Monday, January 11, 2021

TUESDAY JANUARY 12, 2021 - Continuation


<continuation of yesterday when I got “stinking drunk” on the night before Barack Obama was elected President>

Well, that may have started my metamorphosis to transition.  Obama was elected and the country didn’t fall apart.  We didn’t become a socialist nation.  Maybe we even were “okay”!!!  

Aside, there is enough bureaucracy in our government, enough clerks, enough directors, enough rules, and regulations that the government, as usual, seemed to be the norm.

We throw terms around like “sociologist” and “socialism”. 

Socialism is defined as: “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”

(Hmmm - sounds like the first Christians were socialists!!  Acts 4:

“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.  With great power, the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales”)

Imagine that - no needy persons among them - they shared everything they had!!!  (Hmm. the community of a whole)


So, what does that mean to you and to me?


Years ago, SR and I did some research into Electronic Health Records (EHR - also known as Electronic Medical Records).  [We did get it published!!]

I was excited about our research but even more so with the advent of a nationwide medical record.  I could be skiing in Colorado and have an accident and be unconscious, and the medical staff could access my records.  I could travel to any place in the US and my health record would be accurate.

Alas, that has not happened.  That would be ‘creeping socialism’.  I am (generally) a part of one regional healthcare system (Baylor, Scott, and White).  My primary care physician, my cardiologist, my dermatologist, and even my therapist all have access to my records - all part of a package called “MyChart”.  

But, my (planned) surgeon is in Houston and did not have access to my medical records.  I had to request my health care system to send the appropriate materials to another system - and now I have at least TWO EHR systems that don’t talk to each other.  So, if I am unconscious in Colorado, the medical staff there has no information about me.  I know there are privacy and security issues, but solutions are available.   But, that would be ‘creeping socialism’ (leading to ‘gasp’ socialized medicine!!)j.  I think I have heard that while our health care expenses are the highest as compared to other systems, our services are not at the top end.  I understand that capitalism does work, but we get advertisements for competing healthcare entities.  The little I watched television (during the September to December Medicare enrollment period - watching the Price is Right on the television in the apartment complex exercise room) had commercials for many different Medicare support systems.   Capitalism at work - “enroll in my program”, - “no enroll in my program”.  “Call now operators are standing by”

A second area that I would like some ‘socialism’ is in telecommunications.  Recently most colleges and school districts have used online education.  But, some families in lower socio-economic levels don’t have access to high-speed internet.  Wouldn’t it be nice - wherever I am, that I can access WiFi and a national high-speed internet system?  We have a national highway system.  In the early year, the Internet was sometimes called “The information superhighway”.  But, it is divided into territories and restrictions.  And, kids from lower-income households may not have access to the Internet.  Is the Internet a National “right”? Should all Americans have access?


So, my political views have been challenged.  Then my gender views have been challenged.  And my sexual orientation views have been challenged.  And, somehow, here in 2021, I am legally a woman - and enjoying most days.  I think I got tired of toxic white males running things!!!  (And, got drunk before Obama’s election because he was going to change the nation)


BUT, in terms of politics, I think we need to think that they too will pass on some days.  “Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him.” (Mark 12:17)

And, our duties:

1 Timothy 2:1-2  “First of all, I ask you to pray for all men and to give thanks for them. Pray for kings and all others who are in power over us so we might live quiet God-like lives in peace.”

And, if God (however we perceive God) is infinite- “"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. “So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9


(And, in my Christian way, “Heavenly Father, I believe that all men (implying women) are created equal, that all men (implying women) are equal, that we are all creating somehow in your image; I pray for Donald Trump for his remaining time as leader of this country that Your wisdom be upon him; I also pray for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as they take over their new positions as political leaders that Your wisdom and guidance be upon them as they lead with justice, mercy and humility; and that government of the people, by the people and for the people (and for ALL people) return to this divided country, and that we may live in quiet God-like peace.  Amen!!!)




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