Monday, May 31, 2021

TUESDAY JUNE 1ST, 2021 - National Dairy Month


WOW - a new month, a month of promise, and hope.  

According to there are many “National” events this month. 

I remember June as “National Dairy Month”.  There were ads on television ‘Got Milk’ and some with celebrities having “Milk Mustaches” 

BUT, dairy milk consumption has fallen abysmally 

From 2017:” Americans are drinking a lot less milk than they used to. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the average person drinks 18 gallons a year. Back in the 1970s, it was more like 30 gallons a year. We once hoisted a glass with dinner, soaked our breakfast cereal, or dipped into the occasional milkshake. This habitual milk drinking was no accident.”


Their analysis:

Children are drinking less milk than ever before.

American opinions about milk as a healthy choice are shifting, with nut milk quickly rising in popularity.

The American Academy of Pediatrics still recommends milk and water as the best beverage choices for children of all ages.

The article states:

“A recent study published in the Journal of Dairy Science indicates that childhood milk consumption has been decreasing for decades.1 This is concerning, according to some health experts, given that milk provides an array of health benefits for kids’ growing bodies.

“Adequate consumption of milk and dairy products, especially during childhood, has beneficial health outcomes for growth, development, and reduced risk of osteoporosis, hypertension, obesity, and cancer during adulthood,” the authors wrote in the study.”

And, furthermore:

“It’s concerning, given that milk provides an array of health benefits for kids’ growing bodies. The American Academy of Pediatrics stresses the importance of cow’s milk for children, recommending 2–3 cups daily for toddlers and around 2–2.5 cups daily for older kids. The organization cites benefits like calcium for healthy bones, along with vitamin D, protein, and zinc.


Milk alternatives are growing - almond milk, soy milk, oatmeal milk, coconut milk, and others.  

There are concerns about bovine growth hormones.  These are hormones used to increase milk production (interesting since at the same time, milk demand is down significantly). 

There has been a switch to organic milk (without the bovine growth hormones), but that also necessitates that the farmer must document the organic nature of the milk.

Kids are drinking soda, juice, and sugar drinks more.  


A kid opening his lunch box at school and having a Capri-Sun, or some other juice product is “cooler” than having milk.  

AND, is this bad?

The article goes on to say:

“Parents of children who eat a relatively healthy, well-rounded diet may not need to worry as much if their kids aren’t drinking milk regularly. But for kids without regular access to fresh, healthy foods or vitamin supplements, or are extremely picky eaters, milk packs a powerful punch of otherwise lacking vitamins and minerals.

“Offer a glass of milk alongside foods that the child genuinely enjoys, such as a banana or a peanut butter sandwich," Cohen suggests. "When new or unpopular foods are paired with those they enjoy, the new food can act as a bridge to help the child try it.” 


Seemingly the bottom line is that milk is good for people, especially children.  If the child gets good balanced meals and nutrition the impact might not be significant.  

My Goodness.  If I also add some comments from my recent substitute teaching - especially at the high school level- some students grab Red Bull or Monster drinks - loaded with lots of sugar and caffeine - instead of healthy beverages.

I personally drink about three beverages:  coffee (and actually cutting back some), unsweetened iced tea, a little milk (for a breakfast cereal), and water (and generally tap water).  About six months ago, I bought a two-liter bottle of Dr. Pepper, and after having one drink, I looked at the label and saw all the added sugar.  (It is still in my refrigerator, but might be thrown out soon).  

The old adage “You are what you eat” (and in this case, drink) still holds true. Maybe we need to be less “fashionable” with almond milk or soy milk, and drink the genuine item from cows!!!

Do you have any thoughts on this?



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