Monday, January 4, 2021



More on setting goals, becoming all we can be!!

Yesterday, the theme was: “It can be easy to become complacent in our lives.  We “settle” for less than we can have. 

We might say “I’m okay”, instead of saying “What else might I be doing?”  Instead of looking for excellence, we just settle for “satisficing” - not really fully satisfied - but close enough.  I could work on something more, work at being outstanding - work at making a difference in the lives of others.  

We looked at the parable of the talents, the woman with 10 million, made 10 million more; the woman with 5 million made 5 million more, and the man with 1 million hid it away. 

Do you have talents?  Have you taken an inventory of your talents, skills, and abilities?  How do you relate to people?  How do you love?  Can you forgive people?  Do you show empathy?  Are you organized?  Do you get things done?  Are you better at ideas than completion?  


A friend shared this statement with me (not original with her):

And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, “THIS IS IMPORTANT!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!” You need to worry about this!  And, each day, it is up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say “No, This is what is important” (Iain Thomas)



Personal Comments:

I am 73 years old.  I am not ready “to be put out to pasture” (like racing horses that are too old to run).  Warren Buffet is 90 (and he is active in running his multiple companies); Donald Trump is 74; Joe Biden is 77.  Retirement is not a term in the Bible!!

Business Insider had these comments: 

You can put off doing what is important, or you can start working on it right now.

It’s never too late to do something amazing.

It’s never too early to start trying.

Consider the following:

-. At 69, Canadian Ed Whitlock of Milton, Ontario, Canada, became the oldest person to run a standard marathon in under three hours (2:52:47).

-. At 74, Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps began an attempt to construct the Suez Canal.

-. At 75, cancer survivor Barbara Hillary became one of the oldest people, and the first black woman, to reach the North Pole.

-. At 77, John Glenn became the oldest person to go into space.


So, at age 73, I’m not ready to stagnate.  But, what can one do at age 73?  Take a job?  Sure.  But, what job?  I can volunteer (and already do). But, I want a job with some (even small) remuneration.

Aside:  When I helped coordinate internships, there were paid internships and unpaid internships.  I preferred the paid ones for our students.  On the unpaid internships, the students were like ‘volunteers’ - and as such, their supervisors could ask them to make copies, make coffee, go for doughnuts, and do ‘free’ type jobs.  On paid internships, it was like a ‘try before you buy’ process.  If the intern worked out, great, hire him/her, and if the intern did not work out, It was a lot easier than hiring them and later firing them.   

I got paid for working the early voting and day-of-election voting.  The pay was okay.  I got a couple of pairs of shoes (size 12W is hard to find), and felt like I was contributing

Six weeks ago, because my blog is Information Education with Dr. White, I was contacted by a group that helps with life coaching and low-level counseling. Since that is a business, they had to have income.  For a certain amount of money (let’s say $100), you could bid on about 10 counseling positions.  Every day I get about 20 to 50 possible coaching/counseling leads.  I would get back to the person (through this group), and say I am interested.  I’ve run through the money I put down and haven’t gotten a real solid lead or a counseling situation.  

I’m not quite sure how they get their leads.  There are millions of hurting people that need somebody to talk to; somebody to listen to them; somebody to support them with positive statements - and LOVE.

I would like to be a life coach.  I’d like to help people!!  In particular, to help overcome depression (I know first hand about that with my depression bout last year); or to help with job coaching and job changing (from my book, Rebooting:  Creating the Career and Change you Seek); I can help with those struggling with gender dysphoria (from my own struggles with being transgender 

But, then there are difficulties.  How does a person pay for my services? Some people have insurance programs that will pay for counseling?  I don’t really want to accept insurance.  What should I charge?  It seems like the going rate is from $50 to $125.  Am I worth that much?  If they see me every week, and I get $50, that would be $2,500 per person a year?  Would a person be willing to pay that out of their pocket?  (In order words, I do lack some confidence that I’d be a good life coach - but that is really what I did when I advised students, mentoring students, established rapport, and encouraging students).  

I have two counselors currently and have had others in the past.  One of my current counselors gets $150 for a half-hour session (I’m sure insurance pays about $75); the other gets about $80 for an hour session (again, with insurance she probably accepts less).  The first is okay, the second is dynamic and really caring. 

I am “certified” as a Stephen Minister - a 50-hour program so I could mentor (be a life coach) for people in my church.  I’m not sure that anyone would recognize that as a true certification, but I worked with a person who had lost his job and was depressed.  In that program, (as a Christian program), the Stephen Ministers were encouraged to pray with the person - and to pray for the person.  I think if I have a client that is open to that, I would like going that direction.

I think I have God-given talents to share.  Like the parable of the talents, I can hide my life away, or I can invest my time and my life for good.  

So, as a form of a New Year’s Resolution, I want to be a Life Coach/Counselor - and use a talent that I have.  Now, how to get there!!

AND.  I need some practice.  If you have friends, relatives, neighbors,  that could use some free coaching and counseling, I’d be glad to help out - FREE - as my practicum.  Send me a message to get a dialog going!!!



Dr. Karen

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