Friday, July 22, 2022



I was asleep and had this awesome dream (or, was it real?).  I was walking outside in the Texas summer heat.  I was making my morning walking route - Tamara Drive to Susanna Drive and then back to Luther Drive and home.  It was a good mile-and-one-half walk.  I had walked this loop many times - a safe, boring, flat route through a quiet neighborhood.  

This morning, as I got to where Tamara Drive became Susanna Drive at Debora Drive and started back, I looked to the west to where Debora Drive ended - but this morning (or in my dream), Debora Drive did not end.  Passing the two houses on the dead-end street was a new gaudy building with the sign “Emporium”.  Really?  

The gaudy building seemed to be made of rhinestones that glittered mixed into the side of the building.  I couldn’t see the front clearly, but the side I could see was a bright red-orange.  I like red orange - bright, bold, “in your face” color.  

Of course, I had to check this out.  So, I passed the ranch house that was on the corner of Tamara and Debora Drive on my left, with the corresponding ranch house that was on the corner of Susanna Drive and Debora Drive on my right, and faced the other house.  

As I neared this new, gaudy house, my ears first caught the faint sound of the Finale to the Firebird Suite as the firebird who had died is slowly being resurrected - the solo French Horn was sounding the awakening of the bird, soon to be engulfed in the whole orchestra heralding the miracle.  The sound seemed to be all around but focused on the new house.

I could now see the front of the building was almost beyond description.  My vocabulary is limited.  The building glowed like it was alive.  I was glad I had my sunglasses on as it was so vibrant.  The front was white, but not white.  They say “white” is the presence of all colors, and the shimmering of all colors was in this dazzling white edifice.  

I could see the front of the building had a huge opening to a courtyard.  It was from this courtyard that the music came.  The Firebird Finale finished, and Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral started.  I had to look closer.  The courtyard was so bright.  I thought I could see shapes, and people but all were brilliant and stunning in this beyond-description white.  

I walked - no that’s not correct - I was transposed and carried down the gold sidewalk into the courtyard.  I was floating on air and transfixed.  

The colors were amazing and beyond description, the music was heavenly, but there was love - an overwhelming presence of love.  Every sense of mine was inundated by the building - but it really wasn’t a building.  My eyes first had seen it, then my ears enjoyed the music, my nose was full of an aroma that was mind-boggling, my skin was covered in goosebumps of anticipation, and my mouth had a sweetness better than any fresh juicy peach, or ripe cherry.  My fingertips were touching nothing and yet touching everything that was good.

My mind grasped, as if for the first time, Genesis 1: 31, “ God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” - except this was so far from being very good to being awesome to being totally awesome.  

I entered the courtyard and my flesh, my being, was immersed in a cacophony of colors, smells, sights, and sounds.  It was ecstasy - and yet beyond ecstasy.  I entered into the ‘dance’ and was engulfed in a world beyond comprehension.  

And, I was at peace - finally!!!


I was there for what seemed to be both many years and only a few seconds.  Love filled my heart and my body.  

I heard a voice, “Karen, I have work for you to do.”

I answered, “Yes, I am ready”.

The voice continued, “There is an ecstasy that I want you to share - the ecstasy of perfect love.  Perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18).  “Can you share the message of deep abiding, overwhelming love for me?”

I answered, “Yes, I can”.

The voice finished, “You will return to my ecstasy frequently and, when you have totally surrendered all, you will know my ecstasy forever.  But, for now, know that I am always with you.”

A warmth that wasn’t really warmth, a joy that was more joyous than I had ever known, and a peace that truly was deeper than human understanding came over me.  A hug that wasn’t really a hug, but a merging of divine and human with all colors, all aromas, all perfection, overpowered me.


I left this awesome place behind me.  I didn’t look back because my brain knew it would always be near to me, although not always on Debora Drive.  

I can’t tell you how much I walked that day, I’m not sure how I found my way home, but I did.

Love beyond love, love that always wins, love that transcends reality.  


July 23, 2022

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