Friday, May 14, 2021



Every Saturday I write a fictional story.  Enjoy


Every day was painful for Evie Lacy.  It was first like a ten-pound weight around her neck, then a twenty-pound weight, and for the last two years, like a fifty-pound weight.  She tried to carry on a bold, friendly, competent exterior when with others, but when alone that weight came back.  

She wasn’t going to the ISECON conference this year.  It was going to be too painful.  She had papers at the AMCIS-IS conference and had four really nice publications this last year. 

It was tough NOT going to the ISECON conference.  She had been conference chair three times, president of the organization, on every board of directors position, and, maybe the most recognizable face at ISECON.  Her buddies, Rita, Jose, Mike, and Carolyn liked to see at least once during a conference “There she goes, Miss ISECON” to the tune of Miss America, and she would blush (which is what they wanted), and laugh along with them.

It was ‘him’- one person who was going that kept her from going.  Even though it was over (way over), she just didn’t want to face him and say “Hi Dave”.  She even had trouble thinking of the name ‘Dave’ in her brain.


Evie WAS the ‘Iron Lady” of Information Systems Education.  She had been on the IS Curriculum Committee for 16 years and was the past chair of that group.  She was on the board of directors for the accreditation groups, had been an international speaker several times, was an auxiliary faculty member at the University of Sydney Australia, She was the 3M Endowed Chair of the Informations Systems Department at the University of Minnesota (which had a strong heritage).

Last year she went to ISECON as normal, as she knew that ‘person’ was on sabbatical someplace in German.  She and he and three others did have a joint paper and a panel presentation at ISECON.  She could work with her colleagues by email and Zoom meetings.


She had told Gordon, her husband, about not going to ISECON this year.  She remembered being conference chair the last time ISECON was in San Diego (with record attendance).  Gordon seemed to be concerned.

“Honey, you always go to ISECON.  I was there when you were named the Information Systems Educator of the Year at ISECON, and to hear the group sing “There she goes Miss ISECON”.  Are you sure you don’t want to go?” asked Gordon.

Evie replied “I guess I’m just conference and traveled out this year.  Too many important meetings, too many things to do, too tired.”

Gordon gave Evie a hug, but it seemed more like a tentative hug.


Gordon took about five steps across the room to get his second cup of coffee this Saturday morning, but didn’t get his coffee, and demanded that Evie sit down, which she did.

Gordon started, “Okay dear.  This has gone on too long.  You need to come clean.  Two years ago, you came back from ISECON with just a little different stride, just a little different tilt to your head.  Honey, I love you, and I forgive you.  I married you for better or for worse until death parts us.”  Gordon paused ten seconds and said, “If I didn’t know better, something happened there that you have been fighting for two years, it has eaten you up, you are hurting, and it is about time we open this festering wound and treat it.”

Evie sat shocked and started to bawl.  The tears flew down her cheek, the dam broke, the big secret she was trying to hold and going to come out.  Evie mentally said, “Thank you, God”.

Gordon sat on the arm of the chair Evie was in, and put his arm around his wife of 36 years.  

After several minutes of intense crying, Evie wiped her eyes (Gordon had a box of tissues ready for her), and she started to speak and stopped crying again.

Finally, she said, “Gordon, I have to get this off my chest.” then she cried again.

Gordon still had his arm around her.

“I was unfaithful two years ago at ISECON”, Evie blurted out.

Gordon said quietly, “Evie, I love you”, it was as if he didn’t have anything else to say but he was on the right track.  

About a minute later, after calming down, Evie started again.  It was two years ago at ISECON in Atlanta, Dave Franz from Oklahoma approached me for a drink after the group had dinner.  That led to going to his bedroom.  We sat on his sofa and somehow we kissed, and those kisses got more passionate and intense.” Evie paused.

“And, then,” Evie added “I knew that I desired more, it was time for a fling.  I was a long way from home, I liked Dave, we have researched and written papers together, and I was drained.  It wasn’t a betrayal of our love, just needing something else for a night.  He fondled my breasts, and I kissed him even deeper with tongues intertwining. But, fortunately, I was glued to the sofa.”

Evie continued, “When he said ‘should we go to bed?’, it broke the spell, and I somehow said ‘no, I was tired and needed my sleep before tomorrow’s session’ and somehow got my way out of his room.  He wasn’t pushy, it was, ahh, just one of those things.”

“For two years I have fought this, somebody desired me for me, not that I am the big deal Information Systems professor, but that I was a woman. At times, I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t leave, but I did leave.”

“I’m sorry”, and Evie convulsed with tears again and buried her head into Gordon’s chest.  

Gordon held her tighter, and whispered, “It is over, and I love you”.  He could almost feel her lighten beneath his hug.  Then she cried again, and he held her still.  

Another tissue, another letting go on Evie’s past. 

It was maybe another ten minutes until she spoke.  Gordon sat in silence, it was as if God had told me, ‘not now.  

Evie said, “I love you, crazy old man.  I love you, Gordon Lacy.  I’ve carried this for two years - two years of praying for release - but my prayers didn’t even reach the ceiling.  I had let Satan steal my joy and my peace.  I had sold myself in a moment of lust.”

Gordon continued to hug her.

She continued, “And, now it is out, I am so sorry that I hurt you, that I betrayed you, that I sinned against God and against you.”

Gordon answered this time, “Dear, I love you.  You know the Alexander Pope quote ‘to err is human, to forgive is divine.  I forgive you.”

Both Gordon and Evie had deep spiritual values. He used one of the parables.  “Evie, do you remember the woman taken in adultery? And, how Jesus said ‘I forgive you.  

[And, of course, she did, and that Jesus answered Peter about how many times must I forgive, and answered ‘seventy times seven.]  

“Honey, it's over - you are free, you are free”.

Evie buried her head into Gordon’s chest again and cried, but this time, the crying was different, the crying of knowing everything was going to be okay.


Yes, I am a Pollyanna Karen.  To quote scripture, “We all have sinned and come short of the knowledge of God” (Romans 3:23).  

There is spiritual warfare going on, and the enemy wants to establish a ‘beachhead’ on your island, he wants to steal your joy.  And, humans don’t want to appear weak, and so we hide the dirt in our heart, until, like today’s story, it MUST come out.  

Life is grand, and LOVE WINS!!!  Put LOVE in your heart!!!


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