Saturday, July 16, 2022





In the United States alone, 1.53 billion gallons of ice cream are produced every year. The average American eats around 22 pounds of ice cream a year, and that number doesn't seem to be getting smaller any time soon.

According to a recent poll, the most popular ice cream flavor is chocolate. Vanilla comes in second place, followed closely by classic flavors like cookies n' cream, mint chocolate chip, rocky road, and cake batter. The most popular topping is hot fudge, with nuts, chocolate syrup, Oreo cookie crumbles, and sprinkles listed after.

I love vanilla - it is versatile. I can mix it with root beer for a block, I can put vanilla in a glass and add chocolate for a milkshake.  I can put it on top of the pie, or in a cone.


And, ice cream “can” be good for you!!

1. Source of Vitamins

Did you know that ice cream happens to be a huge source of vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E! It doesn’t stop there. Apparently, ice cream contains vitamin K, which prevents blood clotting. Let’s not forget that ice cream also contains niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin.

2. Not only does ice cream have nutritional value, but it also is an incredible source of energy. Ice cream is rich in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are all needed for our bodies to produce energy. Careful about how much energy you want to get from ice cream, after all, it can also help you gain weight. Everything in moderation remember!

3. Source of Minerals

Minerals like calcium and phosphorus are found in ice cream. Calcium is an essential mineral for us as it maintains healthy bones and reduces the chances of kidney stones

4. Ice Cream Stimulates the brain

“Ice cream stimulates the thrombospondin, which is a hormone of happiness and helps in reducing the levels of stress in the body. Ice cream is made of milk, which contains L-tryptophan, which is a natural tranquilizer and helps in relaxing the nervous system. It also helps prevent symptoms of insomnia.”


Why is ice cream like grandparents? Big softies.

Why do you never meet a workaholic ice cream? They've always known how to chill out.

Why does ice cream always get invited to the party? Because it’s cool.

Why did the newspaper journalist interview the ice cream? She was looking for the scoop.

How is ice cream as a boyfriend? The sweetest.

Why did the ice cream truck break down? Because it was driving down a Rocky Road.

Why is ice cream terrible at tennis? It has a soft serve.

What did the starstruck ice cream say to his lover? It was mint to be.

Why does the ice cream man go so slow? Because he’s a sundae driver.

What did the ice cream cone write on his girlfriend's Valentine's Day card? You make me melt.

A boy walks into an ice cream shop and says, "I'd like two scoops of chocolate ice cream, please."

The girl behind the counter replies” I’m sorry, we're out of chocolate." "In that case," the boy says, "I'll have two scoops of chocolate ice cream."

"Sorry," the girl says. "We have no chocolate."

"Could you give me some chocolate?" he insists.

Feeling more irritated, the girl asks, "Can you spell 'van,' as in 'vanilla?'"

The boy spells, "V A N."
"Now spell 'straw' as in 'strawberry.'"

"OK. S-T-R-A-W."

"Now," the girl asked, "spell 'no' as in chocolate."

The boy hesitates, is confused, and replies, "There is no “no” in chocolate."

"YES." The girl says. "That's what I've been trying to tell you! There is NO chocolate”



I was doing some research and found summer mood-boosting foods:

Watermelon Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

"Watermelon has more lycopene than tomatoes — up to 20 milligrams. “The lycopene in watermelon helps lower the risk for inflammation associated with dementia and possibly depression."

Shrimp Is High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

“Studies say omega-3s may help ease depressive symptoms and can smooth out moods.”

Bell Peppers Are Full of Fiber

A February 2021 study found that fiber consumption was associated with a reduced risk of depression,” 

Corn Is a Super Healthy Carbohydrate

corn is a high-quality carbohydrate full of fiber and nutrients

Cherries May Boost Mood and Brain Power

“They are strong antioxidants that may reduce inflammation/damage in brain cells.  (And, they taste yummy)

Asparagus Is Rich in Folate

One of the yummiest spring vegetables, asparagus, is packed with an array of depression-fighting nutrients like folate, which is a B vitamin, as well as potassium and many other essential vitamins and minerals.

Cucumbers Help Keep You Hydrated

Research shows staying hydrated can help support your mental health — one September 2018 study published in the World Journal of Psychiatry found an association between skimping on water and having a heightened depression risk.



We are already in the second half of the year.  The days are getting shorter (in terms of daylight).  And, the heat is continuing to build.  It looks like after a record-setting heat wave in May and June, that July will also break month-long heat records!!!




July 17, 2022

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