Monday, May 10, 2021


 TUESDAY MAY 11, 2021

I am trying every day to be a better person.  I like the concept of being a better version of myself.  So, when I find a relevant website, I try to see what value that can add to my life!

.1 Will this matter in five years?  

There are things that seem important - but will it matter in five years?  If it is that significant, do I need to learn about it, and if not, drop it.  

On my apartment porch/patio I have two ceiling hooks.  I can hang things on these hooks as decor.  I have two decor items- a panel with a scarecrow that is a nice fall display; and a Texas Longhorns panel - probably appropriate for the Texas football season.  To be honest, I don’t really need to hang anything there, but I think patios without some decor are boring.  But, to hang things I need a little step ladder.  I am reluctant to buy a step ladder for this small function.  I borrowed a neighbor's ladder once, but she has moved away.  And, I want more panels to display (like a “Love Wins” flag).  

So, will this matter in five years?  Not sure.  It seems to be a nice thing to do, but not all that significant.  

.2 Believe in those that believe in me.

I do have people who love me and believe in me!!!  (And many of them read my blog).  (My comment is “THANK YOU” - and I believe in you as well!!!)

Without mentioning specific people, there are people who are awesome supporters even as I go through a real transformation.  And, going a step farther -I know that God believes in me as well.  

That last statement is maybe the most significant - God believes in me - WOW -and WOOOOO. 

.3 Spend some quality time every week with somebody that inspires you.

I like that suggestion.  AP and I have generally had hour-and-one-half iced tea breaks once a week.  We sometimes miss a week.  It seems as if we can talk easily.  I also have great quality time with RP as we sit on her balcony. Then I get longer times with KW - as we sit on her porch and watch the birds. These friends are amazing.  

.4 Volunteering 

Technically my time with RP is volunteering time.  We developed a relationship from Faith in Action and have become great friends.  Likewise, with AP, we were volunteers at our church.  The article says, “Research shows that volunteering is associated with better physical and emotional health and even increased longevity.”

I have a minor problem with volunteering. I think I have less value because I am "free". Many years ago, I supervised interns - and preferred paid internships. Some of the unpaid ones thought the intern could make coffee, copy documents and file papers, and I wanted them to get real technical experience.

.5 Think of the larger things in your life - and those things that are aligned with my purpose.

Over the past few years, I’ve taken LOVE WINS as my motto and my purpose.  This aligns with my spiritual life.  Daily I meditate on that purpose.  Am I moving closer in love? Am I hating and judging less?  Having a motto is not enough - I need to put love into action.!!!

.6 Be vulnerable and be authentic.

I am learning both of these concepts.  To me, being vulnerable is similar to being humble.  I make mistakes, I trip and fall.  I am not God, and I am not perfect!!!  My authenticity is closer now with my recent surgery.  I am a woman!!!’

.7 Recognize that most people are struggling in their own unique way. Keep a low threshold when it comes to offering forgiveness.

To err is human, and to forgive is divine.

.8 (One of my own) Can I do anything about it?

Sometimes an event shakes me up.  May it is some terrible fraud in New York State or a mass killing in Afghanistan.  I may not like the event, but in reality, I can’t do anything about it.  Yes, I suppose I could pontificate on various blogs and social media about the events.  But, that is negative - and - I really don’t know all the facts.  The media likes headlines.  “Senator John Doe is found with a prostitute”.  That sounds bad.  Not quite defending the senator, but (unfortunately), the sex trade does flourish - and (if I remember correctly) is legal in Nevada.  Did Senator Doe ready have sex with the prostitute?  Or was he on a street corner asking for directions? (I admit Pollyanna tends to think the best of people).  

But, again, can I do something about it?  Back to the last point, all people struggle - and to err is human and to forgive divine.  I am trying not to judge.

More on these ideas tomorrow!!!



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