Wednesday, January 13, 2021





Today is the second part of yesterday's blog about Dr. Karen White, Life Coach.

Are you living a full and abundant life?  Are you achieving your full potential?  Are you just “getting by” - in terms of your job, your marriage, your health, your relationships?  Whose fault is that?  (If you said it is your boss's fault, your spouse's fault, the fault of the economy, or some other reason, then you either are lying to yourself or you have no ambition).

Now, let’s be honest - you don’t have to be ambitious.  There are great reasons to “bloom where you are”.  Maybe you are taking care of a sick (or dying) loved one; maybe for some extenuating circumstances, moving or taking on something new is not appropriate for you this year.  

I suggest though, that if you have talents and abilities, that you should be using them appropriately.  I picture a woman about 90 living in an assisted living facility that sends out happy greetings to her family and friends frequently.  She finds humor and shares it with others and brightens their day.  That is making use of positive and happy talent.  

Christina is a retired lady in senior housing in New Jersey.  But she has worked up a routine of music and images that she shares with students about being in the Vietnam war, and the music of the 1960s.  She also shares her experiences of being a transgender female in the 1990s.  She has purpose and value in the world.

Rita is another retired lady with health issues.  She makes beautiful floral arrangements of artificial flowers.  She is sharing her expertise with others. She has purpose and value in the world.

Laura is a retired lady that does pet sitting.  She gets to help others take trips without the expense of putting their pets in pet lodging.  The pet gets a loving person and doesn’t have to be uprooted to a temporary location.  Laura gets to support friends for 3 to 8 days for some income.  (Her calendar is already pretty full). She has purpose and value in the world.

Anne is another retired lady that discovered she loved teaching (that was not her job before retirement).  She is employed almost full-time as a substitute teacher - and yet able to take days off for special things she needs to do.  She has purpose and value in the world. 

Karen drives seniors, who no longer drive, to their appointments.  Some of her passengers have become great friends.  She has purpose and value in the world.


I bring to these experiences some interesting experiences:

  • I have experience in mentoring and coaching people

  • I have written two books on coaching and mentoring

  • I like working and encouraging people to grow stronger

  • I have experienced depression and am on depression medications

  • I was hospitalized at a mental facility 

  • I have been divorced and experienced the loss of a spouse

  • I have dealt with separation and estrangement from people I love.  

  • I have served on national boards and have a wide expanse of experiences


So, in whatever station of life, you are in, you can find activities that fulfill you.  My favorite Jewish philosopher/teacher said “I came that you can have an abundant life.”  Is watching television six hours a day an abundant life - or is that just filling in the time until you die? 

There are too many lonely people in the world.  Can you help? Can I help?

I’m reminded of The Beatles Eleanor Rigby:

All the lonely people

Where do they all come from?

All the lonely people

Where do they all belong?

There are too many hurting people in the world.  Can you help?  Can I help?

There are too many broken marriages, broken promises, broken family lives, broken spirits in the world.  Can you help?  Can I help?

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.  Can I be a light for you?

“Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bushel basket. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” Can I do that for you?

In this time of a pandemic, there are reports of increases in coping, of being cooped up, of getting frustrated with a spouse that is always underfoot.  There are times when a person just needs to talk with somebody, get something off their chest.  Can I be a person that will listen to you?

As a life coach, I can bring light to many lives.  I have purpose and value in the world. 

“Here I am, send me”



Dr. Karen

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