Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2021 Dare to be Different

(Personal - today I am scheduled to get my second COVID vaccination!!!  YEEHAW!!!)

I’ve written about being authentic this week.  I was reminded of many friends on here - who are so truly authentic.  They are who they say they are.  And, I’m so proud of them!!!

You get to choose who you are and who you want to be (and still be authentic).  GIGO - Garbage in, Garbage Out.  

Let’s look at Psalm 101 as a starting place.  This is a Psalm attributed to King David.  

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord. I will praise you with songs.  I will be careful to live a blameless life, when will you come to help me?

I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar.

I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them. I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride.

I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me. 

I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house, and liars will not stay in my presence. My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the city of the Lord from their grip.


End of Psalm


What an awesome plan from a political leader - live a life of integrity, don’t allow evil and vulgar into his (or her) life.  

King David says I won’t tolerate those who slander (or gossip) about their neighbors.  Be humble 


So, how can we be strong (and different)?

We get to choose who we are.  Do you wake up in the morning saying “I’m worthless, I’m no good, I can’t do anything right?” That’s negative thinking.  That is a pit and we to climb out of it.

OKAY - easier said than done!!!

.1 You have to believe in yourself.  Everybody has thousands of great traits - and yet there are probably three bad traits that bring us done.  Can you make a good breakfast?  WOO - great trait!!  Can you iron a shirt?  WOO - great trait!!  Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?  WOO - great trait!!  

Yes, there are times when I get down.  The most recent time for me was during our Texas “Winter”.  Ice, snow, no electricity, no water, no heat.  I was sitting in my favorite chair, wrapped in a lot of blankets and wearing extra clothes and feeling bad.  (Yes, pretty dumb - right?)

Two thoughts on this.  One - this too shall pass.  Power will be restored, we’ll have water again.  Thought number two - this is the end.  It’s over Karen.  You had 73 great years - and it's over.  (Okay, that’s a down thought - but then the Spiritual thoughts come in - I have a belief in an afterlife - so what - I’m going to die someday - maybe it is today - and if so, then “In everything give thanks!!!” 

.2 Get rid of the negative. Yes - there are negative things in the world - things I can’t change.  Memorize the Serenity Prayer “To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Forever and ever in the next.”  I can’t get rid of all the bad things in the world - and I can’t change them - so - I have to accept them.

.3 Get help.  There are various ways to get help and recover.  Have a counselor. And have a support group.  I’m in four support groups - they aren’t all “aimed” at me - but we know and love each other.  Have a friend (like AP or KW) you can call when it gets tough.  (KD calls me about once a week for two hours - she needs me just to listen to her!!!)


.4 Live YOUR life.  Two things here.  One is to be authentic to yourself.  Who are you?  Are you an upbeat positive person?  (I have affected some people in that I am such an “obnoxious” morning person!!!)  While I can tone it down, I “have to be me”.  The other is to visit with the people in your life (maybe especially your spouse and/or bosses) and find how to be the real you at home and at work.

.5 Practice, Practice, Practice.  I am NOT perfect (how many times have I said that). I am a “work in progress” - we all are.  Every day I try to be a better version of myself.

(When I get “there”, I’ll let you know - don’t expect it!!!)

As I write, my brain is saying “and, have fun - nobody likes mean-spirited people!!!

So, let’s be authentic - let's be ourselves - but being kind and accepting!!!

Because:  LOVE WINS



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