Tuesday, January 26, 2021



I was looking at some health data from 1920, and here are the leading causes of death then:

1. Pneumonia/flu

2. Tuberculosis

3. Gastrointestinal infections

4. Heart disease

5. Stroke

And, in 2018 the leading causes of death

1.  Heart Disease

2.  Cancer

3.  Accidents

4.  Respiratory diseases (COPD, more)

5. Stroke

There are obviously some major differences and some similarities.  In 2018 (and the previous several years), heart disease was the biggest cause of death.  And, even back in 1920, heart disease was one of the top five maladies.  

From: https://medlineplus.gov/howtopreventheartdisease.html

My parents both died of heart disease - although in some respects they died of “old age” (a condition no longer used as a cause of death).  My mother was 98, and my father was 97 when they died. They lived long and full lives.  

The article suggests some things that can help people live longer even with heart disease:

1. Control your blood pressure. 

I’ve shared before that in 2017, my blood pressure (at least at one point in time) was 213 (systolic) over 161 (diastolic) with a pulse of 165.  That was like running a fire hose on full pressure through my arteries (especially the main artery, the aorta).  

Yes, I am on blood pressure medications and generally, I’m in the 110 to 130 for the systolic (upper) reading and about 70 for the diastolic (resting/lower) reading.  I guess medications do work!!!  

2. Keep cholesterol under control.  

Cholesterol can clog your arteries.  For some reason, my cholesterol is generally low.  My blood sugar is generally in the low range.  

3.  Stay at a healthy weight.  

I have been running about 10 pounds heavier than I should. (Note to self - get that down)!!!

4. Eat a healthy diet.

Sometimes I do!!!  (Okay, this last week, I made scrumptious butterscotch bars (that didn’t last long), and bought cookies at the store).  But, today, I have beans and a ham bone in the crockpot for bean soup.  That is great in fiber.

(On a fiber tangent)


-. Keeps everything moving in the system (yes, and then getting eliminated from the system)!!

-. Helps a person to be ‘regular’

-. Lowers cholesterol levels

-. Helps control blood sugar levels

-. Helps you have a healthy weight

I tend to alternate eggs one morning and oatmeal the next - so fiber is part of my life

Ten days ago I got kale and Swiss Chard at the farmer’s market which is also good for fiber.  (But, I don’t want you to think I always eat healthily - there are weeks where I rarely eat green and leafy vegetables!!)

5. Get regular exercise

I like to walk.  While I’d like to have some part-time work (life coaching or other), I don’t have any work, so I do have time on my hands.  I can walk for 1.5 to 2 hours a day.  I make it easier by having an audiobook or music to listen to!!!

6. (and more) - Limit alcohol, don’t smoke, manage stress, manage diabetes, get enough sleep 


So, if heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and if you want to live longer (and enjoy grandchildren longer), then taking care of your body and your heart is important!!!


There have been many advances in cancer detection and treatment.  Cancer is no longer a “death sentence”.

Colon Cancer can be checked by regular colonoscopies; breast cancer has many advocates reminding us to get our check-ups.  

A friend lost a kidney and is on chemotherapy and those processes have improved greatly.  



Suicide is the second leading cause of death for those from 10 to 34.  Mental health is important.  With COVID - there are more mental health issues - as people cope with isolation, the inability to see family or friends.  [Note, I am starting to feel the strain - getting a vaccination soon will help my state of mind!!!]

The reality is - one day I will die!!!  (And, one day, you will die).  I think most of us would like to live longer - if we have good and productive lives.  So, do we have to have ‘boring’ lives?  (Depends if you think fiber, exercise, limited alcohol, no tobacco, limited sugar, boring diets is boring!!!)  But, living into your 80s and 90s allows you to share your love, your experiences, your knowledge with your grandchildren (and maybe great-grandchildren)  


Take care of yourself!!  YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!!





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