorable to her that supposed fact-checking and verification sites - like Snoops, FactCheck, AP Fact Check, Duke Reporter’s Lab, NPR Politics Fact Check, the Washington Post Fact Checker, and others had tried to label President Trump’s comments as incorrect (or even as ‘lies’).  It was widely known by her circle of friends that all of these supposed facts checking sites were really just run by liberals - maybe even socialists!!

Every day after the 2020 Election, her blood boiled, her blood pressure went higher.  How could all that liberal media get anything right?  She watched Fox News, other than a few times a day when she turned to the weather channel to get the forecast or the local news at 5:00.  

It was despicable!!  When her President (and the President of all the real people of the United States) urged his people to come to Washington - and let the congress understand the cheating, lying, and deception being foisted upon Her Country and Her President.  She "knew" in her heart she had to go!!!

She drove to Washington and arrived two days early.  She soon found like-minded friends in her hotel.  Some were talking about storming the Capitol - almost like when the French people stormed the Bastille.  It was time to forcefully take back HER country.  

She was in the first wave that stormed the ‘castle’ (oops - the Capitol building).  One of the Capitol police tried to stop her - and she - she put a knee into his groin - into his ‘privates’.  (She was really amazed that she did that!!  She shouted YEEHAW as she rushed by the other guards and police.) Her work and her voice were going to be heard today.  

Like most of the others storming into the Capitol, it was the first time they had been inside this building of government.  She had to take a few selfies so her church and bridge friends would know that SHE was there - representing THEM - representing the PEOPLE of the United States of America.  She was there to “Make America Great Again” - and if it took an attack on the Capitol to get the justice she was up for it.  

BOOM - there was a shot someplace.  There was yelling and screaming.   There were chants of “Make America Great Again”, chants of “The Election was Stolen”, “Power to the People”.  

It was exciting!!

She heard somebody say they had found Nancy Pelosi’s office.  If anything, Nancy Pelosi was the epitome of all that was wrong in America.  She got a picture of her sitting in Representative Pelosi’s office (okay, she also took a pen from her desk as a memento of the day).  

But, all good things come to an end.  The senators and representatives who were verifying the Electoral College numbers had been whisked out, the order was restored, and Ruth got out of the building before she was arrested.  

The group was both upbeat - and defeated.  They had stormed the Capitol, they had made known the wishes of the real people of the United States.  But, Vice President Pence - that former loyal Trump supporter - had turned tails and didn’t do his responsibility of proclaiming the electoral college fraud.  


Ruth made her way back home.

While the real people hadn’t changed the election outcome, they put the liberals on alert that the real people were upset and demanded justice.  

Of course, those wimpy Democrats wanted to impeach their President - again; they wanted Vice President Pence to declare their President to be incompetent. What saps!!

It was not a surprise that two days later, two FBI officials were at her door charging her with illegal entry into the Capitol building.  Her picture was on the local news and on websites as being one of the Capitol insurrectionists.  (And, she was proud!!)


Sure this is a story.  But, it does have a sense of truth to it.  There were rioters who breached the Capitol’s security, that did ‘break and enter’ into the Capitol and indirectly threatened the duly elected Representatives and Senators.  

I dislike the use of labels - they somehow become identifiers. We become less human and more the label. We use the labels as "straw-men" - liberal became a profane word; conservative has become synonymous with 'radical right-wing'. We have allowed blind allegiance to build hate between peoples.

To me, it does illustrate the frailty of American democracy.  It demonstrated how mobs can get out of control (and in this case, cause the death of six people).  We are a government of the people, by the people and for the people - which does mean that Ruth and her friends - as people of the United States do need to have their voices heard - but there are also other voices.  There are those that didn’t storm the Capitol; there are those who voted for the other candidate.  There are those who didn’t believe that fraud occurred in the election - but didn’t show up.  

There are checks-and-balances in our Constitution.  But (as in 1 Corinthians 14: 40)  “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 

We are ALL allowed our opinions but we all must live together.  I was around for riots relating to Vietnam and the Watergate affair.  A quote about power is: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  

I think that the America of my grandparents is disappearing.  Blacks, Hispanic, Immigrants, Women, Gays, Lesbians, Transgender, Republicans, Democrats, and others all have to work together.  

And, for me - Psalm 20:7 ‘Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the Name of the Lord our God”.  “Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and unto God what is God’s”.  And - maybe more significantly:

“First of all, I ask you to pray for all men and to give thanks for them. Pray for kings and all others who are in power over us so we might live quiet God-like lives in peace.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Love does win - it may not be instantaneous, but in the long run, LOVE WINS.  


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